Eaton Bray Parish Council
Minutes of 3rd December 2018
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 3rd December 2018.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for Parish Council meeting of 3rd December 2018
Summary of Minutes - 3rd December 2018
Central Beds Council (CBC) - Councillor Ken Janes
Customer Services: Telephone: 0300 300 8301 / Email:
Bedfordshire Police
- Eaton Bray Police contact : PC Edward Ruston - Email:
- For general Police contact/enquiries: Non–emergency call 101 / All emergencies 999
- Please report incidents/see something suspicious - at any time of day. Try to obtain as much detail as possible to aid the police in their investigations.
For reporting a crime on-line:
If you would like to get involved in trying to slow down traffic in the village/concerned about road safety, please contact the Parish Clerk.
Neighbourhood Plan
Residents - keep your eyes on the Parish Council web site/facebook - for updates.
Parish Council website:
Litter Pick Day - Saturday 16th March 2019
Do you want to take action against litter? The huge strides we need, to create the clean areas; parks, roads etc., we all want to see can be made up of small individual steps - picking up a single piece of litter could be your first step. Interested? Then put the proposed Litter Pick Day, Saturday 16th March 2019 in your diary. Full details to follow [facebook/noticeboards/website].
Advertising On Parish Council Land
Due to a number of unauthorised advertising/fly posting appearing on council land, the council has agreed to amendments to the current policy - to take effect from 4th December 2018.
To apply for advertising:
Advertising or Fly Posting is not permitted on any green spaces, lamp posts or any other public areas in the Parish of Eaton Bray. By exception, e.g., for established annual community events such as the Carnival, Beer Festival, Christmas Carols and other events of participation by the whole community - a request may be made to the Parish Council. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis. [Unauthorised parties will be asked to remove all their advertising within 24 hours after which time the Parish Council will have these items removed and seek recovery of the associated removal costs incurred].
Sponsored advertising boards must be able to clearly show the sponsored event and not be overshadowed by the organisation sponsoring the signage. Inappropriate signage will be removed or the organisation sponsoring the event will be asked to replace them with more suitable signage.
Advertising boards (if approved) can be placed in the following locations and must be removed immediately after the event: (1)Entry to village [Harling Road/1x sign] (2)Entry to village [The Rye triangle/1x sign] (3)Three Corners [1x sign] (4)Market Square [1x sign]
Those wishing to advertise on Parish Council land must complete the application form and forward to the Parish Clerk for final decision by the Council.
Next Council Meetings
- Monday 7th January 2019, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).
- Monday 4th February 2019, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.