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Visitors Book

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Previous Visitors

Danielpaw, Belgium (PL)


Awesome news for all us

Tony Horne, Sam Roi Yot, Thailand (GB)


Great memories.

Patricia Heasman, Melton Mowbray (GB)


My Great Aunt Violet Newman
Adopted her nephew James Newman who's parents died in London
Auntie Vi was one of the first policewomen in the are
They lived in Totternhoe
32 Church road
My Grandfather Jim Newman used to ring the Totternhoe church bels
Jim Newman and Ena Sear ha two girls Joan and Vera
Vera was my mum

Frederick David Lugsden, Winterton North Lincolnshire UK (GB)


Just browsing, which I tend to do at this time of the year .

Duncan Harding, South Wales (GB)


I lived in Bedfordshire for 30 years plus and played football for Eaton Bray during the 1970’s.

Theresa Wright, Giltbrook, Nottingham (GB)


I’ve just started to research my Grandma Dorothy George’s family. I believe her ancestors lived in the area, so I’ll be scanning your forum to see if I can find anything that helps. So far, I’ve been reading about George’s being Church Wardens in the 1600s! I’ve got a lot of work to do before I can confirm they are related, but I might be asking a few questions along the way. Best wishes,
Theresa x

Bev Bond, Bedfordshire (GB)


Thank you for content. Looking up Jackson history. Alec Jackson was my much loved grandfather. I would like to make connections to find out about, grocery business, growing prunes, working carnations ( Wallace’s) and so forth.

Judith Fountain, Milton Keynes (GB)


Hello everybody My Dad Stanley Fountain and his brothers Kenneth and Maurice were all born in Edlesborough They had friends in Eaton Bray My Aunty Iris Fountain passed away recently She was in her nineties



I just discovered my Frances Bray and Thomas Lyfield family through familysearch and I was looking for more information and stories about their life.

Frederick David Lugsden, Winterton, North lincolnshire (GB)


Just browsing my Lugsden history

John Lancaster, Stoke Goldington (IT)


Shirley Isherwood. She lived in the ares the lake sixties. If you know her please ask her to email me [email protected].

Andy Dyks, Northamptonshire (GB)


I’m looking for the family of Rosa Noah, William Noah, Sophia Jane Noah or Sophia Jane Puddefoot of Eaton Bray?
We have a family bible which you may be interested in please contact [email protected]
We’d love to return it to the family owners

Peter woodcock, Boston ma. USA (US)


I stopped by to try finding my Dads, Reginald Woodcock, sister Lillian who once owned a small sweet shop a few streets up the rd from power plant near Lea rd.
I was born in 48 church st. Luton 1944 but seem to recall my mystery aunt Lillian sweet shop.
If any of this rings a bell please feel free to email me.
Cheers, Peter Woodcock

rosemary beckett, Norfolk (GB)


just having a look to see if i know anyone

Sandra Taylor, Victoria, Australia (AU)


Always looking for ancestors around Luton, Stopsley areas. My Grandfather was Sidney Herbert IMPEY, son of Murray and Emily IMPEY.

debi layfield, dunstable (GB)


nash buutchers early 1900s ,new road linslade, does anyone know anything about them as theyre my relations

Janet McInerney, (GB)


I am interested in family tree that started in Eaton Bray. With Goodman, Room, Costin and Hudson going back to 18.
My whole family seem to be from. local villages

Carolyn Hooper, Brisbane Queensland Australia (AU)


Visited friends, Philip and Ann LUGSDEN yesterday. Both came from Blackpool.

As Philip knew nil of his grandparents, I came home to did in Ancestry for him. His father, Harold Gordon Wm Lugsden b Abt 1912 was found as son of Harry Lugsden, a soldier for 22 years...Egypt 1896 and France 1915/16.

I got back 2 further generations for him. I'm hoping this might be of interest to someone in Eaton Bray where his forebears were at times, Ago Labbing and Straw plaiting.
Stay well
Carolyn Hooper

Audrey B Nelson, (US)


Ancestors are John and Elizabeth Odell Brandham of Eaton Bray and Heath and Reach: children: Henry and Maria Bliss Brandham, William and Sarah Brandham Bull, John and Mary Smuin Brandham. Able and Mary Brandham Janes. Any relatives of these people still living in the area? Please contact me. Will share information . Audrey Nelson

Lisa Chapman, Norfolk


My dad's family come from slip end, they lived in Summer street. We all moved up to Norfolk in the 80s. I was 5 years old and my sister was about 3 when we moved. My great aunt olive ran the old bakery shop. My grandparents were Reginald and Hilda, and other great aunt is Sylvia. Olive was married to Derek Henman.
Does anyone remember the Chapman family.

Jill Beddall, Connecticut USA


We lived in Eaton Bray from 1971 until 1981 - would love to hear from anyone who shares memories from that time

Frederick David Lugsden, Winterton North Lincolnshire DN159


Welcome any info related to the Lugsden family.

Eamon Bray, South Ruislip / Australia


came here for obvious reasons :)

Kathryn Davis, South Austraia


Hi June Ann Lugsden
Lost contact with you and would
love to hear from you again.
Kathryn Davis nee Ramsay.
[email protected]

Janet Ashton, Australia


I am a descendant of Fountains who lived in Eaton Bray and Dunstable. I am looking into Richard who was a shoemaker back in the 1820-1840s before becoming a publican. I would be grateful for any information you can add.

June Ann Lugsden, Swanland, East Yorkshire


My father is Frederick Arthur Lugsden
Dob 30/05/1921. (List correction as I hold birth certificate). Died March 1997
And mother Sarah Ann Elvin
Dob 16/09/1919 who had twin sister Florence.

hobbs rick, Arkansas, usa


Just found out through some of my ancestors ate from eaton , Name was john emery very interesting to know this

Pam Impey, Sydney Australia


Can anyone help me with any information on the address of Ernest Sydney Impey originally from Dunstable England and came to Australia around 1924

Janet McInerney, Woburn


Family Tree From Sarah Goodman
and John Room / Eliza Room and Joselh Costin / Minnie Margaretta and Alfred Hudson Help

Bruce Farnham, Leicestershire


I visited on. remembrance day 2018. in honour of my uncle. George Farnham. Killed. 16 8. 1918. Gallipoli. Serving with the Bedfordshire regiment

Patricia Hobbs (nee Gurney), Bexley Kent


Just looking. My uncle Jim Gurney started visiting this site in 2008 and found many ancestors. He visited Eaton Bray back in 2008/9 with his wife Dot.

Jean Jackson, Rushden Northamptonshire


My husband's grandfather Frederick Jackson and Cecil & Alfred Jackson's father Jeffrey Jackson of Eaton Bray were brothers. I have added Arthur's name to the Royal British Legion Facebook post to Remember Arthur who was killed on 23rd April 1917. His name inscribed on the Arras Memorial. A poppy will be laid there with a sentiment from us to Commemorate the end of WW1 in November. If any of the family are aware of this, I trust they will approve. Thank you. Jean Jackson.

Ann Chesworth, Amersham Bukcs


Mary what a sensational quilt ! Congratulations on winning best in show.
best wishes
Ann member of GTP Coleshill

Brenda Butt, Watford


Great site. Found my great great grandparents, John Simons (1820) and his 1st wife , Martha nee Arnold lived in Eaton Bray. Also his s
2 nd wife Ruth ( Smuin / Wooton) and 3rd wife Julia. Would be happy to hear from anyone with connections. Brenda

Roger Anderson, Oak City, Utah, USA


William Cooke born ca 1550, of Eaton Bay. Thank you.

Gavin Dudley, Newcastle upon Tyne, England


Hi. My ancestors lived in Eaton Bray, Totternhoe, Studham, Edlesborough and other nearby villages from before 1700 until about 1880 when my great grandfather Charles Thomas Dudley left the area. I can trace my ancestors back to John Dudley and Jane Holland both of Eaton Bray who were married in 1749 at nearby Slapton. Other family surnames from that period include Mitchell, Cain, Jeffs, Tavener, Eversley, Chandler, Andrew, Fletcher, Scrivener, Loffel, Bird, Vass, Beeson, Smith. I would love to hear from anyone who thinks we may be related!

John Sisley, Felbridge, East Grinstead, West Sussex


I am researching GINGERS born in Ivinghoe and surrounding villages.

Ros Flavell, Norfolk UK


I grew up in Totternhoe during the late 50s to the late 70s, I used to ride my pony all round the local area and especially enjoyed a ride through the ‘meads’ along the lane from Church Farm Totternhoe to Eaton Bray.
It was a lovely route, so quite, only the sounds of nature and the sound of gliders overhead from the downs.
I often reminisce of my childhood growing up in the area, it was all so beautiful in those days, magical. Even having travelled and lived far and wide I still consider the area one of the nicest places I’ve ever lived.

Ron Spurs, Witney, Oxfordshire


I grew up in Eaton Bray in the 60s. My mother Jean worked at the nursery and my Father George worked at Vauxhall then in Print.

My father passed away recently at the age of 97.

The village was a great place to grow up in.

After a career in thevPolice I now work in local government. Still married after 43 years.

Regards to anyone who knows my family.

Ron Spurs

Emma, Oxfordshire


Hi there,
I have been tracing my family history and have got back to James cosby (Casley and cossbey on census returns) b 1779. He was married to Alice Simons and have James b 1804 and Thomas b 1808. He probably had more children as he vanished for 16 years. In 1929 he was paying the poor in behalf of the over seers. He the married Elizabeth Rawlins 20yrs his jounier. They then have Jabez, Caleb's, Adelaide, Ann and Mary Ann (who married a Tearle). I just wondered if these names mean anything to anybody and if you know anything about the missing 16 years or anything about the Cosby's including James's parents and when Alice may have died. Many moved to Leighton Buzzard. Jabez went to Adelaide Australia, James Jr and children to to Westfield, Massachusetts. Thomas's children move around 1870s about the time James 's to to the USA. Did something happen locally at that time?
Thank you for reading this rather lengthy post.
Yours hopefully,
Em :)

terry keeley, London


Hi, I came back to Dunstable two Thursday ago for the funeral of Mrs Shortt at St Mary's.

Elizabeth Wright, Ashby de la Zouch


One of my great great grandfathers was a James Gadsden born in Eaton Bray about 1829.
He married Eliza Ann Plumer in 1849
I am trying to find out who his parents and grand parents were
My great aunt once told me that he came from a farming family on the Dunstable downs



On Friday 8th December between 10 - 12 Jane Burdiak will be reading an extract from Brazil Nuts, the third of three short stories from her latest title The Sporting Widow on CRMK. Hope that you will be able to listen.

Elizabeth, Eaton bray


Hi. Ive just recently moved to Eaton Bray and there is this cat thats around the area its very very friendly and will come up to you for a stroke its a long haired black and white cat no collar and is a little matted on its sides. Does anyone know this cat and if it has a owner.

Ruth Brooks (Dodwell), Edlesborough


Pleased to see Anthony Newman replied really Dodwell post.Don & Kitty were my parents.Think you must be my cousin, was your mum Christine? You had sister Margaret & brother David.Do you have information of other family members?You say the last time in Eaton Bray 5O years ago,was that when granny Dodwell was living with Us? So many questions would like to talk more. [email protected]

Sandra Taylor, Victoria, Australia


Hi all, I was born in High Town Luton 1952. My family are [ on mum's side ] the Impey's lived in Stopsley, Hitchin and Luton. My Great grandfather was Murray Impey, brother of Henry...Lord Mayor of Luton 1918 - 1919 [ Murray's wife was Emily Barford, from the Flamstead area] would love to hear from anyone related or that knew my family. We immigrated to Australia in [email protected]

Tony Graf, South-west Wales


Looking forward to moving into Eaton Bray in August! Very impressed with the Focus magazine and all the activities in the villages.

Angela Bassett, Bedford


My Mother lived in Northill Road, Eaton Bray during the war as a child/teenager. Her maiden name was Una Iris Jones. She lived with her Mum Minnie, her Dad Daniel "Dan", her sister Winnie and brother Gordon.
She is 89 this year and often talks of happy times in the village.

Duncan Harding, South Wales


I was a resident of Luton and Dunstable for 30 odd years. During the 70's I played in a very good and successful EB football team.

Anthony Willis, Perth, Western Australia


I was born in Luton in 1940 and have many ancestors in Bedfordshire especially in Eaton Bray. I am researching a Robert Gurney where there seems to be some confusion on names and in Googling the name arrived at this page where I was delighted to find a generational chart which will be invaluable in verifying information in my tree. According to my research Robert Gurney's wife Elizabeth Bonnick is desecnded from King Henry IV and am hoping to verify this link

Neil Saunders, St Eval. Cornwall


Marilyn Browne.
Can you message me ? [email protected]

Kay Wiles, Brentwood, Essex


...and GAYE GADSDEN from Australia

(sorry for multiple posts; more haste less speed!)

Kay Wiles, Brentwood, Essex


re previous post, forgot to mention I would also like to contact JOHN SPEIGHT, New York who also posted in April 2016 re the GADSDEN family.

please can you email me. thanks.

Kay Wiles, Brentwood, Essex


Researching the GADSDEN family;

My direct branch moved from Bucks to London and changed the spelling to Gadsdon but I've traced them back to one family in 1550 with a heap of them from Eaton Bray and surrounding areas. I'm putting together a one-name study on the Gadsdens and would love to hear from anyone who has info; and I'm happy to share too. I've been in touch with 5th, 6th, even 11th cousins from the family around the world!

Just popping back to the site after a few years and noticed several others are also researching the GADSDENS.

So messages for the following who posted before (please email me):

VAL CALLAGHAN, Victoria, Australia re Kate Elizabeth Gadsden b.1860

CHARLOTTE EASTER, Utah, USA re Richard Gadsden & Elizabeth Turrill m.1757

DEREK GRAY Buxton re Gadsden family

ROGER GADSDEN re William Gadsden b.1642 and Richard Gadsden b.1809, and Jesse Gadsden & wife Elizabeth Bliss

ROGER WEEDEN re William Gadsden b.1642

EWART TEARLE and CLARE FINN re Richard Gadsden and Elizabeth Tearle m.1757

please email me at [email protected].

It is interesting how the families intermarried over the generations; and several surnames mentioned by other visitor book contributors are in my tree: I have several BRINKLOWs, GROOMs, MEAD, PUDDEFOOT

Bob Toland, Michigan


My GG Grandparents were from Eaton Bray and their ancestors for generations before them. The surnames that I am interested in are Payne, Spencer, Eling and Buckley.

Elaine Dixon,


Can anyone remember the name of the company that had egg boxes (?) stacked, maybe in The Rye.

Lynette Lock, South Molton


I was born up the road at Manor Farm Billington my maiden name was Mitchell, My gran Amy Mitchell use to live in a cottage towards the Rye. I have some wonderful memorise catching the bus & going to school in Tring, My childhood sweet heart was Nicky Sharrot who lived just on the Tottenhoe road we went to the convent in Tring. Sadly my Mum & dad split up & I went to live on Exmoor, a wonderful place and I still live there . My god mother was Hilda Reeves I used to sit in the pub & drink Vimpto I still do at home, wonderful memories. I had a brother in law Bob Pratt in Tottenhoe (good Chap) sister left him years ago.
Well hope all our contemporise see this. Kind Regards Lynette

Derek horne, Ampthill Beds


I was born in No 13 Bower Lane Dec 1929 I had 4 brothers and 6 sisters 11 in all I was the youngest all the others were born and lived there until 1933 we moved to Dunstable the house in bower lane is still there my father fought in the 1st world war for 5years leaving my mother to look after he was badly gassed returning home in 1919 I could go on ! Iblizfa

Jeff Bodsworth, Milton Keynes


Hello , My name is Jeff Bodsworth, I was born in Bower Lane , Eaton Bray in 1959 , I would be interested to hear from any one from that time , My mum still lives in Bower Lane. I recognize a lot of the names on the site , When I was at school the head master was Mr Whittingham , and the teachers were Mrs Harvey , and Miss Frost and Mrs Bishop .I would Love to hear from Philip Rollings who was my Friend at Eaton Bray school

Elaine Dixon,


Hello Jane, mum would love to have a look at your photos to see if she recognises anyone. Would you like to plan a meet? Can drive your way.

JANE BURDIAK, Newport Pagnell


Elaine, I have a few small black and white photos from the 1950s. Perhaps with your mother's help you might be able to identify the children in them.

Elaine Dixon, Dunstable


Hello Jane Burdiak, re: Christine Wilsher. Yes that is Gwen and Frank from Bower lane. My mum is Christine, Gwen and Frank were my grandparents. Did you know the family? Thanks X



trying to trace family tree Grandmothers parents Eliza Ann Room and Joseph Costin married in 1872 in leighton buzzard. Believe from eaton bray and eddlesborough



For those who read, my new title, The Sporting Widow is published on the 30th June. It is a collection of three sporting stories - namely fishing, cricket and football, written from the 'widow's'point of view. There might well be a mention of Eaton Bray, Edlesborough, Slapton and the area. My husband played football for Edlesborough.

Marilyn and James Sigler, Houston, Texas USA


We are trying ti trace my husband's lineage from John and Beatrice Joslin Houghton, who went from England to Massachusetts and settled near Boston in Lancaster. I have heard that Demaris Buchmaster was the mother of John and that she married a Houghton. Is there a record of Demaris or of a John Houghton with a cousin Ralph Houghton? We need documentation.

Victor Brand, Dunstable


Lived in Booth Place and then 136 High St from 1946 - 1971
My father was a darts player with the White horse to mid 50s and then the Chequers after that. Anyone hold any pics on this?



Ref: Christine Wilsher, 25th March 2013. Is that Frank and Gwen, who lived in Bower Lane?

John Speight, West Nyack, New York , USA


I've discovered that so many of my ancestors lived in Eaton Bray and I'm very excited that I will be able to visit the village in early June this year. The names Gadsden and Fountain pop up over and over in my lineage; my mother's maiden name was Fountain. In fact, I believe the family may have owned a beer garden or something of the sort in the town sometime in the past. Best, John Speight

Paula Bell, Murray Utah


What a great site - it made me homesick & I have never been to Eaton Bray - many of my ancestors lived there & seeing their surnames mentioned made me feel like I belonged. Thanks for all your hard work in maintaining the various sites you have available - my best to all of you Paula

Anthony Newman, Wasaga Beach, Ontario


I have only visited Eaton Bray once since my childhood - about fifty years ago. Don and Kitty Dodwell were my aunt and uncle and Don was the village baker. They had a dog 'Lady'. In the cottage next door lived Mary and her husband. I think they both helped out at the Reeve Farm (Home Farm?) at Northall. But I am remembering over 60 years ago. I have an extensive family tree of the Dodwells and Reeves for anyone interested.

Ruth Brooks really dodwell, Eaton bray


To anyone who remembers my dad's bakery (dodwell) 1 high street.

Tom n Harry, Eaton Bray


If you're on Facebook Tony Pratt There are a few pics of you on here.

Tony Pratt, Dunstable


Hi Colleen, I lived at 95 Bower Lane, was your brothers name Ian?
Best wishes,

Marilyn Browne, Portsmouth


For Neil Saunders.
Have you traced your family tree back along the Saunders line ?
I have a Mary Ann Saunders who married George Irons 1831
Irons is my mother's family tree and I have been trying to trace this side of the family.Can you help ?

Audrey B. Nelson, Provo, Utah, USA


Researching Brandham family

Bernard Dodd, Cleethorpes


To Colleen Wilson, Telford and Robert Knight of Melbourne. I spoke to my cousin Christine Wilsher (nee Taylor) from Bower Lane. She tells me Michael Chandler was her boyfriend for a while and that Dennise had a twin sister Elaine who later married a distant member of my family. The ChandlersI believe lived in No 45 Bower Lane.

Bernard Dodd, Cleethorpes


Colleen Wilson of Telford, thanks for the piece re my grandfather Jos Taylor, yes Even I used to play ball against the end wall, mother used to shout at me. Remember Mrs Cook and next door was a family named Ennis, seem too remember the girl was called Eileen or Irene, My sister was also Eileen. Grandfather was really a very nice person. Through this site I did manage to contact my long lost cousin Christine Taylor who also lived in Bower Lane.

Colleen Wilson (now Dennehy), Telford, Shropshire


Just a message for Bernard Dodd from Cleethorps. I used to live at 51 Bower Lane from 1958 until 1975 and i do remember your Grand-father Mr Taylor who lived at no. 57. He used to tell all of us kids who lived in the row off all of the time for banging our balls up against his wall. He looked a lovely old man, so sorry if we annoyed him but kids never think do they. His next door neighbour was Mrs Cook, now she was grumpy ha ha, Colleen

Colleen Wilson (now Dennehy), Telford, Shropshire


Would like to reply to Robert Kight who was on the visitors book enquiring about me and my friend Denise, if my e-mail address could be passed onto him so he could contact me. Hello to anyone else out there who knows me, please get in touch Colleen

Colleen Wilson (now Dennehy), Telford, Shropshire


Would like to reply to Robert Kight who was on the visitors book enquiring about me and my friend Denise, if my e-mail address could be passed onto him so he could contact me. Hello to anyone else out there who knows me, please get in touch Colleen

Neil Saunders, St Eval. Cornwall


Very fond memories of Eaton Bray. I was born in Chiltern Avenue. My great great Grandparents lived in Summerleys, Albert and Flo Wilson. My other Grandparents lived in Ivinghoe Way, Alf and Sylvia Hudson. My parents Richard and Pauline Saunders were married at Edlesborough church.Great to re visit and bring back childhood memories

Simon Patterson, Slip End


I run the Slip End Good Neighbour Scheme. I also do some work for the Beds Rural Community Charity, helping to set up and support Village Care Schemes. I am trying to identify if there is a need for such a scheme in Eaton Bray and if so, encourage local volunteers to get the scheme up and running.

Gary Empey, Roy Utah USA


I am looking for anyone with the name of Empey or Impey

Sue Cappella, Eaton Park


Neighbourhood Planning would seem a good move to ensure that the residents contributions are voiced.

June Morton, Edlesborough


I remember Nellie and Harry West who kept the Axe and Compass. That would have been in the 1950's

keith harvey, hayling island


I lived at the axe & compass pub
then Summerleys in the 50s &60s
Would like to have contact with anyone from that period

Paul Bray, London ky USA


I would like to obtain a copy of Eation Bray early years seems that that is where our ancestors came from and would like us much information on the history as I could possibly pain I was hoping you would have a book that I could buy or purchase

Jean Jackson, Northamptonshire


I have just seen Paul Jackson's post from April 2012! My husband is also Paul Jackson. His Gt. Grandfather was Alfred Jackson brother of Jeffrey and father of Eric. Alfred and his wife Rosa moved to Biddenham near Bedford. Alfred & Rosa's grave and many other family members are buried in St. James Churchyard in that village. Paul's grandfather, Frederick and Eric were therefore first cousins. I hope this info will be of interest.

Tom n Harry, Eaton Bray


New facebook group.
Eaton Bray and surrounding villages history
Photos and faces from the past.
Worth a look.

Tony Pratt, Dunstable


I spent 4 happy years living in Bower Lane in the early 70's, first of all catching the old green double decker school bus to Kingsbury & then working at Vauxhalls in Luton.
Had many great times in and around Eaton Bray & a special hello to Kev Roe, the Oakes, Noah's, Mick Sliney, Teresa Fountain, Angie Quinn & anyone else who remembers me.
I'm still in contact With Malcolm Peach but I suppose most of the 'old' gang have moved on?
As I said great times before the building blight started & fondly remembered!
Best wishes,
Tony Pratt

Roger Shury, U S A


Pat Sharret... I attended Dunstable college with Paul in the 60 / 70 and lost touch

Val Callaghan, Australia


Thanks to Theo for forwarding an email from Melanie. I have added her to my Hubble/Buckmaster tree as a guest so hopefully we will stay in touch.

Robert KIght, melb australia/luton


colleen Wilson, Telford, Shropshire I think you and Dennise chandler use to go to the California Ballroom Dunstable would love to hear from you.

Susie Mercer, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire


Hello. I am starting work locally on 3 November and have not yet sold my house or completed the sale on the house I am hoping to buy in Eaton Bray. Is there anyone who would be willing to rent out a spare room please for a couple of months? I am a non-smoking, 50 year old professional. I will be out all day. Any offers gratefully considered. Please call or email.
Many thanks, Susie Mercer.

helen slater ( puddefoot ), edlesborough


lookin into my family history .

My fathers name is Ray Puddefoot and my mums was Linda platt .

My mum (Linda ) and nan were born in the village ( eillen platt ) i beleive her maiden name was standbridge and they were born at Hawthorn House .
My grandfather Harold Platt was from Yorkshire and worked for Vauxhall in Luton

My fathers family originated from pitstone , Grandfather reginald Puddefoot , nan was maud Rosina Murphy .

does anyone have any more information or stories or photos

Gaye Gadsden, Australia


To Roger Weedon, Welwyn Garden City

Hi Roger I also descend from
William Gadsden, born 1642 He was my 7 x great grandfather. Happy to share information if you are still interested.

Gaye Gadsden, Australia


My ancestor John Gadsden married Anne Brinklow in 1726 and had 9 children in Eaton Bray. I am very interested to get a sense of what they did and what their lives were like in Eaton Bray. Any links or leads would be welcomed.

JANE BURDIAK, United Kingdom


My name is Jane Burdiak nee Weir and I lived in Bower Lane in the early 5os. My latest book 'The Walk' is published on 31st July 2014.

Linda Jackson, Daventry, Northamptonshire


I have visited your web-site today and have found some references relating to the Cobb family. I believe my Great Grandparents lived in Eaton Bray so any information will be most helpful to me.

thank you

Debra Pugh, Toronto, Ontario


Hi there,
This is a message for Cheryl Rayner(nee Carter). You posted a response to my mother June Pugh (nee Rose) way back in 2010. You mentioned a photo you had of my mother with your dad and mum in front of Dodwell's Bakery. I am hoping you still check here occasionally. I would really like a copy of that picture because I am making a little video for my Mom's 80th birthday.

ian christopher morris, milton keynes


hi anyone remember Christopher Charles Morris .he has a brother called Clive.

pauline howe, stoke ontrent


hi trying to trace my aunty jean who I have heard so much about but never met jean and my dad were brother and sister her name was jean Holloway and she married a Bernard reeves in about 1957 the year I was born she was the youngest being born about 1936 she had a brother fred b1929 and a brother eric b1931 my dad was born in 1919 but out of wedlock but my nan annie maria middleton went on to marry jeans dad a john ewart Holloway many thanks for any info

Ernest Grasby, Leighton Buzzard


Interesting to see names that I recognise. We lived in The Rye from about 1952 to 1955 where my dad worked at the egg packing station for Aubrey Tearle. We then moved to LB. A good rural spot for growing up.

rita salter, toddington


liked the site.

Jim Gurney, Camberwell, London.


Hi Christine. just seen your message dated 09/01/13. I am the last living son of Robert Pretoria. Jesse 1829 - 1892 moved to Mitcham for work as Carman/Groom. I believe he moved to Lambeth late in life.
Are we related? Jim

Eaton Bray Cricket Club, Eaton Bray


EBCC seeks playing members

Eaton Bray Cricket Club is appealing to all budding or aspiring cricketers for our senior sides. We currently run 2 Saturday teams in the Four Counties Cricket league and a friendly side on Sundays cricketers to join us. We currently run cricket nets from 6pm to 8pm on Friday evenings at our ground on The Rye.

Also our junior section is seeking new players. Now in its 3rd year and with over fifty 6-14 year olds training and playing on a weekly basis, the club requires even more youngster to boost numbers! Ability and experience is not important, the club provides a fun and safe environment in which to enjoy cricket. Training sessions are taken by four fully qualified Level 2 cricket coaches, each Wednesday. 6-7pm for 6-10 year olds and 7-8pm for 11-14 year olds.

E-mail us at [email protected] or follow us on
Twitter @EatonBrayCC and Facebook/eatonbraycc

deborah layfield, dunstable beds



Deborah Layfield, Dunstable beds



Christopher Len Small, Vancouver Brithish Columbia Canada


Lived at Rye Cote Farm The Rye Eaton Bray From 1971-1978 (Moved to Canada) Parents Len and Peggy Small, Brothers Steve and Tony. Always have fond memories of growing up in Eaton Bray. Was a great place to spend my childhood! Great Great Great Grandad was George Nash (Buried somewhere around Eaton Bray.)

Trevor Boyce Chennells, Milton Keynes


Jonh Chennells born 1865 who married Eleanor Rowley Buckmaster died on 24th June 1947 at grange farm, Hexton

Kay Wiles, Brentwood, Essex


apologies - a typo in my last post: the death date for Catherine Sarah & brother Jesse was either 1915 or 1916.


Kay Wiles, Brentwood, Essex


I've recently started researching my family history, notably the Gadsden branch from the Eaton Bray/Edlesborough area. Whilst going round the local church graveyards last week, I have found some Gadsdens but I don't know where they fit it - can anybody help with more info on their parents/children/siblings?

Catherine Sarah Gadsden buried with her brother Jesse about 19/151916 in Edlesborough; Also in the same churchyard is Elizabeth, wife of George Gadsden, died 190x (the stonework has crumbled so I can't read the date fully). And a recent headstone for a Barbara Ann Gadsden who died 2003.

I would be interested to know if there are any Gadsdens still living in the Eaton Bray/surrounding area?

I've been told (by one of the ladies in the Edlesborough church) that there is a butchers shop called Gadsdens in Luton...probably a relative. Anyone know this shop/the owners?

Finally, in St Mary's Eaton Bray, there is a headstone for a Richard Gadsden (up by the bottom right hand wall with lots of others placed there with no graves). I would be interested to know if that is my 5xgreat-grandfather (b1757 d1831), or my 4xG-Grand uncle (parents Richard & Ann) b.1786-d.1863) or my 1st cousin 6xremoved (b1806 d1861) - or maybe another relative altogether.

This is a great site - well done for all contributors.

jane Travell, north yorkshire


I was born in Eaton Bray 1966. There are several names mentioned that sparked vivid memories. Mr grandfather Ben Reeve got a mention what a marvellous man he was.

Suesan Munro, Calgary, Alberta, Canada


I was very interested to read the info posted by Marlow Wooton. James Wootton born in 1776 is my Gr-Gr-Gr-Gr Grandfather. His daughter, Caroline, married Thomas Stevens who is my Grandmother's line. James Wootton married Susannah Brinklow - so there is another branch in which I am interested in. I would appreciate any correspondence , information regarding these ancestors as I am relatively new at this and do not have easy access to the places my ancestors lived and died, although I would love to visit there some day. Thank you.

Eileen Tempany, Rugby warwickshire


Christine Wilshire ,I am your cousin from Rugby Mum and I, (Aunty Betty) use to go to Granddad Taylors house in Bower Lane Eaton Bray for a week every summer holidays, lovely to know you again. we must keep in touch. Eileen (Dodd) Tempany.

Christine Wilsher, Dunstable


Re: Bernard Dodd. Hello I am your cousin, Frank and Gwen Taylors daughter. I remember you and your family and would it would be great to hear from you.

Pauline Elkins, Cambridge


This is a longshot but would anyone have any knowledge of a Marjorie Osborn(Osbourne)and her husband? They moved to Eaton Bray in the 1970's after giving up the tenancy of The Golden Rule in Dagnall. Her husband was in a wheelchair and my mother can recall they bought a bungalow there. Marjorie was fostered by my greatgrandparents in the 1930's in Dagnall.

jean white, gainsborough lincs


i am searching the family name richardson. a great great aunt ethel mary richardson married timothy savage and lived in fulham london. i can only trace them until 1918. i have found a timothy savage died in 1922 and was the landlord at the white horse and his widow was ethel mary. does anyone know if they came from london.

Mary Fuller, Cle Elum, Washington


I have returned several times to this site on Eaton Bray for the Sharratt family. My mother has genealogy on several generations back. I need to find where Mark Sharratt is buried. I have a photo taken of the grave many years ago in a scrapbook. Would be quite interested.
[email protected]

Christine Padmore, UK


Have just visited this site and saw Jim Gurney's message 2010', related to Robert Pretoria Gurney. Also wondered how Jesse Gurney went from Eaton Bray to Mitcham Surrey. Nice to know if Jim is related I Julie in Australia. Christine

Angie Quinn, Dorset


Ron Spurs - Scotty dog wasn't it!
I remember you being friends with Moggy Morton - see his Mum's messages below.






Rogsr Shury, Dallastown Pa USA


Hi June Morton. My wife and I were friends of your son's and lost track of him after he left the Carrribean . My father Doug Shury worked with your husband at AC Delco many moons ago . We stopped in at your house many years ago when Garym was there back in the late seventies after a trip to the White Swan Hope this finds you well Happy New Year

Ken Walklett, Merseyside


Looking for any living members of the Burrows family in the Eaton Bray area of Bedfordshire or connected families by marrages.Have a male line back to 1667 be happy to share information.

Neville Tonkin, Pompey


Just browsing see a few of the rouges from the chequers on here 1982 - 1988 phill n val era hope all well

Dawn Clarke (Lunnon), Dunstable beds


Hi Pat, I remember you and your family very well you lived just along the road from me and my sister Nicola. I think the last time we saw each other was one Fathers Day at Edlesborough churchyard. hope you are keeping well.
Regards Dawn

Val Callaghan, Australia


To Liz, Tasmania
I have been compiling my family tree for a couple of years. If you care to contact me via this email, I can give you a guest pass to check my tree out and work out what relationship we are to each other. I am finding it all so interesting.

Liz, Tasmania


To Val Callaghan
Just read your post. I am granddaughter of Eleanor Rowley Buckmaster who married John Chennells. Eleanor grew up at Doolittle Mill.
I am just starting the family history and would love to know how far you have got with the Buckmasters

Pat Horn (Sharratt), Nr. Aylesbury


Spent my childhood in Edlesborough and have family links with Eaton Bray. Just feeling nostalgic and wonder if anyone out there remembers the family.

Tom n Harry, Eaton Bray


New Postings today on the History Page.

Photographs, Serving Soldiers and names from the Homecoming Fund.

Tom n Harry, Eaton bray


New on History Page.
New names from both war's from details held in St Mary's Church Eaton Bray.

sue coleman, normandy france


After living in and around Eaton Bray in the late 80s and 90s, and keeping my horse there for some years, I started researching my family tree and to my surprise traced several lines back to Eaton Bray, Edlesborough and Stanbridge. If anyone would like to make contact via email, with the names Bates Osbourne Eversley and Taverner in their ancestry circa 17th and 18th centuries I would be happy to share research.

Jeannette Copperwaite, California


I am connected to the Copperwaites of Eaton Bray by marriage, and attempting to trace the family for my British/American daughter. I'd be very grateful if someone could put me in touch with Michael Angell of Victoria, Australia, who signed this book on Feb 22, 2012 with an offer to exchange information.

I look forward to a visit to Eaton Bray when I'm next in England!

J. Copperwaite

betty jefferson, luton beds


as any one got photo,s of my grandad thomas mary grandma powell or jessie ivy vera lil and edwin also baden powell live the bunglow bower lane spent a ot of time there during ww2

Tom n Harry, Eaton Bray


A Link to Bedfordshire and Luton Archives is now on the History Page. Cracking piece of work and well worth a look.

Val Callaghan, Australia


Hi Theo

Thanks for all that info, it is very interesting as I have no info on the Linney family. I am most interested to find out exactly when the Linney and Buckmaster families came together by marriage. If any of these Linney's could email me with any information it woild be greatly appreciated and I would be able to send them a guest pass to my tree which has all the Buckmasters on it. My Mum and Auntie met Hannah (Buckmaster/Linney) in Eaton Bray a few months ago but no mention was made of any other Linney's. It would be fantastic to be able to add them all to my tree and could possibly solve some mysteries that have been passed down through the family.

Thanks again



Fran Thomson, Morecambe Lancashire


Every so often I come & browse this site, a lot of my ancestors were from Eaton Bray, Edlesborough & Northall & there's always something interesting to view here, an excellent site, regards to everyone

James Price, USA


Hi all, anyone with Fountain family connections can feel free to contact me at [email protected]

Mark McDermid, South Australia


A very nice and informative website! Have been checking it out in preparation for my visit I'll be making in October to see my brother Jason and his family who live there.

dawn clarke, Dunstable Bedfordshire


Hi Bernard, you were asking about your cousin, daughter of Gwen and Frank Taylor of Bower Lane, Eaton Bray. We have always known her as Christine, she married Alan Wilsher and i think she still lives in the Dunstable area. hope that helps

betty jefferson, luton beds


does anyone have photo,s of the bungerlow in bower lane when my grandad powell lived there in the 1940,or before then i would love to see them betty jefferson

marilyn browne , Hampshire


I love this website and visit it often, especially the istory page . It is an excellent website .
I find it very interesting.
It has also helped me trace part of my family history .I have links with many of the families in the area .

Angie Quinn, Ferndown, Dorset


To Jane Burdiak - I remember Mrs Torrence, as she worked at the village school as a Lunch Supervisor when I was there (1960-1966). She had a son, Robert, who was very tall and thin. Strange, the things we remember about people!
I also recall Valerie at the hairdressers. I'm sure we remembered her as the sister of the woman on Vision On, who also did the sign language.
My family lived down The Rye; my brother Martin still lives locally.

Val Callaghan, Australia


Updating of my last post in the hope that the lady my mum and auntie met a few days ago in Eaton Bray can give me some info on the Buckmaster/Linney connection.
I am a descendant of the Buckmasters and I am doing my family tree. I cannot fathom out where the Linney name fits into the equation. Nothing has come up on any of my record searches. There is plenty of information on about the Buckmasters in general but nothing about the Linney connection. My Great Grandmother was Rachael George who married Horace Ezra George Buckmaster. It would be wonderful if the lady who wrote the article about Doolittle Mill could give me some information about the Linney connection. I vaguely remember visiting the mill when I was a chid but I cannot remember who lived there at that time which would have been in the early 60's. My other Buckmaster ancestors mainly lived in and around Totternhoe which I seem to remember as a lovely spot.

Bernard Dodd, Cleethorpes


Jane Burdiak, Please do you remember my granmdfather Jos Taylor who lived at No 57 Bower lane or my cousin Gillian Taylor who lived in the last house on the other side of the street?
Bernard Dodd Cleethorpes

Jane Burdiak, Newport Pagnell


I used to live at 51 Bower Lane between 1951 and 1955. Can anyone remember the Weirs or the Alderceys or the Torrences. I went to Eaton Bray School. I can remember having my hair cut at Valeries opposite the Roebuck Garage.

Bernard Dodd, Cleethorpes


Please I am trying to contact my cousin who lived in Bower Lane in the 1950s her name was Gillian Taylor, her parents were Frank and Gwenne Taylor

Kirstine Impey, Portsmouth, UK


Also to Charlotte Easter, Salt lake City and Kim Lambert, England, please contact me on [email protected] regarding the Impey's. Kim, Joseph b 1790 is in my husband's family tree so I would love to see if I can help.


Kirstine Impey, Portsmouth, UK


To Michael Angell, Victoria, Australia, both Snoxall's and Impey's feature alot in our family tree
(my husbands side) and I would love to find out more. Please e-mail me at [email protected] Look forward to hearing from you or anyone else who can help My husband great grandfather, Frederic Impe (1846-1901) was apparently the curate at Whipsnade Church, and his son Sidney and grandson Eric were involved with the same church.

Pearl Hubbins, Melbourne Australia


There was a Mr. Bird who used to work at the Boot/Shoe Repair shop at the top of Summerleys. His Mother was my very dear neighbour next door but one in Summerleys, He had a daughter, Brenda I think it was, does anyone know where she is.

Val Callaghan, Victoria, Australia


To Michael Angell of Vic, Aust.
A Kate Elizabeth Gadsden (1860-1950) was the wife of my Great Grand Uncle, Thomas Parry George (1859-1935) on my father's side. There are no records of them having any children. Most of our relatives were from Eaton Bray and Totternhoe including the names of George and Buckmaster.
Val Callaghan.

keith harvey, hayling island


Hi all.

Wayne Mitchell, Bishops Stortford


I myself was born in Houghton Regis in 1960 and lived in Dunstable until 1983. My Grandparents Alice and George Mitchell settled in School Lane Eaton Bray during the war having moved from the East End of London. Grandad was a lorry driver for Tunnel Cement in Ivinghoe and also served as an auxillary fireman in Eaton Bray. Nan always used to say how different life was in the village from that in the city and that before moving down she had never heard of Dunstable let alone Eaton Bray.My dad , Leslie and his younger sister Eileen were born in the village joining brothers Ron , Fred and sister Iris who were all born in London. I was christened at St Mary's church and as a child have so many happy memories of school lane. I used to love staying there and remember always being woken by the call of a cockerel. The back garden of nan and grandads house was long and in those days there were no fences to seperate the houses. I believe their neighbours were on one side were the Savings family and on the other lived Ron & Lil my uncle and auntie with their family. I also remember Mrs Palmer who lived a few doors away who was a lovely lady. At the end of the garden was a horse field and we used to feed them scraps over the fence. Nan said that during the war there was some Itallian prisoners of war who used to work in the same field and they would some times talk to them over the fence.Up the top of the lane was a stream with a little bridge where we would play pooh sticks. At the bottom of the lane near the school there used to be a little wood where we were also allowed to play. During the summer months occasionally we would go round to the Chequers pub where i remember that the cars used to park in the garden all the adults would be in the pub and us kids would be in the garden playing and climbing the trees. In the 1980's nan and grandad moved from school lane to a bungalow in Knights close.Sadly both passed away some years ago and are buried up in the Bower Lane cemetry. When i am in the area i always visit their grave , drive up school lane and remember the good times that we had all those years ago.

Paul Jackson, Northall


Hi June, Thank you for the post. I met Patricia and Judith last year at my fathers funeral, I wish I had spent more time talking to them.

Researching my family has just become so much easier thanks to another article on the website covering everything. I do have one question if anybody can help, Who was Cyril Jackson? Mentioned in focus magazine. It appears to have some link but I may have missed, if anyone can help that would be fantastic.


June Morton, Edlesborough


Hi Paul, I went to school with Patricia Sear whose mother was Gertrude Jackson who married Gordon Sear from the Coffee Tavern in Eaton Bray. Pat had a sister Judith. We lived along Luton Rd.Dunstable.Mrs Sear nee Jackson was around 100 years old when she passed away. Pat & Judith would be your cousins. I'm afraid I don't know where they live now.

Paul Jackson, Northall


I have been reading with interest as my Grandad; Eric Jackson lived Eaton Bray and I found a fantastic photo of him and all his family on the website. His brother was Cecil Jackson who drowned on the Titanic.
My father recently died from cancer and it appears that i am the only Jackson left, i am sure this cant be true so if your one of my relatives i would love to hear from you.

Crista, Christchurch, New Zealand


Found this website while working on the Lugsden/Lugsdin branch of my family tree, I see there are a few Lugsden's that have posted on here who are still in the area :D

Dawn Clarke, Dunstable


Hi June, I didn't realise that was Bob's mum because the spelling is different and the picture not too clear. You didn't spot me in the Christmas party did you, there are al the Edlesborough children there I think. I can recognise quite a few but can't always remember their names. I am the little one sitting at the front aaaahh.
Regards Dawn

betty jefferson, nr luton


edwin powell my mums brother she was jessie then there was lil ivy evra baden edna they lived in the bungalow at the top of bower lane when i was about 5 we lived in scool lane spent a lot of the war years staying with grandma powell

June Morton, Edlesborough


Hi Dawn, Yes Iv'e seen all the photos-so many memories!I remember your Dad so well. They were a great Cricket Team. I saw you in your Guide uniform! also there is one of Bob's Mum on the W.I. photo.
Regards June.

Dawn Clarke, Dunstable


Hi June, Saw your last message and had a look at the site you mentioned. I've seen quite a few photo's of Dunstable but never a movie it was very interesting especially scenes of the town centre. Have you seen the photo's on here, there is one of Bob in the Edlesborough cricket team. Regards Dawn

June Morton, Edlesborough


Hi Pearl, it' me again. Iv'e found another good site you might find interesting. East Anglia Film Archive. I put Dunstable after it and got some lovely shots of where I used to work.Commers (Rootes Gruop). You can also put Luton and get their film. Regards June.

Pearl Hubbins, Melbourne Australia


I previously asked if the site of my cottage (10 Summerleys) was still haunted. We had a resident ghost(s) for the 6 years we lived there, plus a cupboard under the stairs which was bricked up. I often wondered what secrets it contained - then after reading all the most interesting articles about Eaton Bray, Summerleys in particular on this fascinating web site, I read that most of the then residents of Summerleys had died of Typhoid - which rather explains the ghost. We didn't mention it to the young couple who bought the cottage from us in 1959,but they later contacted us and asked if we had "noticed anything strange" !!!!
I would also like to correct a mistake in a previous message - it was a Mr & Mrs SEAR - not Searle who were our immediate neighbours.

Pearl Hubbins, Melbourne Australia


Thank you June for giving me details of the photo album. I got so involved it was 2.00.a.m. before I knew it.
I couldn't get over the amount of Public Houses.
Although it is more than 50 years since I lived there, I can picture everything as it was then very clearly - including you !
I will keep watching!

June Morton, Edlesborough


Hi Pearl, it's nice to see you in contact again. There is a wonderful photo album that shows places how they were and how they are now. You will find it on I'm sure you will find it interesting.
Regards June (Morton)

Pearl Hubbins , Melbourne Australia


I think this is such a great site.
Does anyone remember the little company "Filmstips" owned by Mr. Grant? I worked in the office with a Mrs Reynolds about 1959 until it closed.
Many of my late husbnd's ancestors lived in Eaton Bray. I remember the Edlesborough Churchyard was home to a great many.Is the Flour Mill still there. My husband drove for them.
My neighbours in Summerleys were a Mr & Mrs Searle and their son John/Jack and a Miss Bird who was very kind to us newlyweds.
We purchased the cottage for £650 in 1954.

Val Callaghan, Australia


To Jane, USA who left a comment about Andrew Buckmaster on 8th March 2012.
I checked my Buckmaster descendants from Eaton Bray and,unfortunately, could find no connection between yours and mine, but, just out of interest, while checking some parish records on,I came across a record which prompted me to ask: Did your Andrew Buckmaster die before 1598. If so a Mary (as opposed to Marie) who was the widow of Andrew Buckmaster, married one Thomas Harding, son of Richard, on 31st July 1598.
Anyway, I hope this might be of some use to your search.

June Morton, Edlesborough


Iv'e just read message from Pearl Hubbins. Good old days at the packing station and some great characters too. 10 Summerleys (haunted) my niece & her husband lived at 15A in one of the houses that were built there. No, the house wasn't haunted!

Pearl Hubbins, Now Melbourne Australia


I have so enjoyed reading this site. My late husband, Denis and I lived at 10 Summerleys Eaton Bray from 1954 to a haunted cottage which I understand was pulled down to make room for new houses. I often wonder whether the ghost moved in to the new house.
Does anyone know

Pearl Hubbins, Melbourne Australia


I came across an article about Bob Morton and was sorry to learn of his death. I remember his wife June. She worked at an egg packing station run by Aubrey Tearle.I seem to remember she was an expert "candler" I worked in the office around 1957/58.
what a small world it is.

Jane, USA


I am a descendant of Andrew Buckmaster
born 11/30/1567 in Eaton Bray and am looking for his date of death and his burial location as well as the birth, death and burial dates of his wife Marie Roberts also from Easton Bray.

Can anyone help me with this?
Thank you,

Val Callaghan, Australia


Just an updating of my last post in the hope that someone might have some info.
I am a descendant of the Buckmasters and I am doing my family tree. I cannot fathom out where the Linney name fits into the equation. Nothing has come up on any of my record searches. There is plenty of information about the Buckmasters in general but nothing about the Linney connection. My Great Grandmother was Rachael George who married Horace Ezra George Buckmaster. It would be wonderful if the lady who wrote the article about Doolittle Mill could give me some information about the Linney connection. I vaguely remember visiting the mill when I was a chid but I cannot remember who lived there at that time which would have been in the early 60's. My other Buckmaster ancestors mainly lived in and around Totternhoe which I seem to remember as a lovely spot.

Sue Morgan nee Quinn, Dorset


Looking for burial site of my grandparents Revd. Charles Edwin James Carter Vicar of Eaton Bray 1916-1919 & wife Agnes Louise both died in the village.

Dawn Clarke, Dunstable Bedfordshire


Message for John Ernest Morgan: My mothers maiden name was Morgan and I have quite a lot of info re Morgans in the Eaton Bray and Totternhoe area.
Tou can contact me at [email protected]
Regards Dawn

Charlotte Easter , Salt Lake City



Except for Copperthwaite, all those names are in my tree some more distantly related than other. Rollings is a big family and I should have most of them. Please contact me; happy to share.

Happy researching,

Charlotte Easter

Michael Angell, Victoria, Australia


Both of my mothers parents were from Eaton Bray, Copperwaite's and Snoxell's with connections to a lot of other Eaton Bray families,ie Impey,Dyer,Rollins,Fountain,Gadsden
& Taverner and more.
I would like to provide/exchange info from my family tree to any of your visitors who are interested

Kristeen Bennion, Logan Utah USA


My family history includes many ancestors from Eaton Bray and found much of interest on this website. Thank you, all of you, who put so much effort into this work.



margaret tearle if she is alive and well....dennis

claire giblin, northall


I was looking for minutes of parish council meetings which is why I came to the site. I have lived locally since the age of 10yrs - grew up in The Orchards and have lived in The Nurseries, Kensworth, Pitstone, Edlesborough and now Northall. I love the area which is why I moved back when I got married as I wanted to raise my family here. The local schools are very welcoming and there is a real sense of community spirit here with so much on offer. I also wanted to thank the parish council for not objecting to my planning application which will help my business to grow. Great site.

Roderick Ashton, South Hampshire


Hi - Born into the village in 1947 spent many happy years in Totternhoe Rd. opposite the Chapel.
Went to the village school and later to Kingsbury in Dunstable. Dad Frank ran the Football Club for many years.Pleased to hear from anyone from the Bray.

Email:[email protected]

Garth Prosser, Banbury


Great to read the page. Darell Fountain - are you the Darrell Fountain whose cousin had a farm in EB (down the Rye maybe?)

michael (mick ) rollings, leighton buzzard


Hi i lived at 39 bower lane from 1943 till 1963 have good memories of school and village life.My great grandfather William Rollings ran theHope and Anchor pub .

corinne griffin, dunstable


my mums name is Jean Reeve.she is from Ivinghoe.I used to work in the white horse with Charles and Theresa.

corinne griffin, dunstable


my mum often mentioned June Skingle

june rymer (nee Lugsden), East Yorkshire


Wonderful website!! thankyou to your member who made the contact for me after reading my message. june.

June Morton, Edlesborough


Hi! John Ernest Morgan. Sorry no Morgans in family. My late husbands brother John Morton is on Edlesborough War Memorial killed in W.W.2.

Angie Quinn, Ferndown, Dorset


Hello to my old neighbour, June Morton. I remember your family well from The Rye!
Hope Gary and family are all ok.
I have just discovered that Christine Impey lives quite close to me now.
You can e.mail me at [email protected]

John Ernest Morgan, Flitwick


Are you related to Ernest Morgan whos name is on the War Memorial in the church yard. He was killed during WW1 and is buried in Arras, France. He was my fathers, fathers brother.
Do you want to know more or do you know more of the Morgan family. If so please contact me by email. Thanks.


June Morton, Edlesborough


Lovely reading the names from all over the world. So many were friends of my son Gary. We used to live in The Rye. Gary's friends were Martin & Angie Quin, David & Sharon Pryer,Jill Archer,we lived next door to Archie Fossey a great character, Shury was another name I recognised. My dear late husband was Bob Morton Luton Town f.c.
Thanks for all the memories

Kathryn Davis (Ramsay), Adelaide South Australia)


Hi June
wrong email its [email protected]

Kathryn Davis ( Ramsay), Adelaide South Australia


Hi June Ann Rymer
This is Kathryn your cousin,
Peggys daughter. Mum passed away
a year ago 26th Dec 2011 87years.
We were very young when you stayed with us. I will be in England in
Aug this year would be nice to catch up. My husband Keith passed away 10 years ago, and I am now remarried. my email [email protected]

june ann rymer, beverley, east yorkshire


My father Frederick Arthur Lugsden born Eaton Bray, Herts. was born 1921 and died March 17th 1996. He had two sisters, Maisy and Peggy who also were born and lived in Eaton Bray. I know auntie Maisy (Hutchinson) has died but would like to know of my auntie Peggy, who remarried 1980ish and emigrated to Australia. I have a cousin Catherine who was born to Auntie Peggy and Uncle Stewart when they were married and lived in Eaton Bray, and would love to hear from her or know of her whereabouts.

John Puddefoot, Norfolk and India


I have been spending some time tracing my unusual surname back through the ages and got to the point where it morphs to Puddephatt and everything seems to converge on Eaton Bray which was seemingly awash with the Puddephatt clan in the 18th century and indeed earlier, one family having had nine children. I think some were Wesleyans and there are connections to Totternhoe and further afield. If this is of any interest we could correspond; if not, I quite understand.

Incidentally, someone here is asking about the Brinklow family. It seems that a Michael Puddephatt of Eaton Bray married a Sarah Brinklow on 29 October 1792 with two children Thomas and David. I think Michael was brother to my so-many-greats-I-can't-count-them grandfather and one of nine siblings whose parents were John and Elizabeth Puddephatt also of Eaton Bray. Unfortunately I haven't managed to work out the connection between my g-g-grandfather Levi Puddephatt and this tribe, but he is mentioned in the Totternhoe survey of the estate of the Earl of Bridgewater as living there in 1829 with his parents John and Elizabeth and two siblings.


Robert Brinklow, Loughborough


I am looking into in the Brinklow/Brincklow family based in Great Brickhill in the early to mid 1800's. My Gt Gt Grandfather was George Brincklow who married Sarah Preswell. Sarah Presswell from Soulbury has inexplicably lead me to this site. Can anyone shed any light ? Thankyou.

Frederic R Ross, Pensacola, Florida, USA


Visited while researching Sir Reginald Bray on my Bray family tree. Through Edmund, my tree reaches America through James Bray b. 1611, who arrived at the Middle Plantation (Williamsburg) of the Virginia Colony about 1658. Nice village, georgeous church!

jean clare, st albans


In answer to Janette Harris My father Maurice Tompkins wrote in his memoirs of a Sydney Hazzard who in the late 1920s sold herrings in the village Just recognised the name!

jean clare, st albans


In answer to Janette Harris My father Maurice Tompkins wrote in his memoirs of a Sydney Hazzard who in the late 1920s sold herrings in the village Just recognised the name!

Laurie Tilley, Hassocks West Sussex


My family ran the Rule & Square pub from 1976 to 1984. The pub is long gone but I would like to say hello to all our customers and friends in Edlesborough and Eaton Bray. We had a great football team - Dave Tibbles, Nally Thorne. Roger Sharret, Cliff Millet,Charlie Bunker, Nick Thorne
and one of the best tug of war teams in the UK!
Take Care all of you!

Wendy Jenkins(nee Lake), Lichfield


My dad, Len Lake used to fly his model planes and gliders from the aerodrome.(1950`s ?) Many happy memories. My Mum took women`s meeting in the chapel. We lived in Marina Drive, top of Lancot Hill, Totternhoe/Dunstable border.

jane, Eaton Bray


Trekking Peru for IRHH so here it is - I plan to go GI jane later this week!! I have just 4 days to try and raise £335 to reach the £3K total so please spread the word and thanks :)
JustTextGiving by Vodafone
I'm fundraising for Iain Rennie Hospice At Home. To help me support this great cause, sponsor me by texting AIZV86 £5 to 70070. Thank you!

Angie Quinn, Dorset


Nice to see so many people who used to live in the village making positive comments about Eaton Bray and happy memories of people they knew.
Hello to Mick Oliver. I still have a photo of you in fancy dress from our parties at E.B. Social Club (which closed a while ago).
I would like to get in contact with any old village friends again.

Tom n Harry, Eaton Bray


There are now articles and a video for the Sportsdrome on the History page.

janette harris, Sussex


My husband's family came from Eddlesborough, Eaton Bray and Totternhoe. Matthew Hazzard was baptised in Eaton Bray in 1822 and his son Matthew Hazzard was a blacksmith in Eddlesborough. There were a lot of Hazzards does anyone know of any of them?

Michael Oliver, Milton Keynes


It was so nice to see the previous names of people who had visited and left their comments as they brought so many memories back. I lived at 26 Bower Lane from 1962 until 1990 and then lived at 8 Northall Close until 1996. I have two brothers Ian and Kelvin. I new Tom Mellon at no. 6 Northall Close and he came from Glasgow and trained as a watch maker in his youth also Mary Alderson, Michael Bandy, Mr. Kusnicki, Angie Quinn,Jill Archer and so many more and reading all the posts has made my day. Wii be back to read more in the future.

karen halfpenny (hathaway), buckinghamshire, mk18


hi does anyone remember me i used to live at the poultry farm down doolittle lane from 1974 to 1985 went to school at brewers hill middle school and northfields upper,i remember the linneys at doolittle lodge, murial,mary,anne,jane and david, i also remember joanne warner, bernie(the bolt) muspratt!. if anyone does remember me leave a message on my email. thanks

Ronald C Meakins, Chester England


Many of my forefathers were born and bred in the Eaton Bray Disrtict and I am naturally very inertested in Eaton Bray and
Edlesborough family Histiory

Rob Miller,


Cool site

Audrey Nelson, USA


Looking for siblings of Henry and John Brandham, sons of John and Elizabeth Odell Brandham of Eaton Bray. They both married women with the surname of Bliss.

Valerie Callaghan, Australia


I am a descendant of the Buckmasters and I am doing my family tree. I cannot fathom out where the Linney name fits into the equation. Nothing has come up on any of my record searches. There is plenty of information about the Buckmasters in general but nothing about the Linney connection. My Great Grandmother was Rachael George who married Horace Ezra George Buckmaster. It would be wonderful if the lady who wrote the article about Doolittle Mill could give me some information about the Linney connection. I vaguely remember visiting the mill when I was a chid but I cannot remember who lived there at that time which would have been in the early 60's. My other Buckmaster ancestors mainly lived in and around Totternhoe which I seem to remember as a lovely spot.

Jenny Pearce, High Legh, Cheshire


I have recently taken responsibility for our village community web site and have been very impressed by your site - which I found by googling. Do you use something like Joomla to underpin it? Would your webmaster like to give me a few tips?

Sue, St Albans, Hertfordshire


Hi to every one in Eaton Bray. This last weekend I came to visit the village to have a look around and a certain house thats on the market and have fallen in love with the village. I do have some history with the village about 20 years ago especially with the White Horse Pub when Mark and Gill use to run it. I don't know if any one remembers them... Cannot wait to come back to the village..

Bill Ross, New Zealand


Nice site. I am researching families of the 16th century from Eaton Bray who were ancestors of some Pilgrim fathers or early New England settlers.

Mary Johnston nee Aldersea, Norfolk


Just found website.I used to live at 47 Bower Lane until 1970 when I married and moved to Norfolk.I remember Michael Bandy and his sisters Denise and Elaine, who lived next door. I am in touch with Penny Buy, who lives in Huntingdon.I also remember Colleen and Ian Wilson, and their parents. Used to play with Bruce Wiseman, who lived at The Hope and Anchor with his parents, George and Vi.Mrs Medley was the Headteacher when I went to Eaton Bray school,and lived in a large house where Medley Close is now. Mr Basham was our local policeman.

janne lesley, derbyshire


I viewed two cottages in Eaton Bray yesterday, and considering putting an offer in for one of them, I wanted to know a little more about the village and it's people.
That is why I visited this site.

Vanessa, Sydney Australia


@ Sandra.

I have Brandham decendants I have been researching through You can find all my information there if you have an account. If not let me know and I could send you what I have on the Brandhams. My Gr x3 grandmother was Phillis Maria Brandham, daughter of James Brandham 1807 born Edlesborough and Sarah Hawkins 1808 Flamstead. James's parents were William Brandham 1756 Edlesborough and Jane Hodgins 1768. William's first wife was Jemima Martin. Perhaps this helps and might tie in your family ancestors to mine. Goodluck with your search.

Sandra Warman, Suffolk


Hi Everyone
Lovely website!
I am doing research into the Brandham family from Eaton Bray & various other local villages, Studham,Edlesborough, Gaddesden (Great & Little) and others. My Husband is descended from Henry Brandham born Studham 1809

Grant Fountain, Philippines (Working holiday - teaching)


A great site which I discovered accident. When I next visit the UK I will visit this town.

kathy quinn, dunstable


hello marina you spelt pops
name slightly wrong kusnicki
love mum xxx

Angie Quinn, Dorset


I remember Helen Kousniki, but Kathleen I remember as Cox. How are they all? What happened to them?

Angie Quinn, Dorset


Check out ROLL OF HONOUR - BEDFORDSHIRE - EATON BRAY. It lists some locals who died in the World Wars.

Marina Ward, Milton Keynes


Hi to all, My grandparents lived at 49 Bower Lane, I also lived there for the first five years of my life with them, Their named where Mary and Ken kousniscki. They were wonderful grandparents and i miss them dearly. Their children where, Helen, Jim, Rose and Kathy( my mum )
I miss all the times i spent with them, Chuffed to find this site by accident. Thank you.
Mrs Marina Ward

Pat Rawlings, Reading Berks


My maternal Grandfather, Walter Procter lived in Prentices Lane Eaton Bray, according to census for 1881. We visited Eaton Bray yesterday and couldn't find Prentice Lane. We asked some local people, who did not recognize this road and wonder whether anybody give me any information regarding this address or indeed about the Procter family. I believe they lived in the village as far back as the 1700s, possibly at Honeywick. Thanks

Christine Andricksen, New Zealand


Just wanted to say thank you for a great website. I have found quite a few of my ancestors via this and information about them.

Many thanks for all your help.

Michael Bandy, Devon


I used to live at 45 Bower Lane, if possible I would like to hear from anyone who might know how to contact Penny Buy who lived at 43 and Mary Aldersey who lived at 47

Tom n Harry, Eaton Bray


The Eaton Bray Community Tree by Marlow Wooton is now on History/Genealogy page.
Well worth a look.

colleen Wilson, Telford, Shropshire


I've seen someone who knows Mary Oldersey who lived at 47 Bower Lane, if i could fins someway to contact her i know someone called Micheal Bandy/Chandler who lived at 45 would like to say hello

Roger Shury, USA


To JANE BURDIAK,the#49 Bower Lane rent book from 1940 to 1943 , the name of the person who collected was Bass.Rent was 6 shillings & sixpence. Previous tenants name was Fountain.

Cheryl Rayner nee Carter, Northumberland


How wonderful to see June (Rose)add a comment. June I remember you and your sister. You delivered the bread with my mum Irene. I have a photo of you with mum and dad and Don Dodwell in the bakehouse.

Colleen Wilson, Telford Shropshire


I am Colleen Wilson, lived at 51 Bower Lane, Eaton Bray, in-fact i was actually born in that house in 1958. Lived there until 1976 with my Mum Elizabeth and my and Frank, also my brother Ian Wilson. We both went to the village school when Mr Whittingham was a much loved head master. We both loved and had really fond memories of the school. My Mum used to work in the little shop called Anne's Wools, next door to Alice's chip shop, lovely chips they were too. If anyone remembers me or my brother Ian, please get in touch. We were very close to Elaine and Denise Chandler and still in-touch with them and Angie Quinn

Angie Quinn, Dorset


Our Mum, Edna Quinn, from The Rye, died 24th November this year. She was 2 weeks short of 91.
Mum will be sadly missed by many people from the village, where she was a true community member.
Thanks to everyone who attended her funeral, and to those who couldn't get there.
Special thanks to Barry and Joyce Robson, who were good friends to Mum, and to her other neighbours.
Thanks, Angie and Martin

Angie Quinn, Dorset


Hello to Patrick Graham, Darell Fountain and Ronnie Evans.
I was at Eaton Bray Village school with Patrick,from 1960, and remember his family.
Darrell, I remember your brother and sister. I also remember when a group of us went down The Rye with your canoe, which you and David Pryer put in the stream, but us girls were too young to use!
I'm still in contact with Sharan Pryer and Jill Archer.

If anyone wants to contact me at [email protected], I would be pleased.
Take care and Happy Christmas

Janet Ashton, Australia


Looking into my Fountain family history. Is it true that one of the family opened the Fountain Inn in his home?

June Pugh (nee Rose), Caledon East ,Ontario, Canada


I moved to The Lodge, Eaton Bray from Dunstable 1948. Born Tebworth Dad was born Stanbridge. I worked for Edwin French, Don Dodwell,(with Frank Carter & Bill Bearton)also worked at A Tearls egg station,and Ben Reeves Garage. Moved to Canada 1957.Just found this site and realised how many names I knew. Keep it up its great.

Vanessa Evans, Central Coast of NSW, Australia


Hello from Sydney, Australia.
Firstly I want to thank "Tom n Harry" on forums, for all the wonderful help, if it was not for the information I received, I would never have found out all that I have now about my ancestors.
Secondly I noticed that most people are putting up information here, regarding ancestors they are searching for, which I didn't realise till now... and have noticed a few that could be matches to my own searches. I was going through forums, which I do think is a lot easier, however I will add my list of ancestors, that I am interested in any information anyone might have, although I have gathered a lot of information to date and have been blessed with finding distant relatives.

My interests mainly lie with:

Peter Pieraccini and his wife Ethel May Dyer.
James R Pieraccini and his wife Elizabeth Haywood and extended family
Pietro Pieraccini (Apparently some of his "busts" are still displayed in England) He was a highly sort after sculptor/moddeller who immigrated from Italy)
George Haywood and his wife Elizabeth Harris and extended family
Nellie Dyer and her husband George Thomas Edmunds and extended family
Alfred F Turpin and his wife Eliza Ann Dyer
Richard Dyer and his wife Phillis Maria Brandham and extended family
Thomas Dyer and his wife Maria Proctor and extended family
James Brandham and his wife Sarah Hawkins and extended family.

From the above families, it then stretch out to other surnames through the female sides, which include:

So if anyone has any information, would be happy to hear from you.
Lastly to everyone involved in this website, thank you, for all your hardwork and dedication, it is a wonderful informative website.

Vanessa Evans.

Linda Ottery, Australia



This is a great site, beautifully set out, with many helpful people on the forums etc. This is birthplace of my 3x Great Grandfather, so has some meaning for me. I especially like "The Millenium Book", and though free online was wondering if I was able to puchase a copy?

Many thanks to you all, and your wonderful community.

Linda Ottery

David Hutchings, Bognor Regis


My great-grandparents were John Hutchin(g)s and Eliza Maria Brandham who married and lived in Eaton Bray in the 1840s and 1850s.

Jim Gurney, Surrey


Hi Robert, Thanks for your info. My G/GF moved on to Lambeth where my G/F , another Jesse, was born. My father, Robert Pretoria Gurney was also born in Lambeth. Thanks again, Jim

Robert Lunn, melton mowbray


Hi Jim. Your great Grandfather was a straw platter on the 1851 census and on the 1861 census he is listed as a Groom (looking after horses) so it looks like he moved for a better job.

Jane Burdiak,


I am needing some information about Bower Lane and saw that Roger Shury Pennsylvania USA has a rent book from WW11. Does it say on the rent book who owned the row of houses. I would particularly like to know who lived at no51 in 1950.

Walter Russell, Adrian, MI.


I really enjoyed looking at the quilts that you have posted on your site.

Marilyn Browne, Hampshire


Hello ,

I am STILL tracing IRONS family tree . We have 2 Georges born 1809 and 1870 in Eaton Bray /Northall

Eliza sister of George b 1815 married into Tearle family . Descendants of Geoge b 1870 link up with many families in the area . If you have info which will help , pleases get in touch .

Deborah Meanley, North Lincolnshire


Am compiling Fam Hist on TEARLE 's in Eggington & Houghton Regis & Leighton Buzzard connections by marriage.from 1800s to 1910 . Richard,David & Deborah Tearle are of particular interest. Does anyone share interest in these ancestors? David was Postmaster at Houghton Regis before ~1890.

Charlotte Easter, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA


I see a lot of family names listed in the last year.

Descend from Tavener, Tearle, Sibley and Sharratt, related to Impey and Howard and have a lot of material on all. Also related to Brinklow, Lugsden, Janes, Morgan, Tompkins and Loughton. Have an early direct line of Turpin which was Torpyn in Edlesborough before 1600. Unfortunately for us, there is more than a century of non-conformity which does not allow a connection between late 1700s and mid 1600s to connect the two periods.

Just to reach some who might not be aware: there is a Tearle site on Yahoo which has a lot of info and a number of active researchers.

For those descended from Richard Gadsden and Elizabeth Turrill who married in 1757. This Elizabeth was NOT the daughter bap in 1734 in Stanbridge of Thomas Tearle 1710 and Mary Sibley 1710 but instead the Elizabeth Tale bap in 1735 in Eaton Bray to Elizabeth Tale, widow, whose husband John had recently died. There were earlier children and the parents married as John Tale and Elizabeth Forsket in Studham 4 Jan 1726.

Jim Gurney, Surrey


My great grandfather Jesse Gurney DOB 1829 was born in Eaton Bray. However, he moved to Mitcham in Surrey & then to Lambeth, London. After visiting Eaton Bray I am left to wonder why he left as his family had lived in or near Eaton Bray for many generations.
He appears to have moved away before he was 30 yrs.old. Has anyone to situation re economy etc at that time which could have caused such a drastic move?

Ron Evans, Loas Angeles County, California


"Hi" to everyone in Eaton Bray that may recognize my name. My Mum (God bless her) and my oldest bro' Paul, still live in Knights Close. Mum's in her 80's and Paul hits retirement age this Sept (29th if you'd like to surprise him.)
Many fond memories of E.B. and always enjoy visiting home again... if the economy wasn't so lousy, I'd be able to visit more often.
A couple of years ago my family (daughter's, wife and a couple of friends) clubbed together and paid for a glider flight from Dunstable for me. Got to fly over Dagnall, Edlesborough, Northall, Eaton Bray, Stanbridge off to the left, over Totternhoe, a couple of full circles in all before landing back at the Downs. I had always wanted to fly a glider since being a kid chasing down the gliders that used to land in the corn fields!!
Eaton Bray was a great place to have grown up in, even if my old school ain't there no more!! (My final year headmaster was Mr. Whittingham; does anyone else remember him?)
- Ron;
[email protected]

Eileen Preece/Brincklow, Derbyshire


My Grandfather,
Charles Henry Brincklow 1904.born West Ham London.
Gt Grandfather - George Brincklow 1865.
Gt Gt Grandfather - Napard Brincklow? 1840. I cannot find any records for Napard/Richard?
Gt Gt Gt Grandfather George Brincklow 1819. Married Sarah Presswell 1824.I have found lots of information on Sarah Presswell, but cannot find the parents of George brincklow born 1819. has anyone any idea who his parents were please.
Kindest regards,
Eileen :)

Arthur Bowley, Chirk Wrexham N Wales uk


I have already signed the visitors
book but I still have another connection with E B thro' my mother - Hettie Jackson who was born in the Rye and lived later in High Street. Her eldest brother was Cecil Jackson who perished on the 'Titanic'; he was a crew memberand had also served on her sister ship the 'Olympic' the year before.

jane, Eaton Bray


Model Sport Drome I always believed to be opposite side of road to Mead Open Farm, a right at the far end of the Rye from Eaton Bray - wether that is still field or it may be within the Units site. I understand the concrete base is/was still visible. Hope this helps, see earlier postings for more info - regards

Ronald C Meakins, 32 Crossley Crescent Chester CH2 3EZ


My family came from Eaton Bray and I have much family history re the meakins family

Ronald C Meakins, 32 Crossley Crescent Chester CH2 3EZ


My family came from Eaton Bray and I have much family history re the meakins family

Ralph Hunt, Eggington


Where, exactly, was the Model Sports Drome?

Kay , Hemel Hempstead



I have just started doing my family tree and have found out the a huge chunk of my ancestors the Meakins were either born in Eaton Bray or lived and worked there at some point in there lives. It would be great if anyone who has information on the Meakins (apparently they owned a farm and still do either in Eaton Bray, Edlesborough or Heath and Reach) could contact me. My email is [email protected].

Cheers in advance!


Liz, Australia


Sam Brown (my great x 4 grandfather, born in 1780)was a blacksmith in Eaton Bray and also ran the Five Bells pub there in the 1840's and 1850's. I wondered whether the Five Bells has any records of previous victuallers? Sam's son, John (married to Sophia), took over running the pub in the 1860's. Sam was also an overseer of the poor. Sam married 3 times surviving two of his wives He died aged 81 on 31st August 1861 in some kind of accident that also killed his 3rd wife, Sophia, a few days later. I wondered if there were any records such as newspaper reports or inquest details? I know there was an inquest held as it is mentioned in the death certificate,coroner Eizra Eagles, but all the death certificate says is that he died of injuries accidentally received. Unfortunatly I am in Australia so cannot get to the places to look them up.

The Browns were blacksmiths in Eaton Bray from Richard, (son of George and Mary, born 1717) the last one being George Brown (born 1866) brother, to my great grandfather, Albert. He was married to Eliza and had a son George. He was still a blacksmith in Eaton Bray in 1911 with his brother Edwin William. I believe he worked at the Old Forgery in Eaton Bray. Are there any records detailing the blacksmiths who worked at the old Forgery?

I also have a copy of a will of George Brown born c1680 who lived in Chiltern View Farm in Edlesborough which is no longer a farm but still exists - it is on the A4146. I wondered whether anyone has any further details on the history of the farm?

Thanks so much

Gill, Linslade


Very informative site. Just to say Jo latus offers other forms of dance not just tap and ballet. Her tel no has changed too!

susan holdich, suffolk


Bruce h partridge I too am aPartridge of the Eaton Bray line.I have the tree

Kathryn Ramsay , Adelaide, Australia


I am the daughter of Peggy Lugsden as refered in your message. I lived in Totternhoe Road Eaton Bray until 1965 when I then emigrated to Austrlia with my husband Keith Dyer who played football for Eaton Bray. I went to Eaton Bray school from 1948 to 1955. My father was Stewart Ramsay. My mother Peggy also lives in Adelaide Australia.

donna mellon, leeds


hi i would like some help me n my family used to live a 6 northall close eatonton bray my father thomas mellon died there and my mother charlotte mellon died in febuary 2008 i want to no who lives in that house now as there was items of mine that i got from my parents in the attic i would like to no if they are still there or not please information welcome big or little

Mary Fuller, Washington state in USA


The Sharratt line in my family history came from Eaton Bray, England. I was checking to see if anyone else was related.

Tom n Harry, Eaton Bray


New work on History page and more names in "Those Who Served".

Susan O'Dell, Isle of Wight


As you will see from the Geneology site I have been learning a lot about my family history with the thankful help of tom n Harry, THANKYOU. I have very fond memories of Eaton Bray from my childhood, visiting the Sharratts Farm and the Thorne's farm, and still love to visit now, whenever I am visiting my family in Dunstable. Its still a lovely village.

Wendy McQuilkin (nee Sibley), Henley on Thames UK


I am researching the Sibley family born in Eaton Bray. I have Richard born c1600 and his children Henry 1631, Agnes 1634 and Marie 1638. Are there any more?


Diane Martin, Isle of Man


Rogers Family

This is a message for the lady who is the grand daughter of Charles Rogers. I believe that Charles is my mothers brother, so my uncle. I have a little family history I would be delighted to share if she would like to get in touch.

Derek Gray, Buxton


For Roger Weedon , Welwyn Garden City,
During my research of the Gray family in Edlesborough/Eaton Bray I have uncovered quite a large number of the Gadsden family. This includes photographs. If you subscribe to my site is gray Family Tree. Otherwise email me [email protected]
Derek Gray

Tom Brinklow, Australia


Thanks Roger but I think a bit before my fathers sister Ann Brinklow

Carol Johnson, Sturminster Marshall Dorset


I have responed to a message on your site - where the surname Samuel is mentioned - so hoping I may get a reply as the author appears to live quite near in Ferndown!

Betty Jefferson, Luton Beds


my mother Jessie powell as she was
lived at the bungalow in bower lane
till she cousin,s uncle was george gurney worked for the Luton other cousins Mary oldersey janet janes lives in mill lane daughter of my mums sister Ivy.

E Stapleton, Eaton Bray


Being a newcomer to Eaton Bray it was lovely to come across the site and find so much information/history about my new environment. Thanks for putting in all the hard work that you obviously have. Great info!



Just seen your website and as my name is Tearle thought I would sign the book

Dawn Lunnon, Dunstable


Hi, I am looking into my family history and I am having trouble finding the death of Rebecca Janes born about 1823,she's in the census returns till 1871 then nothing. Also the death of Ann Morgan it would have been after 1830 and both of these lived local to Eaton Bray.
Would be grateful for any info.

Laurie Page, Essex


I have many ancestral families who came from Eaton Bray. My grandmother is descended from the Howard family that lived there. Also, she is connected to the Buckmaster, Brinklow, Janes, Godman, Tavener and Crocker families. Does anyone know if the following place names still survive in the village: Waterfurrows, Whitenofts, Four Butts and Longland field - they appear on the will of my ancestor Thomas Howard dated 1725?

mrs christina clark, clifton


had two rotties from you one died but still have the other what wonderful dogs they are keep up the good work mabel says thankyou

roger Gadsden, [email protected], west sussex


hi messages to posts,
roger Weedon, Welwyn garden city, re william gadsden born 1642 is from my family tree he is my 11 x great grand father.

tom brinklow, australia and paul brinklow, surrey, a ann brinklow married my grandfather john gadsden born 1697 in 1726.

we also have impey in my family, my 4x great granfather brother charles born 1865 married elizabeth emma impey on dec 1885

cheers Roger

roger Gadsden, West sussex


great work Tom n Harry,
helped me find my 4 x great grandfather in 1851 and 1861 census
now need to trace his sister Rebecca born cica 13th oct 1839 and poss brother john born cica 1840, anyone else with the GADSDEN name would be good to hear from you my great granfathers father was richard gadsden born 5th feb 1809 in eton bray married hannah hodgins 26th october 1829, cheers Roger

Ben & Jerry, Eaton Bray


Tom & Harry - Do you mean "Those Who Served - WW1"? Great work here, took some finding/scrolling but a fascinating read, thanks

Tom n Harry, Eaton Bray


New stuff on History page

Jean Clare, Hertfordshire


I lived in Eaton Bray until I married aged 20 in 1971. My maiden name was Tompkins. I recognise a lot of names below! My great uncle was Hugh Loughton. Hi Valerie (my second cousin). Patrick Graham I remember you so well and Rachel Tony and Michael and your Mum and Dad at the vicarage, had some wonderful times with you all.
I have family tree going back to 1640 in the village.The Ashwell name is a branch of the family. Recognise Bates Lugsden Brian Maunders.

Tom Brinklow, Australia


I am looking for information on my grandfather Thomas Brinklow he was kiled on the Somme in July 1916 but lived in Watford with my Grandmother Violet who migrated to Australia with my father and three sisters after the war he was born in Hemel Hampstead.

Debbie Innes, Kent


Looking for info on the Smith family of Eaton Bray, originally of Leighton Buzzard. I have quite a lot of information, happy to share it and welcome any new information.

patrick graham, gloucestershire


Brian Maunders - just below - lovely to see him at my Father, Peter Graham's Thanksgiving service held in Sherborne Abbey 20th November.
As a vicar of St Mary's from 1955 - 64 he was a popular man in Eaton Bray. To see his memorial site go to

kim lambert, england


IMPEY i am tracing back ancestors and have landed here in edlesborough with my ancestor who is called joseph impey born 1790.. i need to go back further but not sure how...anyone know of the impeys? thanks kimx

Jean Totham, London


My maternal Grandmother was born in Edelsborough 1874 her name was Elizabeth Mary Foster, her mothers maiden name was Elizabeth Janes,who married Thomas Foster who was a farm labourer. My Sister is compiling a family tree, if there are any of our extended family that can provide information on other members of the two families it would be much appreciated. [email protected]

Roger Gadsden, west sussex


hi i am tracing my family tree and from 1901 back to 1881 i have my 4 x grandfather Jesse Gadsden and his wife Elizabeth ( ne Bliss) and their children living in bower lane.
in 1871 i have them living in westernside, before that i cannot find any records, any help with this would be great

valerie oakley, heath @ reach


my father Guy Jaggard came from Edlesborough @ played football @ cricket for Eaton Bray probably 1940s & later its nice to read through the names of visitors that i remember him talking about

Brian Maunders, Whissendine Rutland


I lived in Church Lane from 1954-1970.Many happy memories with my friends the Grahams at the Vicarage, also Mick Buckingham and Darryl Fountain.Member of the Methodist Youth Club and the church youth club. Also enjoyed my year playing cricket for The Bray in 1972.

jane tickell, Eaton Bray


Eaton Bray Model Sportsdrome... The very reason my family moved to Eaton Bray from Caddington in 1969! For his whole life my Dad, Robert "Bob" Palmer had a real passion for anything linked, however remote to Aviation. As a young man he used to motorbike over from Luton for events, wether to participate or watch. I cannot recall the sportsdrome, but know my Dad gained permission some years later to use same field to fly models, on the understanding that no animals were grazing at the time....
The site here is a real treasure trove for those into past (my husband), present (myself), even the 3 children are catching on (2 panto participants & 1 Village Cricket member) and we have already had great results from our postings, so thankyou ED, keep up the very good work.

Paul Henry Brinklow, Camberley, Surrey. UK


Louise Brinklow, Bucks

Looking for connections with the Brinklow family of the Bedfordshire / hertfordshire area.

Any information, photos, documents greatly appreciated and will obviously share same with anyone else with an interest!

Kind regards

Louise Brinklow

Hi Louise, I have info about the village Brinklow and Henry Brinklows living in London
please e-mail me at [email protected]
Thanks, Paul.

A. Nelson, USA


Looking for information on anyone related to John and Elizabeth Brandham and their descendants. They both died in 1855 and Sarah Bull was present at their deaths. This is for genealogical purposes only. Thank you.

Roger Weedon, Welwyn Garden City



I'm researching my ancestors who lived in Eaton Bray. They are the Draper, Fountain and Gadsden families.

John Draper born 1865 and his descendants.

John Fountain born 1732 and his descendants.

William Gadsden, born 1642 and his descendants.

Any information, photos, documents greatly appreciated and will obviously share same with anyone else with an interest!

Many thanks

Bernie, Eaton Bray


Offering look ups for Eaton Bray geneology on the forums page.


Louise Brinklow, Bucks


Looking for connections with the Brinklow family of the Bedfordshire / hertfordshire area.

Any information, photos, documents greatly appreciated and will obviously share same with anyone else with an interest!

Kind regards

Louise Brinklow

Bruce H. Partridge, Moorhead,mn.,USA


My ancestor,Thomas Partriche,was born in Eaton Bray in 1548. His son Thomas was born in 1586 also in Eaton Bray. The name changed from Partriche to Partridge. Grandson Richard was born in Stanbridge 1605. I have no other information on the family. I hope to visit next summer.

caroline Rollo, Eaton Bray


Congratulations on an excellent web site I have lived in Eaton Bray for about 9 years now and work full time still so have not had many opportunities to go to many day time events. My husband runs a local business Unicorn Windows in Leighton Buzzard and we love the village life. Regards Caroline Rollo

Neil Morrison, Kendal, Cumbria


I am researching my family history and my mother was born in Eaton Bray. If anyone has any information on Vera Turpin (b. 1933) or her immediate family I'd love to hear from you.

Some details! Mother Rosetta Turpin nee Guildford b ~1896; father Percy Mark Turpin b ~1896; siblings Hilder, Irene, Donald, Joyce, Derek.

My mother's birth certificate is hard to decipher, but it looks as though the address in 1933 was 9, Lohatree (Cohafree?) Yard

I notice there was a comment from someone in the US called Turpin a couple of years ago who was looking for family info - if he looks again, get in touch! My e-mail is [email protected] should anyone have any information.



Derek Gray, Buxton Derbys'


In reply to D.J.Grew 19.9.2006
William Wallace & wife Annie had a daughter Harriet Frankham Wallace in 1885 in Yardley Worcs. She married Ernest Gray 1879-1946 dying herself on 28.7.1974 aged 89 in Edlesborough. [email protected]
Derek Gray

patrick graham, gloucestershire


just reading down - some noteworthy names who might like to look me up, (google: smileofthedecade)
Darrell Fountain in Papua New Guinea... Angie Quinn, best friend of Jane Ruffet who was my first girlfriend (from the age of 5 - 8).
Those who mention the aero modellers club at the sportsdrome - I now fly gliders with Ken Lloyd (aged 80) who used to run that club back in approx 1949 - 55
- he now has half shares in two of the most expensive gliders you can buy - lovely to fly with...

patrick graham, Gloucestershire


I was born in Eaton Bray Vicarage - 1956 - I have a few photos somewhere of that house, might be able to borrow them off my Dad, long retired ex vicar Peter B Graham (now 86) in Dorset.
greetings to all ex Eaton Bray residents - some familiar names on this site - sad to see so much of my memory all replaced by catalogue housing...ahh well.

Dawn Lunnon, Dunstable


I saw the name June Skingle originally from Ivinghoe and wondered if you are related to Carol Skingle. We used to go to Tring school and there is a Reunion there in October. The years are 1950 to 1975 so if you were a pupil and you and Carol would would like to come let me know
Regards Dawn

Barbara Simpson nee Jaggard,


We have really enjoyed looking at the old photos. Barbara is my Mum and was born in Eldesborough. We think that the young man sat at the left hand side of the front row of the football team (1930)is her brother Guy Jaggard.

Don't Let Dunstable Die, DUNSTABLE


Hi we are a local group of people who want to help Dunstable to become the lovely market town it once was . We would like people to email us donotletdunstable die or join our group on Face book Don't Let Dunstable die thank you

Derek Gray, Buxton Derbyshire


Will the person who is related to Joseph Gray, born in The Good Intent PH please contact me again as I have lost address.

Derek Gray

Marilyn Browne ,


Rosemary Clarke

Family Tree request

Do you have info about the Irons family (Northall/ Eaton Bray)and particularly Mary Sanders from Eaton Bray?

Brian Jones, Auckland, New Zealand


As a young boy in the late 40's I used to go to Eaton Bray Model Sportsdrome to operate control line planes.
I well remember one model of a radio controlled 'Dakota' (DC3) which had approximatelt seven foot wingspan.
What a pity the place has shut down. Is there anywhere else in the UK which is a centre for operating models?
I am coming over with my grandsons later this year & would like to show them something like this.

John Button, Penzance,Cornwall


I am trying to find out some more information on the Pipkins from Eaton Bray.
My great grandmother was Mary Pipkin and she was born in 1869.
Her father was David Pipkin he married Sarah Reeve they married on the 24 dec 1850.Davids father was Thomas Pipkin & he married Mercy Windsor.

I would like to hear from anyone with any more information.

Matthew Morgan, Sydney, Australia


I am also putting together my Morgan family tree, and would be very appreciative of any helpful information.


ps - great visitors book.

martine wilkins, maugersbury


hello to all at eaton bray methodist,i have such lovely memories and have just found the website,i used to sit next to norah,and george and mavis would give a warm welcome,now with our lord,but still thought of dearly.Just hello and god bless you all,one day i will come back for a service and walk down memory lane xx

David Henley, Vancouver B.C Canada


Been a couple of years since i last saw your website.I like the newer fresh look to it.Reading all these great comments about your community makes me kick myself for not visiting the home of my great grandfather.

Dawn Lunnon,


I am currently working on mine and my husbands family tree so if anyone has any info on the names Morgan, Fountains. Also any info on Clarks and Cooks around the 1700s.
Message for Darrell Fountain, are you the Darrell that used to live in Greenways, Eaton Bray?

rosemary clarke, norfolk


Hi my name is rosemary clarke,born in eaton bray, my family goes back some 500 hundred years,not many left living there now,Iknow and remember most of the people on this site,leave a message if you think i can help you with anything. rosemary

Derek Gray , Buxton Derbys'


Family research brought me to Edlesborough/Eaton Bray.This is where I met my "Brick Wall" John Gray born 1745. He married Hannah Sutton Stoke Hammond 1771.Throughout the years the Grays were publicans--Good Intent--Travellers Rest --Rule and Square and for a time The Bell.They were also plait dealers. They married into the families of .Ellingham, Bunker. Ruffet,Putnam ,Peppiat,Pearson Newman and Ginger to name a few also distantly to the Fountains. I would be pleased to hear from anyone with any info. [email protected]

Keith Harvey, Surrey G B


Hi me again Keith Harvey, just
having a squint at everyones name.
My grandfather was Harry West,he
ran the Axe & Compass pub in
Edlesborough. Any memories?
My bike was bought from Coles in

Richard, Eaton Bray


In reference to Mike Stone's message regarding the barns at 21 Moor End. I remember a third person involved, an old friend of mine who helped Ted rebuild the barns over several years. He was a boyfriend of Ted and Chris daughter and was always there. Check out this website to see news on those very barns.

Darrell Fountain, Papua New Guinea


A message to Angie Quinn;
Angie I remember you and your whole family. I left Eaton Bray in 1965 on a 6 month contract in Sydney Australia. I didn't return to E.B. until 10 years later and that was only for a few weeks leave. I am currently working in Rabaul PNG.I have been reading the visitors book and recognise quite a few names from my era there.If anyone would like to get in touch, please do.

Tracy Handley, Caister on sea


Susan Sweden please email me. it will be lovley if you did. its been along time. Tracy

Bruce Smith, Syresham, Northants


First, could I compliment you on an excellent website. Obviously it's dusted down & polished every week, & I can imagine how much work that takes. Well done, EB.
I am researching the drove-road from Wales that went through LB, Eaton Green, EB, Edlesborough & joined the A5 at Markyate. Anyone in the village know anything about route, drovers' inns, old tales of ne'er-do-wells??
Best wishes
Bruce Smith

keith harvey, surrey


Use'd to live in summerleys circa
1960's anyone out there know the

Colin Roberts, Leighton Buzzard


I was intrested in the comments about the Model Aerodrome .I remember coming by coach in about 1949 to the Aerodrome I think the trip was arranged by a London Exhibition.We visited a Competion Meet ,was it a Wakefield Trophy? I also think I may hahe stopped the night in one of the huts ,not quite sure it was a long time ago



great web site

visiting eaton bray later this week,a great great uncle lived there at 2 moor end lane -uriah francis (aka hugh) loughton, building contractor, he was married to agnes rose nee tompkins

it looks a lovely place

Jane Burdiak, Newport Pagnell


I used to live at 51 Bower Lane between 1951 and 1955. Can anyone remember the Weirs or the Alderceys or the Torrences. I went to Eaton Bray School. I can remember having my hair cut at Valeries opposite the Roebuck Garage.

Tim Russell, France


Eaton Bray Model Sportsdrome? Yes, I remember it well! I too remember the Westland Lysander model aircraft, it's fuselage was sufficiently large for it to be lowered over me and they took a photo of me standing inside it (I don't still have a copy). I was about 10 years old at the time! The model was made by my Father! I still have photos of the cars being raced on the concrete circles. All activity ceased there in the late 40's when it went out of business! I'm the last surviving member of the family and if anyone really wants more information they had better be quick!

Pauline Baldwin`, Doncaster


I am looking for any information on the Smith or Mitchell families. My Great Great Grandparents were john and sophia Smith and Mark and Rebecca Mitchel. My Great Grandparents, George Smith and Ann nee Mitchell were born in Eaton Bray in 1851 and 1852. They had their first children Emily/Emma Smith and William Henry whilst in Eaton Bray before moving to Dunstable where they had two more children joseph (my Grandfather) and George. They then moved to London.

David osborn, west yorkshire


Hi, researching my family tree and happy to talk to any osborns (osbornes) living in the eatonbray area or abroad Thanks David

Cheryl Rayner, Northumberland


Correction - lived in the village 1952 - 1954. Sorry it was a long time ago!

Cheryl Rayner, Northumberland


I lived in Eaton Bray as a small child 1954 - 1956. My father was Frank Carter a baker who worked for Don Dodwell. We lived at 5 High Street when it was first converted from a couple of cottages. My sister was born there and christened at the Church.
I remember when the old blacksmith's was there beside the village pond across the road from the Green with the old water pump and up the Comp was just orchards and fields.
Thank you for the website - I would love to come back for a visit.

Kathryn Bishop-Jones, Aspley Guise, Beds



Am looking for anyone who has any info on the Bates family.

My Great Grandmother was called Annie Bates and was born in Dunstable. Her Dad George Bates (born 1862) was born in Eaton Bray and married Jane Clark, a Straw Platter from Eaton Bray. The Census shows that George Bates was an Agric. Labourer in the Rye, I'm guessing Rye Farm?

I've managed to trace his Dad, another George Bates born in 1839, he married a Charlotte Woodward who was from Whethamstead. This George Bates was born in Luton. I'm stuck there, can't seem to get any further back.

Any more info would be appreciated. Also, a note to Angie Quinn who has left a message on this site, you mention a Sharan Pryor. She is my Auntie Sharan, she still lives in the Rye with her husband Mick Flecknell. Just incase you didnt know!


June Dell (nee Skingle), Wiltshire


I knew a lot of Edlesborough and Eaton Bray people through working in Thorne's Flour Mill during the late 40's. I was friendly with a girl called Lin Piggott who lived in Eaton Bray - she came to my wedding in 1951. I lived in Ivinghoe and travelled on the bus to the Flour Mill. Fond memories of Eaton Bray

Angie Quinn, Ferndown, Dorset


I moved from Eaton Bray in 1986, when I left Bedford Trucks (Vauxhall Mtrs), leaving my mum and brother, Martin, in the area.
Really good memories of living down The Rye with my friends Sharan Pryer, Sue Flaherty and Deborah Lane.
Another friend, Jane Ruffett, lived further down the village - message to BARBARA NIEMEYER-BROADBECK (Jane's penfriend from America when we were at Eaton Bray Primary School)) - my penfriend was called Michelle Kaske from Racimo Drive, Calif!
I am still doing my family tree as my maternal family come from E.B., Northall, Edlesboro', L.Buzzard and Stoke Hammond, so I am looking for Cheshire/Archer/Samuel connections.
I would love to hear from anyone who remembers me!
Angie Quinn

ken walklett, merseyside


Researching family name BORROWS .Married into families COX, BUTTERFIELD, PUDDEFOOT, and others in the EATON BRAY area before moving to the MILTON BRAY area about 1860.Before my great grandfather moved to BIRKENHEAD MERSEYSIDE. Would be pleased to hear from anyone also researching the name.

frederick david lugsden , north lincolnshire


hi, my father,FREDERICK aurther lugsden,was born in eaton bray in 1921,his sisters weremaisy and peggy and he had variouse half brothers who are mentioned on the war memorial

Jean Nunn, Nottingham England


Hello, am looking for any info regarding the Brandham families that lived in Eaton Bray. I am related through my Grandmother Eliza Brandham, whose family moved to Nottingham around 1880. Am planning a trip for next year, so would love to meet any distant relatives.

Patrick Simmons, Dover, Kent


useful in my Genealogy research re WWI memorial.

sharon khouni, bradford west yorkshire


I used to live in Eaton Bray many many years ago when I was about 13yrs we lived with the Sliney family Mick and Robert and their dad, some happy memories never to be forgotten.

Peter Hack, Eatron Bray


Hi Guys...

I wonder if any of you historians would be able to give me the background to The Five Bell in the village.
I am currently building them a website, and wondered whether you have any background, anecdotes, pictures that I could use in the site?
I will be speaking to Satish later this week to see what he wants on there but would welcome any of your help.

I live in the village myself and really want the pub to thrive again. It seems as though it is getting back to good numbers on the weekend, but I'll do anything I can to help!

Please email me as talking at work can be pretty difficult.

I look forward to hearing from you,
Many Thanks,

Marilyn Browne , Hampshire


Bruce Tearle.

1881 census shows Joseph and Mary Tearle aged about 25 with sons George and Fred abt 1 year old RESIDENT IN SLAPTON BUCKS.
Mary was born in Eddlesborough.Joseph in Dagnall.
Hope this helps
Marilyn Browne(also researching family tree)

bruce tearle, yeovil somerset


started a hunt for my ancestors joseph tearle who married mary and had in 1880 sons fred and george

Derrick Parker, derby


I would like to know why fkying was stopped for model aircraft.

Marilyn Browne , UK


Researching Irons family tree.George born abt 1810 in NORTHALL
married MARY SANDERS born abt1811 in Eaton Bray.Connections with Fensom Lugsden ,Gaddesden Cook Bierton and Cobb families. Any info welcomed especilly info about the parents of George and Mary.
Fascinating website

David Fookes,


This is for Mark Puddefoot. Although I am not a Puddefoot I am researching the Eaton Bray Puddefoots for a member of the family.
Can mark contact me?

Lorraine Letham, Luton


What a treat to read the Millenium book and see the old photographs. My G Grandfather was Mark Bates (poultry farmer)who lived at Moor End.

Jim Gurney, Surrey, England.


I visited your great church and met with some of the lads moving the chairs in & out. Had a great welcome and found it very informative. Many of my relatives lived in Eaton Bray and were married & buried at St. Mary's. A little disappointed that we could only find one gravestone of distant relative. Never mind, a good day spent there.

Susan, Sweden


Thanks Joyce, I will contact you!

Joyc Celmins, Arizona USA


To Susan from Sweden. I met you at Tracys wedding. Eleanor will be visiting me in two weeks. Hope to hear from you, can fill in where they are living now.

Charlotte, England


I love living in Eaton Bray and find most of the people ver nice.I used to be in the school council in Eaton Bray lower school and then I got to meet the Parish council withc made me more aware of the Village.

Liz Brown, Australia


Hi, message to Colin who said about his great x 6 grandfather being George Brown. This was also my great x grandfather. Please get in contact with me as I am trying to find living relatives

Kay Fisher, Sydney Australia


Hi, my mother grew up in the five bells pub her family name was Gould I don't know what year this was I am presuming it was somewhere about 1944 it could have been before that.

Tony Pearce, Cople nr Cardington Beds


Found your website recently.I am at the moment doing the history of Bedfordshire County Cricket Club 1897 to Recent over 1000 games and over 500 players.I have found lots of info and lots of photographs and an exhibition to take Sun 20-21st July when Beds play Cambs at Bedford Modern School Bedford some of the photos and info are your family of friendsI would love to meet interested friends.If you have any info please contact me REGARDS

Val Fletcher, Bucks


I lived for many years in Eaton Bray,my father was Stephen Rose,whom ran U.F.Loughton & sons Ltd following the death of my Grandfather U F Loughton,we lived in Moor End,I have since observed that the bungalow has been demolished,which my father designed and built.

karen connolly, england


i would love for anyone to contact me if they have phoits or info about Turner family from Beds, Bucks or Roe or Osborn. i believe Bartholomew Tunrer was a vicar of the C of E but have no idea where.
thank you

fred lugsden, uk


very interesting reading,also found a relation on the site who i did,nt know about.

brinklow, luton


My maiden name is Brinklow and since I have lived in Luton I have found the all my fathers ancesters are from Eaton Bray and Totternhoe. I would like to know more about them my great grandfather was born in Eaton Bray but left when his parentes moved to London in 1861. His father Henry Brinklow was born in Totternhoe and was a Baker as was his father Jeffrey and older brother James. If anyone has any information about the bakers in these areas I would love to know more about them.

carol board, England


I enjoyed your site whilst researching my family tree.A distant relative was a school teacher at the Wesleyan Day School in 1871.Before 1881 he had returned to his native Yorks! His wife was I believe from Eaton Bray born about 1845!

Christine Graham, Aldershot


My 8 x Gt Grandmother was Elizabeth Empey born in 1642 in Holwell which then was in Bedfordshire



Just browsing the home of my brother-in-law's ancestors - Goodman, Wood, Brown & Mead.

John Morgan, Flitwick, Beds


For Neil Morgan who is trying to trace his ancestors. The Morgan family it seems were quite large in the Eaton Bray, and Totternhoe areas some 175 years or so ago. From the information my son has obtained, the family seems to have moved from Totternhoe to Eton Bray, Dunstable and then to Luton, poss to do with the Hat trade for work. My son has an extensive family tree for the Morgans. Please contact me for further info and an invitation to view. Very interesting is a book written by we believe a second cousin 3 times removed?

Tricia Hedges,


just visiting

don , india



Susan, Sweden


The family: Alan, Eleanor, Ian and Tracy. Tracy married Gareth Robertson in 1987 in Eaton Bray and got 3 children (as far as I know). Let me know if you know them. please.

Susan, Sweden


Hi! Iam from Sweden looking for the Handley family who lived here at 1986...before and after.

Rick Brincklow, Clearwater, Florida, U.S.


I am doing some research on my family (Brincklow). I have traced back to John Brinklow born in Eaton Bray in 1614. This is from parrish records. If anyone has any information on the Brinklow family I would be very grateful.

clive munt, totternhoe


hi just browsing

Tony Duke, I Eaton Park Eaton Bray


Just thought I would complement you on the excellent presentation of this site.

I have been in village 20 years but only just discovered this site having always gone to the alternative one!!

Now I notice in the left hand column a Business Directory, so that is where I am going next.

Well done.


tony clayton, now in Langham Rutland


I well remember weekends at Eaton Bray.One particular day Fillon from France came along with his well known CHAMPION gliderOn its first flight it went OOS (out of sight and was lost.He came back got out another one and promptly lost that as well.Ialso remember Howard Boyes in his shorts flying his R/C model waggling itself around the sky.
What wonderful days they were.I often wonder if the teenagers of this day have such god times.

Lynda Langford, Eaton Bray


Hi all. Have lived in the village for nearly 30 years, residing at Vine Cottage, 109 High Street for 5 years. I have the old deeds for our cottage going back to 1850, however we are sure this house is older than that. Address used to be Vine Cottage, Moor End.
Some information of use for those interested in the Ashwell and Tearle families: In 1877 spinster Sarah Hedges left this cottage in her will to her niece Mary Hedges, who later married Amos Ashwell in 20 May 1884. He died in 1918.
In 1920 Mary Ashwell sold the cottage to Frederick Tearle, an egg and fruit dealer.
If anyone local has any further information about our cottage it would be very gratefully received. Also if anyone would like us to expand on the above information, we would do so gladly.
Lynda Langford (nee Lynda Coates)
[email protected]

Jan, Wales


Hi, found the site while trying to follow up my family tree. Have been tracing the Quarry family tree for years, mainly in Hertfordshire, but having drawn a blank there, have found possible links to Northall. Edlesborough, Stanbridge etc.

Liz Smith, Co.Cork


just looking

Mark Puddefoot, Eccles, Kent


Searching on internet .
family originated from this area 100 or more years ago.

Janet Ashton, Adelaide, South Australia


I am researching the Fountain family who are related on my mother's side. They lived in the area for several generations and were involved in straw plaiting. Does anyone know of them- Jabez is a name that stands out, married to Louisa. Would love to hear of anyone with information. Thanks

Brian Harrison, Eaton Bray


Just browsing.

Tony, Ontario


Can anyone identify the location. A short drive from Eaton Bray. An iron bridge crosses a river. The river has steep, deep banks. The road (lane?) leads to a row of old cottages just beyond the far riverbank. This memory is from 1950 - it may be different now. Thanks.
[email protected]

Robert Gurney, St Albans Hertfordshire


My dad, George Gurney, wouldn't have a car! The Luton News van driver used to chauffeur him everywhere! It has only just dawned on me. In 1967/8 I came unexpectedly into some money and I actually gave him a car. He had had one in Italy which he found buried in the ground, a nice Italian job. He also drove a Jeep during the war. But he kept rejecting the Ford Popular I had bought him from Howe's Motors in Eaton Bray. He went round the block in it but handed back the keys saying there was too much traffic! In those days? Anyway, I can see now that he just liked being driven around. Perhaps he wasn't up for a light blue Ford Popular!

Tricia Hedges,


Just visiting

Robert Gurney, St Albans


Can anyone remember the airfield in or near Eaton Bray? Can you remember any anecdote or story about it?

I remember sitting on Totternhoe Knolls and watching biplanes doing loop-the-loop.

My father's uncle, Albert Gurney, lived at Moor End. His wife, "Aunt Flo", grew up in the Hope and Anchor.

Robert Gurney
St Albans

Sabina Nicholls, wellingborough


Whoever was looking for sabina please don't hesitate to e-mail me.

Clare Finn, Daventry



Many thanks for your reply below. I shall look at the website and the families. I have neglected my research of late but hopefully one day will pick it back up again!

I also am loving the new look website, fantastic!

Thank you

Jill Weston, Hundon, Suffolk


I am researching my family history and know that my Great Grandfather was schoolmaster in Eaton Bray during sometime in 1890's till about 1910 give or take a few years. His children were born in Eaton Bray. His elder son died in the First World War in Arras France and is commemorated on Eaton Bray War Memorial as Frank Paddock. My Great-Grandfathers name was William Peters PADDOCK and his wife was Kate Louisa Paddock. Does anyone have any photos or info? I'd love to hear from you. Thank you.

Ewart Tearle, St Albans


Dear Team
I wonder how far Clare Finn, below has progressed with her request?

Clare Finn, United Kingdom

My nameslinked with Eaton Bray are
Tearle (Elizabeth married Richard Gaddesden on 16 oct 1757)
Janes (Hannah married George Tearle Leighton Buzzard 1852)

I am a serious researcher of the world-wide Tearle family and she can see my work at
If she would like to contact me, I can show her the story of Elizabeth Tearle and Richard Gaddesden as well as Hannah Janes and George Tearle, as well as show her their place on the Tearle Family Tree.


Ewart Tearle

John Bunting, Milford, Surrey, UK


I remember having a week's holiday at Eaton Bray Model Sportsdrome, in 1948. The facilities were a bit primitive, but that didn't bother me much, aged 18.
As I remember it, the main building comprised a dormitory, workshop, store-rooms etc., and an office, looking out over the field, used by Mr D A Russell of the 'Aeromodeller' I think. I'm sure I remember some parts of one of his large models, possibly the Westland Lysander that was featured in the magazine, propped up against the wall in the office. Does anyone know if the building is still there, and if the site is still in use?
The whole project seemed to fold up after a few years, presumably because it proved less profitable than was hoped or expected.

Carrie Janes , Northcliffe - Eaton Bray


Our black male cat has gone missing - he is black all over - very friendly - about 4 years old. If you see him or have any info please email me or contact on 07737379994. Thanks - we miss him so much and are so worried.

Joyce Celmins...Shury, Sun City AZ USA


As a baby I lived at 49 Bower Lane Eaton Bray. My grandparents lived a few houses down. Have happy memories of summers spent there growing up in the 50s. My uncles name is on the WW2 memorial at the church. Eaton Bray has wonderful memories ..a beautiful English village.

David Cutler, Orlando FL


Hi, My name is David Cutler and I now live in Florida USA, I moved to America 27 years ago and I was looking for anyone who I grow up with. I lived in Eaton Bray for many years and it’s been a long time since I have been home, but would like to come this year for charismas and would love to meet up with you. Please email me at, [email protected] , or [email protected]

Thanks, Dave
Ps. or call me at Orlando 407-952-6872.

Tricia Hedges,


Looking for any Gurney contacts.

muriel, united kingdom


who lived at doolttle mill in 1972,does anyone remember?

Roger Shury., Pennsylvania USA


My parents & grandparents both lived in seperate cottages on Bower Lane.#7 of which I have the original rent book for dating back before WWII....Such a nice village Roger Shury.

Tricia Hedges, Bucks


Hello again just looking

Gerald Bell, Newport, Essex


My Great Grandfather John Varney was born on Eaton Bray around about 1840. I am trying to trace his parents and hope to visit the village to check the Church records.

Ted Erickson, Leavenworth , Kansas USA


My mother's family, Eustace, came from your village. Some of the Eustace's stayed. Not sure if any are left? Hello from your silly american cousins! Write back please!

E Roberts, England


Edlesborough is the best ever!!!!!!!! I live in edlesborough with my family!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this village!!!!!!!!

Gary D. Hansen, USA


I really enjoyed seeing the pictures that are great reminders of past history and changes that have lead to your wonderful community today. If anyone has any information on any Smith 's that might be related to Thomas X. Smith born in 1828 in Eaton Bray or his wife Margaret Gurney, I would surely appreciate hearing from you. thanks.

Tricia Hedges, Bucks


Just looking

Betty Jefferson, Luton Beds


My Grandparents Lived in Bower Lane at the Bungalow for many years
Thomas and Mary Powell I still remember going to school there in the war years my parents lived for a time in school lane. Are there any photo's about of the Bungalow,
Thank you Betty Nee Jones

Maureen Marsden, United Kingdom


My Grandparents kept The Five Bells back in approx. 1900 - 1910 and wonder if anybody has any information that I can collate as we are researching our family tree. My Mother who is now 97 was born in 1910 just after they moved from The Five Bells. My Grandfather was in the Metropolitan Police but I understand retired early due to ill-health. The family then moved to Dunstable. Maureen Marsden (Ampthill)

Karen Empey Harding, Idaho Falls Idaho, USA


My Empey/Impey family came from that area. I am trying to find more info on my 4th and 5th great grandfathers and their spouses. Joseph Impey (1790-1796?-1856 and Elizabeth Kempson (1794-1854) and Joseph Impey about 1761 and Sara Mouse 1765? or 1786? and Thomas Miller about 1739 and his wife Elizabeth Mouse about 1743. I am stuck at this point and would like to know more about these people and what they did , how they lived and their children and siblings and any thing else I can. Thanks to all who can help me.

Paul Cain, North Yorks


I was hoping to find a bit more about the White Horse as I was a regular visiter there in the 70s when George was still the landlord.

Tricia Hedges,


If there are any Gurneys or Daniels I would love to hear from you.

Tricia Hedges,


I am a descendant of Robert Gurney born in Eaton Bray about 1677 Does anyone have any idea, if this branch of the Gurneys was related to the Gurneys of Norfolkd and how. Or anything about them.

Tracey Bearton, England


Eaton Bray football team 1953 - the goalie is Ken BEARTON not Bierton! He played for the Bray for many years both at football and cricket and was one of the architects of the cricket club's move to their own ground at Rye Gardens and chairman at his death in July 2000 - the post now held by his son Lee.

Merrilyn Callen, Australia


Just returned from UK including ime spent at Eaton Bray and Edlesborough (loved the parish fair). I am interested in finding out what was on the land surrounded by the moat next to the ***he barn in High St. Edlesborough. Does anyone know the date of the dovecote which is still there?

Cynthia Bennett, England


trying to find out about a doctors shop that was in eaton bray in 1851. my family ran it called Hedges.

jonn, stockport


nice place must visit one day

phill hetherington , Isle of Wight


I used to own the chequers pub 1983 till 1988. our names are phill/ val. we had a old enlish sheep dog. would like to trace any body who used to come in the pub then or befor. i remember the polish man. phill

Mike Stone, Australia


Hi Eaton Bray, I used to live at 21 Moor End when Ted & Chris Stone (parents) used to own it. Ted Stone re-built the barns. How does it look now? Great to see Eaton Bray on the web, looks great!

Jim Boys, Near Pwllheli


I well remember camping at Eaton Bray Model Sportsdrome and have one or two photographs of my father taken there. Dad, Howard Boys, was well known in aeromodelling circles and I'd be happy to pass on digital copies of pictures.

Paul Roberts, Camberley Surrey


Just after the war Eaton Bray became a centre for flying model aircraft. I believe it was bought by 'The Aeromodeller'

Charlotte Easter, Utah, USA


Just thought I would post some info about my current genealogical efforts. I have been building databases that include a lot of Eaton Bray families.

1. Descendants of the Rollings of this parish from James Rawlins and Betsy Fowler born about 1730 & George Rollings (abt 1785) and Johannah Sear married 1805.

2. Descendants of Maximilian Sharratt (1729) and Mary through son Parry (1756) and grandson Maximilian Sharratt (1779) and wife Elizabeth Tavener.

3. Descendants of Henry Tavener of Leighton Buzzard (about 1630) which includes Osborne, Pratt of Totternhoe, Proctor, Sinfield of Tilsworth, Howard of Edlesborough and many others.

If any one has an unidentified possible member of one of these families, I would be happy to check my records. Or I would be happy to accept additional information.


Kate Currie, England


So pleased to find an Eaton Bray website! My maiden name was Ashwell and many of my ancestors come from Eaton Bray. Is there a history society or anyone who can help with stories relating to the Ashwell family?

Carol Gomez, Delaware, USA


I was born in England and brought to the States. Searching my family ancestry I found that my Great Grandfather, George Howard was born in Eaton Bray about 1869.

Helen Kirk, Andalucia,Spain


I visited your site whilst researching an e book on quilting - looking for unusual quilts and quilts of importance to towns, cities and countries. - love the quilt with the village scenes

good luck to everyone involved

Brenda Cox, England


March 2007. I am the new Co-ordinator for Project Linus for Bedford and North Bedfordshire. Please contact me if tou can help in any was, to make quilts for sick children being nursed anywahere in this area.

shayne gurney, Magrath, Alberta, Canada


My great grand father William Gurney left England in 185. His father, John and sister Elizabth left England in 1855. Both ended up and died in Lehi, Utah, USA. Are these relatives of anybody. They came from Whipsnade, Bedford. and previous to that their ancestors came from the Tring, Wiginton area.

Pat Langley, Strood, Kent


Is there anyone reading this who remember the tethered car track that used to be at Eaton Bray in the 1940's. I understand there were two, one inside and the other at the old aerodrome site.

Any photos would be much appreciated, we still run tethered cars at Old Warden in Bedfordshire.

Anyone remember Eaton Bray Model Sportsdrome which closed in May 1952

John Turpin, America


Possibly my ancestors came from Eaton Bray. Someday I hope to prove that and possibly to visit.

Rachel, Hemel Hempstead


My son and I are hoping to move to the village within the next month or so. The web site is wonderful and has helped me find out more about the village. We can't wait to be a part of the community!

david garside, Brisbane australia


i am looking for a brian Piggott we used to play cowboys @ INDIANS TOGETHER WHEN WE WERE KIDS. he lived on high street Eatonbray 1 lived at number 96 high street wth a mr ras garrett who is now deadif any body can help that would be great.

John Adam, Cornwall


Although I did not know the village well I was at Dunstable school with Richard & Roger Thorne and was interested to see their pictures in the cricket team.They have changed a bit since I knew them!

Colin Brown, Dunstable


My six time Great Grandfather is George Brown born circ 1679 at Eaton Bray wheelwright and yeoman

Barbara Niemeyer Brodbeck, California


I had a pen pal who lived on High St. in Eaton Bray in 1970. Her name is Jane Ruffet and I was just wondering how she is doing.

Tricia Hedges, Bucks


Are there any Gurneys living in Eaton Bray at the present time does anyone know please,

Tricia Hedges, Bucks


Just browsing to see whats happening.

david osborn, holmfirth huddersfield


i would like to contact anyone who can help with imformation on the following.
William Osborn born 1870 Eatonbray.
Abel Osborn.
Harry Osborn.
William was my great grandfather wo moved up to barwick in elmet yorkshire with his brother harry ref 1901 census.if "Wendy england>" would contact me i think we maybe looking for the same people.
Thankyou David Osborn.

Bryan, England


Can anybody tell me if Booth Place has had a previous name. I was told that the cottages where built about 1860ish but I can not find them on the 1881 census.

Pauline Jean Pomery - Hignell, Australia


My grandparents were Trevor and K. Hignell (neeWesley). They lived at St. Mary,s Lodge, Edlesborough.

Their children were Trevor ( my father), William, Ronnie and Mavis.

I love your website and was great to see a picture of my auntie Mavis, Edlesborough's first girl guides. I'm in the process of doing a family tree. Anyone who knows my family, I would love to hear from you, PLEASE email me:[email protected]
regards Pauline.

Mr D J Grew,


Researching my family history led me to Anna Frankham who became the wife of William E Wallace the Gardener. Would like to hear from any relatives that can further my research. Any information would be much appreciated.
Moses and Harriet Frankham were the parents of Anna to whom my wife is related.

John Hill,


We are trying to Locate a picture of Archie Fossey a one armed golfer who lived "Greenlawns" The Rye around 1956 we have newspaper cutting dated around 17/3/1955-6 picture number is JB813

June Chorlton, Beds.


Roy and I have shown the Pictures around and have found they have brought back wonderful memories of bygone days. Great!

Margaret Tobin, Newcastle upon Tyne


My Mother Dorothy Tobin nee Saving lived in the village as I did when I was a child. My Nana lived in School Lane and my Uncle still lives there. I have loads of happy memories of Eaton Bray and have returned there several times

june dell (nee skingle), Wiltshire


My message can be found in the Visitors Book re working in Thornes flour mill in the late 40's

Linda Cole, London


I was born and bred in Eaton Bray and lived there until my early twenties, now in London; my parents moved from EB to Dunstable a couple of years ago and my brother Jonathan (Jonny) is now living in Vienna. Dunstable was orignally where my grandfaher had his business 'Charlie Cole Cycles'.

Really is a lovely village and I have many many great memories of my childhood there. Whenever I visit my parents I always try to spin by and have a look around and pop in to the church yard to visit my maternal grandparents - Bob and Amy Channing.

Paul Eyre, England


Many a pint drunk in the Five Bells with John and Terry Cook,remember them well.Also Alan and Brian Puddefoot.The Herberts from School Lane (Bev Denise and Badger).Many of you "older ones " will also remember my dad Ken the painter and decorator.please feel free to email me,Paul.

Paul Eyre, England


i am researching the maternal side of my family tree of which 3 generations come from Eaton Bray.i have however come across a problem.on the war memorial in the church yard there is a Mark Rollings.on going through censuses i found 2 marks both from eaton of them is my great uncle the other is no relation.both served in the Bedfordshire Regt but about 20 years can anyone help me cofirm or deny which one is mentioned on the war memorial.thanks.

Thomas Lungley, UK


I lived in nearby Dagnall I knew all the Cook Family who had the Bakery.Val,Maureen,Terry,Robert(Now living in Norway)& John. In fact I married Val in Sept 2000

June Dell nee Skingle, England


Worked in Thornes Flour Mill in the 40's then went to work in Betta Manufacturing until 1951. Knew Leen Piggott also remember the Thorne brothers Richard and Roger. Knew Roger more as more my age. Also remember an Alan Bates. Would like to hear from Leen

Brian Kavanagh , Australia


Plan to be in UK soon researching my new English village mystery novel and Eaton Bray looks inviting I will try and visit. Cheers.

Beccy, Shaun and Calum Haydon, Eaton Bray


We bid a fond farewell to all our friends and acquaintances we shall be leaving when we make our move to Herefordshire in July.

We have a great many happy memories of life in Eaton Bray. It's been fun living much going on, the carnival, the beer festival (congratulations to all those involved in this years!), history talks and walks, pantomimes, open gardens, school events.....We are lucky to live in a village with such a strong community. Please continue to support these events and more.

It's down to the hard work of volunteers and if people don't offer their help, these things won't happen! If you think you have something to offer to the community, then get in touch with someone and 'do your bit'...It's very rewarding!

Take care
Beccy, Shaun and Calum Haydon.

megan O'Connell, Norfolk


My son and daughter in law [Graham and Sally] live in Eaton Bray and have three beautiful children,[ being their grandma I would say that!!]Jasmine, Morgan and Leila.Morgan plays football for a local team and the family were involved with the school, although they have moved to a Leighton Buzzaed School,they loved the 'little' school and were sad to leave, all the children were christened in the church, Jasmine took up riding at a local riding School, and Leila gymnastics also locally, they belong to Scouts and guide's and many other activities, There is so much going on in this quiet little village, many exciting things to do for children and grown ups in Eaton Bray,the family have made a lot of friends there, and the garden is often full of laughing children and their parents,
I think that Eaton Bray is a wonderful place to grow up in, and I am sure that their memories of their childhood will be golden.

Richard Monagan, Studham


Cat now found!!!

Richard Monaghan, Studham


Lost Cat

Just moved from Eaton Bray to Studham a week ago. Unfortunately our cat has decided to go missing and is possibly on its way home to Booth Place in Eaton Bray. "Monty " is a white and black male cat and has distinktive markings. If spotted please call Richard on 07813529468.... Thanks.

June Dell (nee Skingle), Trowbridge Wiltshire


I worked at Thornes Flour Mill in 1948 and the Betta Mfg further up the road in 1949/1951. Had a friend called Leen Piggott also wonder if Roger and Richard Thorne are still living in the area. Perhaps someone will remember me when I was a teenager.

Wendy, England


I am trying to trace any info on abel osborne born 1827 mary ann his wife there children Harry born 1865,Jesse 1868 and William 1870 they were from Eaton Bray lived at Ordinary Farm later at The Green I have a few photos but know little

Sam Jardim, Cheshire, UK


I am tracing my family tree and a lot of my ancestors originated from Eaton Bray. My 5x great grandad William Gurney was a blacksmith and postmaster here in the 1800's. One branch of the family moved to USA in the 1850's. If any one has any information please contact me!!

Liz, Australia


My greatx7 grandfather was George Brown, a yeoman/wheelwright born around 1680 from Eaton Bray. He lived at Chiltern View Farm. I would be grateful if anyone has any more info about the Farm; its history, occupants etc.

Also, my great x 4 grandfather, Sam Brown, was proprietor of the Five Bells pub. Does anyone have any info on the history and occupants of the pub?

Sam was a blacksmith and his descendents were also blacksmiths in the village. Anymore info appreciated.

Robert Gurney,


My book Luton Poems, Verulamium Press, 2005 has a poem in it on Eaton Bray. Does anyone have any information on William Gurney, blacksmith in Eaton Bray at the beginning of the 20th century.
Robert Gurney
[email protected]

Beverley, England


I have just come back from visiting Eaton Bray and Edlesborough, both homes to my Impey ancestors. I'd like to get in touch with anybody who has Impey's in their family tree.

Richard Cunliffe, Eaton Bray, UK


Moved to Eaton Bray last year, settling in nicley. People are very friendly.

Looking forward to the Beer Festival in June!

Jane Dennison, Australia


i lived in eaton bray in mid 80's best times of my life wish i could catch up with some great old friends eg; clive, tracy, emma, micheal(parents owned pub)if you know anyone please let me know love lived on cantaloop way

Lesley Treacher, England


I used to live at Totternhoe Road Eaton Bray from 1966 to 1973. Have moved several times since then. I think Mary Mayne would remember me. She Rhoda and I used to be friends. I've become a quilter since then, although still just a beginner.

Michael Baker, Australia


As a schoolboy I lived at 21 Moor End from 1943 to 1948. From 1943 to 1946 I went to the Old School and then to Dunstable Grammar School. My father was emloyed at the Heather Works(which burnt down in 1946) opposite the old Mill Wheel. It was very interesting to see the old photographs.

Janice Schaub, USA


Does anyone know of Maureen and Johnny Jones. They used to live on Downside in Dunstable but someone told me they lived in Eaton Bray. Would love to get in touch with Maureeen
Janice Hines (now Schaub)

Susan Brown, England


my family and i have recently traced the impey/empey family back to the area and are currently looking at parish records for more information

Alvin E. Harris III, USA


The following is taken from a journal of my Great Great Great Grandfather by the name of Thomas X. Harris.
"Grandfather Gurney, was a blacksmith by trade, also postmaster of the village in which he lived, Eaton Bray, (Bedfordshire), England. He was the father of 10 children, 4 sons & 6 daughters. He lived to be over (80) eighty years of age, tall and very straight.
Grandmother Gurney (maiden name Hannah Sears), was born in the same place. She died at the age of fifty years."

Neil Morgan, Scotland


I believe my Great-grandfather lived in Eaton Bray. His name was Absalom Morgan and he was an Agricultural Labourer, I have a photo but any other info would be welcome

Clare Finn, United Kingdom


Hi I'm currently studying my family tree and am looking for anybody that has an interest in family history and could help me.
My nameslinked with Eaton Bray are
Tearle (Elizabeth married Richard Gaddesden on 16 oct 1757)
Janes (Hannah married George Tearle Leighton Buzzard 1852)
Also links to Brandham, Cox.
ANy help or links to websites appreciated.
Clare Finn

Ian Mould, UK


I grew up in EB but now loive in Bedford . Mothers family go back generations . Anybody with research or descendants of Charles Newman , Sabina Nicholls , Alfred Nicholls , Elizabeth Hall William Newman or Anne Ruffet please contact me .

Sue Mepham, UK


My great uncle was Charles Rogers of Church Farm, Eaton Bray. He and his wife Annie (nee Payne), both from Ivinghoe, had 10 children in 1901: Esther Edith, Nellie, Ewart Gladstone, Eva, Arnott Charles, Alec Noel, Constance Annie, Alice Maria, William Vernon and Christopher Henry. I would like to hear from any descendants of the Rogers family.

Stephen Griffiths, England


Hi I'm a local lad. Well if you call Leighton Buzzard local then I'm local. My fiance lives in Eaton Bray. Before I met her I past through Eaton Bray a few times and I didn't give it much thought. I just thought it was your ordinary, run of the mill small, village. I've been together with my fiance for 3 years and I've found out that although it is indeed small, Eaton Bray is not ordinary or run of the mall. It has character and there is always something going on. I love this village

Keith I. Faulkner, USA


Visited Eaton Bray this past July (2004). My grandmother was born in Eaton Bray in 1891 (Chapman). Enjoyed everything about my visit. Thanks Eaton Bray. Keith Ives Faulkner

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