Archives of Eaton Bray News for October 2018.
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October 2018

Temporary Road Closure - Moor End, Eaton Bray - December 2018

This article was published in October 2018. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Central Bedfordshire Council logoProposed Temporary Road Closure – Moor End, Eaton Bray

Central Bedfordshire Council have a request for a Temporary Road Closure at the above location to facilitate pre-surface dressing to take place safely.

The restrictions are to be in operation only when the necessary signs are erected on site. The Legal Order will be made to cover a 12 month period.

If you have any observations you wish to make please let the Streetworks Team at Central Bedfordshire Council know as soon as possible.

Moor End, Eaton Bray
Application from:
Darren Smith – 0300 300 4000
Pre-surface dressing
Length affected:
From High Street to County boundary
The closure will be in place for 2 consecutive days between Saturday 1st December 2018 and Monday 31st December 2018between the hours 0800-1800
Diversion Route:
High Street, Leighton Road, Eaton Bray Road, Northall Road, High Street

CBC 6845 - Diversion route during temporary road closure

Temporary Road Closure - Totternhoe Road, Dunstable - December 2018

This article was published in October 2018. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Central Bedfordshire Council logoProposed Temporary Road Closure – Totternhoe Road, Dunstable

Central Bedfordshire Council have a request for a Temporary Road Closure at the above location to facilitate pre-surfacing patching/ surface dressing and resurfacing to take place safely.

The restrictions are to be in operation only when the necessary signs are erected on site. The Legal Order will be made to cover an 18 month period.  Access may be allowed from time to time according to local signing.

If you have any observations you wish to make please let the Streetworks Team at Central Bedfordshire Council know as soon as possible.

Totternhoe Road, Dunstable
Application from:
Central Bedfordshire Council Highways – 0300 300 8049
Pre-surfacing Patching/Surface Dressing and Resurfacing
Length affected:
From junction Tring Road to junction Marina Drive
The closure will be in place for 2 days between on 1st December 2018 and 31st December 2018. Confirmed dates will be circulated nearer the time
Diversion Route:
Head south towards Tring Road/B489, Exit the roundabout onto Tring Road/B489. At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Harling Road. Turn right onto Dunstable Road. Continue onto Church Road, Turn right onto Dunstable Road, and vice versa.

CBC 6842 - Diversion route during temporary road closure

Neighbourhood Development Plan - October 2018

This article was published in October 2018. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

We are under attack, over the past month or so developers have made Planning Applications (or indicated to the Parish Council their intention) to build houses at various locations in Eaton Bray - namely off Northall Road, on the recently closed Rye Nursery, in Bower Lane opposite Café Masala and of course behind School Lane off Eaton Park. Also, as many of you are aware, the garden roadside wall bounding Old Ley Farm was partly demolished (removal of this 'listed' wall will enable development of the land behind). Demolition was only stopped when residents called the police and CBC's Planning enforcement team - our local MP Andrew Selous is supporting reinstatement of the wall and written to CBC on our behalf.

Our Neighbourhood Plan proposes (amongst other things) the following:

  • To protect the Green Belt on existing boundaries.
  • New housing should be sustainable and compatible with the heritage and character of the village.
  • New homes should be 2 or 3 bedrooms, be suitable as starter homes or downsizing with sufficient off road parking.
  • Avoid 4 bedroom executive houses.

Please support our Neighbourhood Plan, which when made will help protect our village and support appropriate development.

For more detail please see the Consultation documents which are still available to be downloaded from the Parish web site

Thank you for supporting our work over the past 3 years, the Neighbourhood Plan is nearly complete. Final proof reading and editing is underway and consultant's reports are finished. We will soon be presenting the Plan to the Parish Council for approval before passing on to CBC and ultimately the Inspector. If the green light is given a referendum will be held.

We hope that you found this update useful, this and other documents are posted on the Parish web site and follow the link to Neighbourhood Plan.

Send your comments to the Parish Clerk at

Thank you.
Glenn Wigley – Chairman EBPC NP