Eaton Bray Parish Council
Minutes of 2nd July 2018
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 2nd July 2018.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for Parish Council meeting of 2nd July 2018
Summary of Minutes - 2nd July 2018
Vacany - Parish Councillor
Eaton Bray is a great place to live and its residents have the opportunity to shape its development by contributing towards the ongoing activities overseen by the Parish Council. If you are able to contribute and have an interest in the parish roads/speeding/Speedwatch, then please have a chat with any of the existing Councillors or contact the Parish Clerk.
Central Beds Council (CBC) - Councillor Ken Janes
Customer Services: Telephone: 0300 300 8301 / Email: [email protected]
Bedfordshire Police
- Eaton Bray Police contact : Sergeant Liam Mitchell, Community Policing Team/Leighton Buzzard - email [email protected] (all information is confidential and no names will be disclosed).
- For general Police contact/enquiries: Non–emergency call 101 / All emergencies 999
- REMINDER: Please report incidents/see something suspicious - at any time of day. Try to obtain as much detail as possible to aid the police in their investigations.
Neighbourhood Plan
Residents - keep your eyes on the Parish Council web site/facebook - for updates
Parish Council website:
Bower Lane Cemetery

- Markers are being fitted at the beginning of each burial row in the Cemetery to ensure Cemetery visitors, grave diggers are able to locate plots and keep an accurate record for plot numbers/details.
- Sponsoring a Memorial Bench: The Parish Council has dealt with enquiries regarding sponsoring memorial benches within the parish. For those who may be considering sponsoring a bench and are unsure of the cost (costs may vary slightly depending on supplier/delivery/plaque/engraving) the expected cost to you would be around £500. If you are interested in sponsoring a bench, then please contact the Parish Clerk for more details.
Next Council Meetings
- Monday 3rd September 2018, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).
- Monday 1st October 2018, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.