Minutes from the June 2005 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 6th June 2005.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 6th June 2005

Summary of Minutes - Monday 6th June 2005

Chairman's Comments

Parishioners that attended the meeting on 10-May-05 bringing attention to the problems occurring with Billington travellers reported that there have been increased Police patrols within the area and unsociable activities have reduced. Visits by the Police to the off-license have also increased.

Matters Arising

Letter to Chief of Police

Acknoledgement of letter being sent has been received. Clerk to thank Police for their incresaed activity within the village, but to press for a reply from initial letter. Copy to MP Selous.


The working party attended a site visit to discuss ground maintenance requirements. A work list was completed amounting to £495.00 plus VAT. Area around the boiler house to be postponed. Clerk has instructed contractor.

District & County and Other Representatives

Norman Lee attended the meeting to update the Cllrs on current events at the village hall. Phase 2 fundraising is ongoing and going successfully with differen events taking place. Funds currently stand at around £15k; around £53k is required for this phase. Quotes will be sought in around 6 months time. The Village Hall Committee have requested from the Charity Commission that the P.C. representatives increase from 1 to 2. Norman will update the P.C. every quarter.


End of Year Return

A random 5% sample of an intermediate audit has been requested. Part of this is for a copy of a risk assessment policy to be sent. The P.C. had agreed at a previous meeting that this schedule was not necessary at that time. Clerk to contact Beds R.C.C. for clarification and report back to the P.C. and if necsssary the Finance Committee will form a schedule.

Wallace Estate

It has been reported that a mature tree has not yet been planted on the Poplar Farm estate as per the planning conditions. Clerk to contact SBDC.

A resident has asked whether the green outside the off-licence could be converted into off road parking. A reply from SBDC states that this could cause more problems.

Also a resident has asked whether a road sign at the entrance of Wallace Drive could also display the road names that lead off of there. Clerk to contact Beds County Council.

Next Council Meeting

Monday 4th July 2005, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.