Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 4th July 2005.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 4th July 2005
Summary of Minutes - Monday 4th July 2005
Chairman's Comments
MP Andrew Selous will be holding a village surgery on 22nd July in The Coffee Tavern car park. Notice on board.
District & County and Other Representatives
Fran Barnes - Youth Club Leader reported to the Council that funding is now in place for an extra youth night. The two nights will be split into two age groups. Attendance has been consistent and behaviour has improved. The Cllrs thanked Fran for the continued success of the Club.
Cllr Janes reported tha SBDC are busy with the new licensing laws and issuing of licences. The 'SBDC Licensing Act -= Member Training 2005' information brochure was placed in the ciculation file.
The agenda changed to allow the member of Public to approach the table.
A resident of Moor End reported to the Cllrs an incident of vandalism and the poor response from the Police to follow up. The Cllrs advised the resident that any incidences should be reported at all times and to obtain crime numbers. E-mailing P.C. Johnson may also assist.
Matters Arising
Letter to Chief of Police
Letter received from Chief Superintendent Mike Colbourne, Divisional Commander confirming that issues are being dealt with and the Police are currently recruiting additional Police Community Support Officers. All correspondance included in the circulation file.
G.P. Committee Report - From Meeting 17/6/05
Further to the applications and interviews carried out, Mrs Liz Hopwood has accepted the position of Clerk. Cllr Beal contacted Beds R.C.C. to clarify that the relationship between John Hopwood as maintenance person would not be detrimental to the Council with Liz as Clerk. Louise Ashmore confirmed that the relationship could be an advantage as Liz lives in the village. A system will be set up which will allow Cllrs to see the jobs and hours carried out by John under Liz's instruction.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 5th September 2005, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.