Eaton Bray Parish Council
Minutes of 6th March 2017
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 6th March 2017.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for Parish Council meeting of 6th March 2017
Summary of Minutes - 6th March 2017

Announcement - In Memorandum
The Parish Council was very saddened to learn of the death of Councillor Richard Windmill. Richard joined Eaton Bray Parish Council in April 1996 and worked tirelessly for the Council during all these years. He was hugely liked and respected by all his colleagues on the Council and the residents for whom he was dedicated to serving. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends. He will be greatly missed.
Central Beds Council (CBC) - Councillor Ken Janes
Customer Services: Telephone: 0300 300 8302 / Email:
Your CBC Council representative - Councillor Ken Janes
Bedfordshire Police
Your Local Policing Team: Non–emergency call 101 / All emergencies 999
Fouling Of Roads/Pavements
Residents have reported problems with fouling of parish roads and pavements. The Council would like to remind residents that should they experience problem fouling (dogs, horses etc.) to report any issues to Environmental Services at CBC - link
Felling/Trimming Trees On Parish Council Land
In line with procedures set out by Central Bedfordshire Council, it is the Parish Council's policy NOT to top, lop or fell otherwise healthy trees that would otherwise need no maintenance to alleviate problems such as the build of leaves, seeds, berries or other minor debris on a neighbouring property to ... allow more light to a property, where the trees in question would not otherwise require any surgery, improve television or satellite reception, prevent roots entering already broken pipes. If a tree/hedge does not have birds nesting or if a tree does not have a tree preservation order, we can only work on it if there is a health and safety risk or the tree is diseased. However, residents are entitled under law to cut back to the boundary line any branches/hedging overhanging their property line.
Vacancies - Parish Councillors
There are three vacancies for Parish Councillors on Eaton Bray Parish Council.
Being a Parish Councillor in Eaton Bray Parish gives you a real opportunity to make a difference to the community. Interested? Please email the Parish Clerk with a brief summary about you, your skills and why you would like to be a Parish Councillor.
Eaton Bray - Neighbourhood Plan
UPDATE: Please see the Neighbourhood Plan report (also printed in the FOCUS magazine).
Next Council Meetings
- Monday 3rd April 2017, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).
- Monday 8th May 2017 - Annual Parish Meeting - from 7:00pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor)
- Monday 8th May 2017 - Annual Meeting of Eaton Bray Parish Council - from 7:30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor)
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.