So far in the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group we have been looking at the positive featuresof Eaton....
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Neighbourhood Development Plan - March 2017

Posted on March 31, 2017

This article was published in March 2017. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

So far in the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group we have been looking at the positive featuresof Eaton Bray, our historic buildings, beautiful landscape, wonderful biodiversity and heritage.Government legislation through the Localism Act gives us Neighbourhood Planning and directsus to make provision for new housing. A year ago CBC advised the Steering Group that weshould make provision for 150 new dwellings. However the UK has changed, we are now postBrexit, Trump and perhaps more importantly the Housing White Paper was published.

This month we decided to question the direction that we are expected to take with thefollowing message to CBC.

The EBNP Steering Group have reached a point where we need some clarification to assist us before we hold a public consultation, and bearing in mind the Housing White Paper has been issued where the Government is clearly supporting / maintaining the Green Belt. Could you please answer the following questions which we would expect to be raised at a public consultation?
- Have you completed your Housing Needs Assessment including the area around Eaton Bray?
- Have you completed your Green Belt review?
- Please advise the very exceptional circumstances for releasing land from the GB in and around Eaton Bray.
- What is your expectation for future growth in Eaton Bray and the basis for your calculations?
- Are there any sites around Eaton Bray where CBC have an interest and would consider development?

Keep your eyes on the Parish Council web site and Facebook page for more information.

If you feel you can offer any support please come along to our meetings. However support doesn't need to be, attending monthly meetings, perhaps you have the time to help with data collection/research.

Contact the Parish Clerk at - please feel free to attend the next Steering Group meeting.

Meetings are planned for the last Monday of the month at 19.30hrs at the Coffee Tavern, Eaton Bray.

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