Minutes from the January 2016 meetings of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Minutes of 4th January 2016

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 4th January 2016.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for Parish Council meeting of 4th January 2016

Summary of Minutes - 4th January 2016

Central Beds Council (CBC) - Councillor Ken Janes

Website: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Customer Services: Telephone: 0300 300 8302 / Email: [email protected]

  • Commercial Property, Totternhoe Road: an enforcement notice has been raised, planning application to be put in respect to the new entrance being built on the Eaton Bray Road/Totternhoe Road junction. Awaiting details.
  • The speed limit at Lancot Hill (road leading into Dunstable from Totternhoe) is being changed; the 30mph limit being extended to further down the hill.

Bedfordshire Police

CRIME REPORTRecorded Crime
Crime Type01/12/14
Violence against the person01
Sexual Offences00
Domestic Burglary00
Burglary Other01
Vehicle Crime00
Other Theft00
Criminal Damage00
Anti-Social Behaviour
 December 2014December 2015
2 x Animals running around without any leads or owners.
2 x Abandoned Vehicle (not abandoned as belongs to an owner in Eaton Bray).
  • There was no representative from CBC in attendance. The Council will write to the local police representative expressing disappointment with the lack of attendance by police representatives at parish meetings.

News from the team

If you wish to contact your Local Policing Team then please call 01582 473411 or email LPT.LeightonBuzzardLinslade&Rural@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk

Non–emergency call 101 / All emergencies 999

A Big Thank You

The Council would like to take this opportunity to thank the Councillors involved in the organisation of the Christmas events and all the residents of the parish for their great support. The Council is pleased to announce that the donations given by those attending the carol singing and from within the White Horse Pub totalled £197.09. The money has been donated to the Kids Out Charity, a charity that provides fun and positive experiences for children throughout the UK who are living in refuge, economic hardship or with other acute disadvantages (for more information visit their website www.kidsout.org.uk). The charity would like to pass on their thanks for such kind generosity.

Vacancy - Parish Councillor

There is a vacancy for a Parish Councillor on Eaton Bray Parish Council. If you are interested in joining the council please email the Parish Clerk or visit our website for more details.

NEAT - Village Clean Up Day/Bulb Planting

The Council are looking at putting on three events during the year (Spring/Summer/Autumn), involving parishioners, during which those with properties in the village are asked to spend as much time as they can afford to just tidying up the village, sweeping up the pavement in the front of their property and helping in a small way to overall improve the appearance of the village. This will also include bulb planting in the public areas, planters, weeding etc. The first date proposed is Saturday 19th March 2016, with further dates to be put forward at a later date. See the Council facebook page/website for further details.

HGV 7.5 Weight Restrictions/Road Signage

Signage within the Bedfordshire section of the proposed roads covered by the HGV restrictions are now erected, waiting for Bucks CC to finalise the remaining three signs on the county boundaries. Once completed the HGV restrictions will be implemented. Once in force, details regarding restrictions/how to report offenders will be on the Eaton Bray Facebook/forum/website pages.

Problem Car Parking/Tractors

It has been brought to the Council's attention the problem of poorly parked cars within the parish - parking on public footpaths, blocking access for pedestrians and causing obstruction. Parking on the pavements and preventing use of them is a highways offence and enforceable with a fixed penalty notice. It is also hazardous to those who have to walk out onto the road to pass the vehicle. The Council request that vehicle owners do not park their vehicles on the pavements. The Police will be informed and enforcement action taken. In addition, it has been noted, that there have been tractors' causing obstruction to pedestrian/road users in the parish, with some driving through the village at considerable speed. The council ask that all road users please reduce their speed whilst driving through the parish and when parking to not block public footpaths/pedestrian access.

Finance: Budget/Precept 2016-2017

The council looked through the spend for the year and proposed spend for the following financial year; it was agreed to increase the council's yearly precept by £4,000 to £83,000.


Speedwatch are looking for volunteers to help with the speed checks. If you would like to get involved in trying to slow down traffic in the village and are concerned about road safety please contact Cllr. Mark Tomkins, expressing your interest.

Bedfordshire Flag

Bedfordshire FlagResident's may have become aware of a new flag flying at The Coffee Tavern; this flag is the official Bedfordshire Flag. The flag is flown to promote pride and recognition for the county of Bedfordshire.

The flag is made up of three main elements which contribute to the overall design of the flag:

  1. The red and yellow quadrants which come from the coat of arms of the Beauchamp family, who were a prominent family in the county after the Norman conquest. They also constructed Bedford Castle and were granted a barony at Bedford.
  2. The vertical black stripe which takes the center of the flag containing three shells, or escallops. This comes from the coat of arms of the Duke of Bedford.
  3. The horizontal blue and white wavy lines represent the river Great Ouse which passes through the county.

Bedfordshire Day: 28th November

In addition to the flying of the Bedfordshire flag, there is now an official Bedfordshire day, celebrated annually on the 28th November; the anniversary of the birth a local figure, John Bunyan. John Bunyan was an English writer and Baptist preacher, educated at Bedford School. He is best remembered for The Pilgrim's Progress, other authors influenced by John Bunyan include Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Charles Dickens, Louisa May Alcott and George Bernard Shaw. A museum primarily dedicated to the life, times and works of John Bunyan is located in Mill Street Bedford, Bedfordshire. For more information on Bedfordshire Day, visit The Friends of Bedfordshire website; link: www.friendsofbedfordshire.org.uk

Next Council Meetings

  • Monday 1st February 2016, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).
  • Monday 7th March 2016, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).

The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.