Eaton Bray Parish Council
Minutes of 13th May 2013
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Annual Parish / Annual Eaton Bray Parish Council Meetings of 13th May 2013.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for Annual Parish meeting of 13th May 2013
Download Full Minutes for Annual Parish Council meeting of 13th May 2013
Summary of Minutes - 13th May 2013
Public Open Forum
Items brought to the Parish Council�s attention:
- Are the grass verges the responsibility of the Parish Council? No, the Parish Council are responsible for certain areas of grass within the parish, the verges are the responsibility of Central Bedfordshire council.
- Village Hall Payments � how many payments are still to be made with regards to the loan taken out by the Parish Council to support the hall�s refurbishment? The loan was taken out in 2004, with a ten year loan period. The final payment to be made in August 2014.
- Local demand for allotments? Currently the demand for plots is small. There are allotment plots at The Meads, off School Lane (Holmans Field) and Bower Lane plot designated as allotments.
- All-Weather training pitch � the following concerns were raised with the Parish Council regarding the proposed development:
- Do not believe residents of the village were informed about this proposal.
- Believe the notice in Focus did not give enough details about the proposal.
- Residents living near the area believe they did not received sufficient communication about these proposals.
- Residents living near the area did not receive communications from Central Bedfordshire Council regarding the planning application.
- Concerns with the planning application � details within it.
- Concerns with the proposed lighting for the pitch.
- Lack of communication by the Parish Council with residents.
- Concerned the facilities would not be legal, i.e. cleaning/toilet facilities? And would like the Parish Council to look into this.
- Do not feel the Parish Council were acting for the community when proposing this development.
- Would like a meeting to look at the proposals, i.e. Scheme of Use, etc.
- Pavillion/Sports & Social Club � does the council have the funds/budgeted for the costs towards the demolition of this building? Yes
- Traffic and Parking Issues? The Parish council are awaiting details of the speed monitor that was set up in the village. The Parish Council do not have traffic power; this is the responsibility of Central Bedfordshire Council.
- Would like more detail regarding council fixed assets.
Accounts For Year Ending 31 March 2013
The Clerk, as RFO, reported that parish council year end accounts have been completed, ready for approval at the Annual Meeting of Eaton Bray Parish Council on 13 May 2013. The final accounts were signed off by the Internal Auditor on the 10 May 2013, once approved by the Parish Council the accounts will be forwarded to the external auditors for 1 July 2013.
Election Of Councillors
Cllr. Johns was elected as Chairman of the Parish Council and the council were pleased welcome Cllr. Glenn Wigley to the Parish Council.
Central Beds Council (CBC)
- New CBC Chairman: Councillor Caroline Maudlin has been elected as the new Chairman of Central Bedfordshire Council.
- Priory House car park: Following feedback regarding the limited car parking spaces at Priory House, a scheme to add 50 spaces is underway.
- National Citizen Service (NCS): This is a service for young people in Year 11 and Year 12, a chance for young people to spend two weeks away from home, learning new skills like abseiling and camping. They also get to hone their business skills, learning movie making, how to start a business and more � For details on this course and its cost call NCS on 0845 4607410 or visit their website
Bedfordshire Police
There have been 2 reported crimes for April: 1x vehicle crime, 1 other theft. In addition there have been incidents of anti-social behavior: 4x transport, 3x anti-social, 13x public safety/welfare.
Parish Byelaws
The proposed new Byelaws notice has been placed in the Leighton Buzzard Observer, w/c 30th April 2013, with the deadline for comments being 30th May 2013.
St. Mary�s Village Carnival, Saturday 6th July 2013
Once again, Eaton Bray Parish Council will be present at the St. Mary�s Village Carnival on Saturday 6th July 2012. Please do take the time to visit us.
Accounts For Year Ending 31st March 2013
The Clerk distributed details of the accounts for the Annual Return. It was agreed to approve the annual accounts, the Chairman signed on behalf of the Parish Council.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 3rd June 2013, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.