Minutes from the April 2009 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 6th April 2009.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 6th April 2009

Summary of Minutes - Monday 6th April 2009

New Parish Councillor

Eaton Bray Parish Council is pleased to have co-opted Mr. Alan Garofall onto the Parish Council.

Police Representative

The Parish Council were informed that the police have been in the village with S.I.D.

S.I.D. is a hi-tec mobile Speed Indication Device, which keeps a sharp-eyed watch on drivers' speeds and when they are detected travelling too fast it flashes up the speed on a roadside display monitor. The aim is to draw drivers� attention to their speed and let them know they are over the limit, encouraging them to slow down.

Homewatch Areas In Eaton Bray

If you are interested in becoming a Homewatch Co-ordinator, please contact the Parish Clerk for more details.

Conservation Area/P3 Report

The Parish Council was informed that within the Conservation Area, new WHIPS have been planted in the newly cleared area. In addition, the Working Group is in the process of putting together a working plan for the next stages in the Conservation Area improvements for 2009-2010. The Parish Council wished to thank Cllr Brand for organising with Bedfordshire County Council the removal of rubble built up since the conservation area improvements had begun.

Housing Needs Within The Parish

The Parish Council was informed that the Clerk has received a total of six replies to questionnaires from a total of 1,088 properties within the parish. ALL of which had received the questionnaire in the December/January 2009 FOCUS Magazine with a reminder for this information being included in the February 2009 FOCUS. It was recommended that the Parish Council look into the current housing within the parish: the percentage privately owned and the percentage of rented/housing association properties. It was also recommended that the Parish Council check how much control they would have with regards to the style of housing developed, i.e. bungalows/small houses.

Budget 2009/2010

The budget was confirmed and agreed at the Parish Council Meeting.

Skate & Ride Report

The Clerk wished to thank all those who kindly helped her in delivering letters to ALL parish residents. The Parish Council also wished to thank the Clerk for all her hard work in organising the letters, from printing to their delivery.

The Parish Council looked at the proposed design/position of the Skate & Ride Area, taking into account its position in relation to distance from properties and current facilities. It was agreed, in principle, to the recommended position of the Skate & Ride Area. The area recommended is the furthest position from residents housing, however once an agreed final design of the area is put to the Parish Council the exact position will then be agreed.

Recycling Area In School Lane

After a number of enquiries with School Lane residents, the overall majority from those able to be contacted agreed to the retention of the recycling bins. The Parish Council have agreed to the placing of a new sign informing ALL parish residents the recycling times for using this facility is from 9:00am to 7:00pm ONLY.

School Lane Playground Equipment

The Parish Council is currently in the process of obtaining quotes for the replacement of the damaged playground equipment in School Lane Recreation Ground.

Next Council Meetings

Annual Parish Meeting: Wednesday 6th May 2009, 7.00pm, in The Coffee Tavern

Annual Meeting of Eaton Bray Parish Council: Wednesday 6th May 2009, 7.30pm, in The Coffee Tavern

Eaton Bray Parish Council meeting: Monday 1st June 2009, 7.30pm, in The Coffee Tavern.

The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.