Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 2nd May 2007.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 2nd May 2007
Summary of Minutes - Wednesday 2nd May 2007
Cllr Beal was elected as Chair.
Cllr Crace was elected as Vice Chair.
A resident expressed his concern that it had been decided not to allow a flagpole to be erected on Three Corners Green to fly the St. George flag, he feels that provision to fly the flag in the village is desirable.
The Chair explained that the parish council had gone through a process seeking the opinions of those who would be effected most and had listened to those residents who attended the council meeting at which the decision had been made. The overwhelming response had been against siting the flagpole on Three Corners Green. A different site, at the Coffee Tavern, is now being considered.
A letter from Andrew Selous MP, asking to use the Coffee Tavern for a constituency surgery on 22nd June 2007.
The Chairman commented with thanks, that the youth club had agreed to move their evening to Thurs. to enable the PC to meet.
It was agreed unanimously to accept the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on the 2nd. April 2007, with the following corrections:
- Change the date in the title to 2nd April 2007
- Item 7.1. Insert: "The council unanimously voted to reject the request." between the first and last sentences.
- Item 11 omitted. Insert: Item 11. Meads allotments: Following complaints received concerning dogs, Cllr Heyland had inspected the allotment site and found gaps in the hedge adjacent to Church Lane. Action: G.P.
Cllr Marriage signed the minutes of the GP meeting held on 12th April 2007 with the unanimous approval of those councillors who had been present.
Vehicle Activated Signs. The process of deciding sites and specifications is going well, and opinions are being sought from residents. Funding proposals are being considered and look promising with grants availablefrom the Parish Partnership.
Mr. I. Robinson, roads advisor, will attend the next council meeting to advise on traffic control.
It was agreed unanimously to have plot number markers on all new graves.
The grounds maintenance contractor would be asked to check the graves twice yearly and turf any newly settled graves.
New cemetery fees were agreed, to commence 1st.June 2007.
All burial fees include 75 years exclusive rights.
Parishoners of Eaton Bray | Non-Parishioners | |
Burials | £75.00 | £300.00 |
Burial of ashes | £45.00 | £180.00 |
To re-open (for 2nd. Burial) | £25.00 | £100.00 |
To place a memorial | £20.00 | £80.00 |
Youth club
There is a vacancy for a youth club leader, Cllr Beal asked the councillors to circulate a notice inviting applications.
Skateboarding facilities
Cllr Gallagher reports that research is on-going. The GP will meet to look at possible sites in the village.
Draft accounts for year ending 31st March 2007
The clerk distributed copies of the draft accounts, final accounts will be compiled by the Finance Committee for consideration at the next council meeting (June �07).
Carnival stall
Cllr Crace reported that a stall has been booked at the 2007 carnival
Parishioners of Eaton Bray will be encouraged to give their email addresses to create a database to be used to promote Parish Council activities. A meal for two has been offered by Cafe Masala to be used as an incentive.
The following applications were considered:
- TP/07/0313: 122 High St, Eaton Bray.
Construction of vehicular crossover. - TP/07/0410: Icknield Way Farm, Tring Rd.
Erection of single storey side & rear extensions. - TP/07/0434: Harling House, Harling Rd.
Erection of single storey rear extension. - CC/07/0452: Eaton Bray Lower School, School Lane
Erection of nursery building and construction of hardstanding play area and footpath. - TP/07/0481: 123 High St, Eaton Bray.
Erection of two storey side extension
There were no objections to these applications.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 4th June 2007, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.