Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 5th June 2006.
A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):
Download Full Minutes for 5th June 2006
Summary of Minutes - Monday 5th June 2006
Bower Lane Cemetery Fence
Work to commence
Speeding Traffic
The council had been informed the cost of vehicle activated signs has increased to approx. £7,500 each. It has been suggested that existing measures should be reinforced as a more efficient use of funds.
Public meeting 6th July
Villagers are asked to attend the open forum of July's meeting to put forward their recommendations, or to contact the Clerk.
Coffee Tavern
Awaiting report on feasibility of installing a chairlift.
Specifications for the redecoration of the Coffee Tavern to be drawn up and tenders sought.
Mill End Close
Concern expressed over access to, and maintenance of, areas of land around Mill End Close. G.P. committee to visit the site and report.
Chilterns AONB 40th. Anniversary Fund Grant
It was agreed to submit a claim for a grant to provide the village with a traditional signpost to highlight local points of interest.
Children�s Play Equipment
More information required to make the final decision on repairs and maintenance. Some minor maintenance work to commence.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 3rd July 2006, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.