Minutes from the May 2005 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Annual Eaton Bray Parish Meeting of 9th May 2005.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 9th May 2005

Summary of Minutes - Monday 9th May 2005

Matters Arising

Traffic calming

30mph signs are now installed in the village. Following the SID project carried out by the G.P. Committee members a report of their findings has been sent to the Police and they are aware of timings and will endeavour to have a greater presence within the village.


14 out of the 26 plots are now occupied.

The Rye Car Park

The refurbishment has now been completed.

Seating at Moor End bus shelter

Seat has been repaired.

Policing Levels

The Council agreed that P.C. Neville Johnson has been performing well within the village.

The Rye/Totternhoe Junction

Suggestions were raised as to ways of improving this area.

County Cllr Piggott stated that he would take any ideas to the County Council.

The Focus Magazine

Highlights of Parish Council meetings which include dates of the forthcoming meetings are now included in the magazine.

Property in Church Lane

It has been reported that the residents of the property having building works done have been using their allotment plot as a waste site for building materials. Clerk to write and request that the plot be re-instated as an allotment plot.

The Meads Bus Shelter

The P.C. agreed not to install a bin at this current time.

Next Council Meeting

Monday 6th June 2005, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.