Minutes from the April 2005 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 4th April 2005.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 4th April 2005

Summary of Minutes - Monday 4th April 2005

Chairman's Comments

SBDC - Parish representation on the Standards Committee. Cllr Heyland volunteered to be re-nominated. Clerk to complete paperwork.

Cllr Bagni raised the issue of licensing laws applicable to the Coffee Tavern. Clerk to contact Sue Norman. Cllr Janes will also forward information to the Clerk.

Youth Club

Fran Barnes attended the meeting and reported that the Club has secured the help of another volunteer.

Issues with some youth's not paying sums have now been resolved and payment is now being received.

Matters Arising

The Rye - Traffic Sensors

Further to the meeting held between the Police and Cllr Marriage, it has been agreed that the site is suitable for use. Clerk to ascertain when monitoring dates will occur.

Beds CC Carriageway Repairs

Peter O'Reilly has informed the Clerk that all works discussed have been issued an order to commence.

The Rye Rec

Cllr Janes reported that where the hedges have been cut on the rec, areas have been missed where there are obstacles. Clerk to contact contractor.

G.P. Committee Report - 17-March-05

G.P. have recommended that the Parish be divided into 9 sections in order that each Cllr can monitor items that need attention, i.e. road signs, pavements, hedgewors, footpaths, etc. Cllr Beal will form a checklist to be issued to Cllrs.

Rye Car Park Security - RE: Fly Tipping

Following a discussion, the Clerk was asked to obtain information on height barriers for next meeting.

Next Council Meetings

Annual Parish Meeting

Monday 9th May 2005, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.

Annual Parish Council Meeting

Tuesday 10th May 2005, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.