Eaton Bray Parish Council
Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 7th March 2005.
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Download Full Minutes for 7th March 2005
Summary of Minutes - Monday 7th March 2005
Chairman's Comments
Letter from Mrs Sue Hounslow - Head Teacher, Eaton Bray Lower School, inviting Cllrs to visit the School which would be a more effective way of getting to know everyone. A visit will take place on 18th April, Cllrs to informs Clerk of attendance. Council representation on the board of governors will continue.
Matters Arising
London Gliding Club
Further to checking boundaries, the Club actually lies outside of Eaton Bray boundary.
Clerk has erported missing sign, but SBDC has said that they will replace these "No ball games" signs. Refuse trucks have also been reported.
The Rye - Traffic Sensors
Response from the Police is that the office carrying out these checks states it is not possible to park due to the drainage ditch. Richard Bratton has suggested thet Cllr Marriage meets with the officer. Meeting arranged for 11th March.
Internal Auditor - Resolve to Appoint I.A. for 2005
Cllr Marriage proposed that Mr Ray Foster be again appointed as Internal Auditor for 2004/2005, seconded by Cllr Janes, unanimous.
Youth Club
Cllr Beal reported that within the last 6 weeks there has been good attendance level of youths all paying subs. The Blub is busy with activities including Comic Relief, and an Aqua Splash outing. A new youth worker is in attendance with training programmed.
Next Council Meeting
Monday 4th April 2005, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.