Minutes from the February 2005 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 7th February 2005.

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Summary of Minutes - Monday 7th February 2005

Chairman's Comments

Letter from a young resident asking whether skating facilities could be provided for the youths. G.P. Committee will discuss and report back to the P.C.. Clerk to write to youth and invite to Committee meeting.

Update from Steve Halton regarding the Damsons in Distress project. It is likely that funding will be attained. Surveys will be carried out to establish a baseline of where current orchards are and the conditions. Landowner forms are being sent out by the Trust, and Cllrs can pass on forms to any known owners.

District & County and Other Representatives

Members of the Public were allowed to address the Cllrs regarding anti social behaviour being experienced around the Knights Close area. Considerable damage has occurred to cars and a sign erected by SBDC has been removed.

The P.C. advised the residents to continue calls to the Police when incidences occur and to record details of calls made. Also it was advised that residents should set up an Association which would encourage authorities to take the situation seriously.

Housing at SBDC should be notified of any anti-social behaviour as terms of tenancy agreements may be contravened. Clerk to contact SBDC to report the missing sign, and also to forward resident details to PC Johnson for him to liaise with them regarding the Home Watch scheme. Report also to SBDC that refuse trucks are churning up the ground.

Matters Arising

The Rye - Traffic Sensors

Cllr Marriage reported that the location where patrol cars would park along The Rye to enable officers to carry out speed checks is unaffected. Clerk to request from the Police reasoning for this statement.

Crime & Disorder

Clerk forwarded to PC Johnson the top 6 concerns, these being in order, burglary/theft from cars, speeding, nuisance youths, vandalism, illegal parking on footpaths, drink/drugs. PC Johnson is still collating information from all Parishes.


Eaton Bray Lower School

Cllr Heyland reported that Mrs Sue Hounslow has been appointed as Head teacher, having been deputy for 15 years. The school will now look to appoint a teacher or part time teacher to assist.

Clerk to write a letter of congratulation and invite Mrs Hounslow to attend a P.C. meeting.

Next Council Meeting

Monday 7th March 2005, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.