Minutes from the July 2019 meetings of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Minutes of 1st July 2019

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Eaton Bray Parish Council Meeting of 1st July 2019.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for Parish Council meeting of 1st July 2019

Summary of Minutes - 1st July 2019

Central Beds Council (CBC) - Councillor Philip Spicer

Email: Philip.Spicer@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Website: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Customer Services: Telephone: 0300 300 8301 / Email: customers@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Bedfordshire Police

  • Eaton Bray Police contact : PCSO Kate Arnold - Email: kate.arnold@bedfordshire.pnn.police.uk
  • For general Police contact/enquiries: Non–emergency call 101 / All emergencies 999

Neighbourhood Plan

Residents - keep your eyes on the Parish Council web site/facebook - for updates.

Parish Council website: www.ebpc.uk/np

School Lane Skate Park

Two local children addressed the Parish Council, asking for improvements to the current skatepark facility. The proposal was for an additional �street section� to be added to the current facility, which incorporates railings/steps. The skatepark is used by all ages and a very popular facility within the village. The Parish Council recommended that the children put a petition together, to show a need for this addition.

Advertising in the Parish

Due to recent events, where advertising boards did not conform to the parish advertising policy, there is to be an amendment to the current regulations to include the clause, "Please note it is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure the sign sponsor conforms to Eaton Bray�s Advertising Policy. Any costs incurred by the Parish Council to remove signs from parish land not in line with the policy will be charged to the event organiser. Please see the Advertising Policy for full details/costs."

Neighbourhood Plan Rederendum

Thursday 3rd October 2019, Eaton Bray Village Hall

The Eaton Bray Neighbourhood Plan has now been completed and there will be a public referendum on 3rd October at which we urge all parishioners to come and vote to adopt this Plan. The Plan has been created over the last 3 years to help provide protection for our village life, the community and the important things for our future. If the Plan is not supported, the village runs the risk of Central Government imposing its will in terms of development and other areas that may lead to our village losing its identity. The referendum will be at the Village Hall on 3rd October and you will receive a voting card in due course with further instructions � please come and cast your vote to help support this important protection for our village�s future.

Litter Pick Day - Saturday 26th October 2019

It would be great to see as many of the community as able support the proposed Litter Pick Day on Saturday 26th October � lets help to make our village tidy.


If you would like to get involved in trying to slow down traffic in the village/concerned about road safety, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Next Council Meetings

  • Monday 2nd September 2019, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).
  • Monday 7th October 2019, from 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern (1st floor).

The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.