Minutes from the May 2012 meetings of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Minutes of 14th May 2012

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Annual Parish / Annual Eaton Bray Parish Council Meetings of 14th May 2012.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for Annual Parish meeting of 14th May 2012

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for Annual Parish Council meeting of 14th May 2012

Summary of Minutes - 14th May 2012

The Clerk wished to thank all the Parish Councillors and many others who have worked for/with the Parish Council over the year. All the work and support that everyone has given is much appreciated.

Projects Completed And On-Going


We have received a number of positive comments this year regarding the improved condition and appearance of the cemetery. The new Grounds Maintenance Contractor has been able to achieve this by cutting the grass on a very regular basis. He has also instituted an ongoing programme of work to cut the neglected, encroaching and over grown hedges back to the original boundary line. Members of the Community Payback Scheme spent three days clearing debris from around/under the hedges to the front and sides of the cemetery. In excess of three tons was removed. There is a plan to replace the front hedge in the autumn with a new Laurel hedge. The Council is still looking at a range of options regarding the acquisition of extra burial land.

Coffee Tavern/Cottage

  • Currently there are six Trustees
  • The Coffee Tavern has been quite well used; however it would be good to see more local groups/people making use of this village facility, to encourage this the letting fee has remained at the 2009 level.
  • Window boxes and planters have been added to the outside of the building.
  • A new Parish Council Notice Board has been fixed to the front of the building and a Community Notice Board has been sited in the Coffee Tavern Garden.
  • The fire alarms & emergency lights are checked and serviced every six months. The extinguishers are checked and serviced annually.
  • The condition of the ‘Grass Crete Matting’ in the Car Park is being monitored and the Parish Council kept informed.
  • The cottage was totally redecorated, three Passyfier Vents were installed to the outside walls of the lounge and the two bedrooms and a number of roof tiles were replaced and the flashing repaired.
  • Risk/Fire Assessments have been updated.

Recreation Ground Improvements

The two new pieces of play equipment are in storage and ready for fitting. The Council are awaiting details of quotes for the safety matting required for these pieces. The Parish Council are working with the local football club, EB Lions, for the provision of an all-weather training pitch at The Rye Ground.

Additional projects and news for the coming year

  • The Coffee Tavern Trustees are looking into the tidying up of the car park.
  • Now the new 20mph speed limit signs and restrictions are in force for School Lane, the Parish Council will be working with the local police to ensure these speeds are adhered to.
  • Village Sign; the working group are in the process of finalising design/funding.
  • The Parish Council hope to encourage residents to join an Improvement Team; volunteering their help to improve the parish in which they live.
  • The Parish Council are looking at purchasing additional Christmas lights to add more cheer to the parish at that time of year.

Election Of Councillors

Cllr. Johns was elected as Chairman of the Parish Council and the council were pleased to co-opt a new councillor, Cllr. Linda Doughty to the Parish Council.

Accounts For Year Ending 31st March 2012

The Clerk distributed details of the accounts for the Annual Return. It was agreed to approve the annual accounts, the Chairman signed on behalf of the Parish Council.


Eaton Bray is now on Facebook; the Parish Council hope to get as much useful information put on this new resource. Take a look ….. LIKE us :-)

Village Sign

The Village Sign Working Group presented the draft design to the Parish Council, which was approved; the council hope to have the recommended final design on display at the council’s stand at the St. Mary’s Village Carnival on 7th July.

Next Council Meetings

Monday 2nd July 2012, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.

The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.