Minutes from the May 2011 meeting of the Eaton Bray Parish Council.
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Eaton Bray Parish Council

Below is a summary of the minutes of the Annual Parish / Annual Eaton Bray Parish Council Meetings of 9th/11th May 2011.

A full version can be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat format (PDF):

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 9th May 2011

PDF: Adobe Acrobat Format Download Full Minutes for 11th May 2011

Summary of Minutes - 9th/11th May 2011

Chairman's Comments

The Chairman wished to thank all the Parish Councillors, Clerk and many others who have worked for/with the Parish Council over the year.

All the work and support that everyone has given is much appreciated.

Cllr. Margret Hawkes
Chairman of Eaton Bray Parish Council


The new Grounds Maintenance Contract has now been agreed, with the additional monthly minor works being continued for 2011. The front hedge of the cemetery is being cut back away from the public footpath and any undergrowth encroaching on the footpath being cleared. Gaps in the hedge are to be filled with temporary fencing to allow for the Whips to grow. Many of the cemetery boundary hedges have encroached into burial land and this is something that the Parish Council will look into this year.

Recreation Ground Improvements

Two new pieces of play equipment have been purchased for the children’s play area in School Lane, with fitting to be arranged for later in the year. The Community Payment Scheme has now been agreed by the Parish Council, who will utilise this service for the repainting of all the parish play equipment. The Parish Council are looking into creating a separate entrance to the School Lane Car Park for pedestrians.

Additional projects for the coming year

The Parish Council will be looking at the options available for road safety in the parish, i.e. speed control, safer routes to school. The Parish Council will be looking at the improvements needed to many trees within the parish.

Election of Councillors

Cllr. Piggott was elected as Chairman of the Parish Council and the council were pleased to co-opt new councillors to the Parish Council.

Many Thanks - Retiring Parish Councillor Dave Pearson

The Parish Council wished to send a message of thanks to retiring Parish Councillor Dave Pearson. This long standing Councillor has done so much for the community in which he lives and has such wonderful knowledge of this village. His presence on the Parish Council will be greatly missed.

Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2011

The Clerk distributed details of the accounts for the Annual Return. It was agreed to approve the annual accounts, the Chairman signed on behalf of the Parish Council.

Central Bedfordshire Council

Ward Cllr. Marion Mustoe attended the meeting who confirmed that Councillor James Jamieson has been elected as Leader of Central Bedfordshire Council’s Conservative Group. Councillor Jamieson represents Westoning, Flitton and Greenfield and has lived in Bedfordshire for 25 years. He became a Central Bedfordshire Councillor when the new Unitary Authority was created in 2009. He has been Chairman of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for Customer and Shared Services) for the past two years. He has enjoyed a successful career in business. He worked for several national and multinational companies including Unilever, Whitbread, UBS and Hambros before establishing his own management consultancy firm in 2005. He and his wife have two children and are actively involved in the local community.

Next Council Meetings

Monday 6th June 2011, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.

The Parish Clerk can be contacted using the details shown on the Eaton Bray Parish Council home page.