The Eaton Bray WI meet on the first Monday of each month in Eaton Bray Methodist Church
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Women's Institute


Womens InstituteThe WI meet at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month in Eaton Bray Methodist Church (Totternhoe Rd, Eaton Bray, LU6 2BD).

New members are always very welcome.

For more information phone (01525) 220991.

For current related news see the WI News section.


  • October 2023: Review of 2023: Another good year with excellent speakers and lovely social occasions.

Previous News


  • January 2017: Victoria Poulton's talk on the history of Woburn was delightful.


  • December 2016: Colin Oakes gave a talk entitled Eighteen Years in a Grotto: Santa Speaks.
  • November 2016: Graham Harrison We were looking forward to our speaker for the evening as it was an unusual topic; Poison as a Medicine.
  • October 2016: Wendy Austin gave us an extremely interesting, illustrated talk on Ashridge House and the part the Brownlow family played in the Estate.
  • September 2016: Paul Heley gave a very informative talk on Chasing Polar Bears.


  • November 2008: Jennie Moody MBE who founded Luton Women's Aid; a charity that offers a refuge for abused women and their children.
  • October 2008: Anna Conti gave a very enjoyable talk and demonstration, on the intricateness of designing and making stained glass windows and panels.
  • September 2008: Mel Rees is an author, who has been giving talks for the past six years that look at the characterisations and situations from everyday life in a very humorous way.
  • March 2008: Mr Runnalls Davis gave an interesting talk and slide show on the work carried out by women operating canal narrow boats during the Second World War.


  • November 2007: Rusty Goffe spoke to us about his lifetime in show business.
  • October 2007: Ann Parsons who gave a very interesting and humorous talk entitled Royal Connections
  • July 2007: Diane spoke about the work of the charity Dogs for the Disabled.
  • June 2007: Lorna Salmon gave us an interesting humorous talk about '50 Years on the Fiddle'.