Eaton Bray 5th Annual Beer festival
Posted on May 10, 2008
Note: This article describes the 2008 event.
For details of this year's Beer Festival, please see Village Hall Events.
Eaton Bray Hall
Friday 6th June and Saturday 7th June 2008
As usual I am trying to think of a snazzy way to start this piece and as usual (as those of you who read my pieces will have noticed) I am failing miserably. So I thought I would start with some basic facts.
The Location: Eaton Bray Village Hall
The Beer: 16 Real ales plus cider & perry
The Dates: Friday 6th June 6pm till 11pm, Saturday 7th June 12 noon till 11pm
The Food: BBQ (the best as run by me!) plus baked potatoes and assorted fillings. And all the other usual bits!
The Entertainment: Friday evening Jerome Chance, Saturday afternoon Children's magician, Saturday evening Bob Thompson
Other Drinks For those of you who do not like Real Ale or are either too young or driving we will have a selection of lagers, wines and soft drinks.
All in all this should make for an excellent couple of days. We do hope you will join us and remember we are delighted for families to come and join in the fun as the bar is in a separate area.
All monies raised from the event are going to the continuing refurbishment of the hall.
The quiz, which by the time you are reading this, will have happened was sold out by the first week of April with a waiting list. So we are sorry to any disappointed villagers.
I have promised to give those people first dibs for our next Quiz on Saturday 11th October. The rest of you don't say you haven't been warned.
See you at the Beer Festival. Any further enquires please contact Ross on 221411.
Source: Focus, May 2008
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