David Broddle from Eaton Bray has returned from Mount Everest after helping to raise £100,000 for....
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David Broddle helps raise £100,000 for Child Cancer Charity

Posted on November 18, 2013

This article was published in November 2013. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

David Broddle, Mount EverestDavid Broddle from Eaton Bray has returned from Mount Everest after helping to raise £100,000 for CLIC Sargent, a child cancer charity.

The expedition - which took David and 24 colleagues from Santander banking group through Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche and Lobuche - was going well until October 13, when the weather turned.

David admits he was "devasted" when last month's cyclone in India cut short the trip. "We were trekking in a snow storm and we were unaware of the cyclone.

"We woke up to 3ft of snow, and the lead sherpa informed us that it was too dangerous to make the final 500m ascent.

"We were devastated at being so close but understood it was too risky.

"We later found out that many people had to be airlifted out from base camp and surround areas, and a number of yaks had been killed in an avalanche.

"It was an incredible journey through magnificent countryside. The people of Nepal are all welcoming and friendly and it was a trip of a lifetime."

To donate towards the group's impressive total, visit www.justgiving.com/David-Broddle

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