Archives of Eaton Bray News for November 2013.
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November 2013

Proposed Prohibition of Parking on Verges and Footways in Central Bedfordshire

This article was published in November 2013. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Public Notice


Central BedfordshireReason for proposal: The proposed Order is considered necessary for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road, preventing damage to the road and for facilitating the passage of traffic, including pedestrians. Parking on verges and footways is a hazard and an inconvenience to other road users and causes damage to the highway and underground services. The prohibition covers all of Central Bedfordshire, but is only enforceable when the necessary traffic signs have been installed. Residents and businesses would be consulted before any restrictions are made enforceable in their street.

Effect of the Order:

To introduce No Waiting and No Loading at any time on verges and footways in all roads in Central Bedfordshire, except for the M1 motorway, A1, A5 and A421 trunk roads.

Further Details of the proposal may be examined during normal opening hours at Ampthill, Arlesey, Barton, Biggleswade, Dunstable, Flitwick, Houghton Regis, Leighton Buzzard, Potton, Sandy, Shefford, Stotfold and Toddington Libraries or online at These details will be placed on deposit until 6 weeks after the Order is made or until it is decided not to continue with the proposal.

Objections: should be sent in writing to the Transportation Manager, Bedfordshire Highways, Woodlands Annex, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NU or e-mail stating the grounds on which they are made by 24 December 2013.

Order Title: If made will be "Central Bedfordshire Council (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading on Verges and Footways) Order 201*"

For full details about the proposals, please see the following PDF file:

Marcel Coiffait
Director of Community Services

Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Shefford SG1917 5TQ

25 November 2013

Be Extra Vigilant When Using Bank Cards

This article was published in November 2013. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Bedfordshire PoliceBedfordshire Police is warning the public to be extra vigilant when using their bank cards after two elderly residents had their cards stolen from them when out shopping.

The first incident happened on Friday (Nov 15) when the 85 year old victim was at the Sainsburys Store in Bells Brook, Biggleswade.  The victim had noticed that someone was watching her pay for her shopping using her bank card. When she returned to her car a woman approached her and asked if she wanted help putting her shopping in to the back of her car. The victim agreed and a short time later a man approached and told the girl it was time to leave. On returning home the victim realised that her bank card was missing and when she contacted the bank she was told it had been used several times.

The second incident happened on Wednesday (Nov 20) when an 82 year old victim was approached by a woman as she was putting her shopping in to the back of her car in West Street, Leighton Buzzard. The woman, who is described as having an Eastern European appearance and spoke with an accent, asked the victim for change. The victim removed her purse from her bag to illustrate that she didn't have any change and the woman left.  However, shortly after the victim realised her bank card and credit card had been taken.

Gary Maxey, investigating, is keen to remind members of the public to take extra care when they are out shopping and to ensure they protect their pin numbers and payment cards.

He said: "I would warn anyone who is out shopping, especially over the busy festive period, to ensure they take extra precautions to ensure they are not being overlooked when using payment cards. Always cover the key pad when entering your pin number, and if anyone is standing too close to you, politely ask them to step away or alert the store security staff.

"Often people will use a number of tactics to distract and trick people in to revealing where they keep their cards and cash. Asking for change or saying that you've dropped something on the floor can be a ruse so please avoid getting your purse or wallet out in public."

Anyone with information relating to these crimes can contact Gary Maxey, in confidence, at Bedfordshire Police on 101, or text information to 07786 200011.

Alternatively, contact the independent crime fighting charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Source: Ringmaster

Christmas Fair at Rushmere Country Park: 7th-8th December 2013, 11am-3pm

This article was published in November 2013. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Christmas Fair at Rushmere Country Park - 7-8 Dec 2013


Christmas Fair
7th and 8th December
11am - 3pm
Purchase your Christmas gifts for friends and family and help support your local countryside
Enjoy the festive surroundings of Rushmere Country Park in Heath & Reach.
Christmas trees for sale from 30th November to 24th December
All proceeds raised from the Christmas Fair will be reinvested into the conservation of Rushmere Country Park. Standard £2 per vehicle to exit car parking charge will still apply.

Source: Central Bedfordshire Council

Christmas Carols & Brass Ensemble Around The Village

This article was published in November 2013. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Celebrate Christmas with
Eaton Bray Parish Council
Enjoy ...
Christmas Carols & Brass Ensemble Around The Village
On Friday 20th December 2013
From 7:30pm

Dove on ribbon

To help us all get in the Christmas spirit, the Parish Council have
once again arranged for a small brass ensemble to play a few of
the most popular Christmas Carols around Eaton Bray on the
evening of the 20th December.
The evening commences from
7:30pm at Three Corners/Medley Close,
moving to Market Square/White Horse - 
Finishing at around 9:00pm.
All adults & children are urged to come outside and
have a good old Christmas sing-a-long.
(song sheets will be available but please bring your own torch/lantern)


David Broddle helps raise £100,000 for Child Cancer Charity

This article was published in November 2013. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

David Broddle, Mount EverestDavid Broddle from Eaton Bray has returned from Mount Everest after helping to raise £100,000 for CLIC Sargent, a child cancer charity.

The expedition - which took David and 24 colleagues from Santander banking group through Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche and Lobuche - was going well until October 13, when the weather turned.

David admits he was "devasted" when last month's cyclone in India cut short the trip. "We were trekking in a snow storm and we were unaware of the cyclone.

"We woke up to 3ft of snow, and the lead sherpa informed us that it was too dangerous to make the final 500m ascent.

"We were devastated at being so close but understood it was too risky.

"We later found out that many people had to be airlifted out from base camp and surround areas, and a number of yaks had been killed in an avalanche.

"It was an incredible journey through magnificent countryside. The people of Nepal are all welcoming and friendly and it was a trip of a lifetime."

To donate towards the group's impressive total, visit

Have your say on changes to housing allocations policy in Central Bedfordshire

This article was published in November 2013. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Central BedfordshireCentral Bedfordshire Council is reviewing its Allocations Policy for social and affordable rented housing. Allocations Policy governs who can apply to join the housing register for a council or Housing Association home, what type and size of property they can apply for, and what priority applicants have in relation to each other.

The proposed changes stem from new freedoms in the Localism Act 2011, allowing councils to reflect local priorities in the way that they manage housing allocations. 

The key aims of the scheme are to-:

  • help applicants in housing need to find suitable housing
  • provide housing applicants with a simpler, fairer and more transparent system
  • encourage applicants who are out of work to seek employment
  • make efficient and best use of the area's housing stock
  • to encourage applicants to think longer term about their housing plans.

The proposed changes will affect existing and prospective applicants to the housing register.

Formal public consultation on these changes has begun, and will remain open until 31 January 2014. You can read all of the associated documents and give feedback online at

Paper copies of the consultation documents are available at the Council's offices at Watling Housing in Dunstable; or alternatively can be obtained by contacting the Partnerships and Engagement Team, on 0300 300 4237.