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Burglary in The Rye

Posted on April 26, 2011

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

RingmasterThis is a Ringmaster Message from Bedfordshire Police.

Please pass the details of this message onto any friends, and neighbours.

Residents in Eatom Bray are asked to be vigilant, and to report any suspicious activity in back gardens, after a burglary took place in The Rye.

The offence took place between the 20th and the 24th of April.

The offender gained access to the rear garden, and forced open the door to a conservatory.

Once inside the offender has tried to force a door into the rest of the house.

This has been unsuccessful.

No entry was gained and no property was taken.

Many Burglaries can be prevented.

Your boundaries are your first line of defence against criminals.

Always secure garden gates, keep fences and wall in good repair and consider defensive planting, or trellis.

Keep garden furniture, ladders, and Wheelie bins in a secure garage or shed, or locked up away from the house, where they might be used to climb onto a roof, access a first floor window or access neighbours garden.

Report any suspicious activity, or vehicles, in the area.

If you have any information about this crime or other suspicious incidents, please call the Police Control Centre on (01234) 841212, and quote crime reference, J,D,/,1,7,2,6,8,/2011.

Alternatively text your message to (07786) 200011 or email your message to For more information on reducing burglary related crime visit

Or call crime stoppers in confidence on (0800) 555111.

Thank you for your support.

Source: Ringmaster Bedfordshire

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