Archives of Eaton Bray News for April 2011.
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April 2011

Eaton Bray W I

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Women's InstituteThe Coffee Morning held on Thursday 7th April raised £200. Thanks go to the members who gave goods and all those who came and suported it.

The monthly meeting began with a welcome to all the members, which was followed by the business affairs for the month.

The speaker was Jean Yates who showed slides and explained about the Royal Family's exile to Albania in World War 2. LEKA-CROWN PRINCE OF ALBANIA. King Zog 1 and Queen Geraldine had to flee Albania when Italy invaded the country just two days after their son Leka's birth.This traumatic start was only the beginning of what had been an unsettled life. The royal family lived for a time at the Ritz hotel in London, before moving in 1941 to Sunninghill, Berkshire then to Parmoor near Frieth in Buckinghamshire.

After the Second World War Leka's parents moved to Egypt but left Leka in Britain for his education. After passing out of the Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, he joined the British Army. He later became a successful commodities trader.

After his father's death in 1961, 22year old Leka was proclaimed king by an Albanian government in exile. He set up home in Spain with his wife Susan, an Australian, but was on his way to start a new life in Rhodesia when his plane was surrounded by troops during a refuelling stop. It transpired that the Albanian government had hired the Africans to abduct him.

Now 72, Leka has returned to Albania since the fall of communism and now lives in Tirana.

Jean was a superb speaker whose enthusiasm and attention to so much detail, left everyone wanting more. She gave a complete life history of King Zog 1 and the Queen Geraldine and their families accompanied by her slides and answered many questions. Next months meeting will be on Monday 9th May at 7.30pm and will involve discussing and voting on the two resolutions to be presented at the National AGM in June. There will be a Beetle Drive, with savoury refreshments to follow.

There will be a raffle and bring and buy stall.

Source: Focus, May 2011

Cricket: Bray fall to Hawkridge

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

CricketA powerfully struck 73 by middle order batsman Hawkridge saw Potten End to an imposing 212 and despite late order resistance from Charlie Alden (47) and Ryan Peacock (26) the Bray fell short on 166.

-- Paul Harris


  • Result: Potten End CC - Sunday Friendly XI Won by 46 runs
  • Date: Sun 24th Apr 2011
  • Start Time: 14:00
  • Type: Friendly
  • Scoring: Standard
  • Toss: Friendly XI won the toss and decided to bowl

Source: Eaton Bray Cricket Club

Burglary in The Rye

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

RingmasterThis is a Ringmaster Message from Bedfordshire Police.

Please pass the details of this message onto any friends, and neighbours.

Residents in Eatom Bray are asked to be vigilant, and to report any suspicious activity in back gardens, after a burglary took place in The Rye.

The offence took place between the 20th and the 24th of April.

The offender gained access to the rear garden, and forced open the door to a conservatory.

Once inside the offender has tried to force a door into the rest of the house.

This has been unsuccessful.

No entry was gained and no property was taken.

Many Burglaries can be prevented.

Your boundaries are your first line of defence against criminals.

Always secure garden gates, keep fences and wall in good repair and consider defensive planting, or trellis.

Keep garden furniture, ladders, and Wheelie bins in a secure garage or shed, or locked up away from the house, where they might be used to climb onto a roof, access a first floor window or access neighbours garden.

Report any suspicious activity, or vehicles, in the area.

If you have any information about this crime or other suspicious incidents, please call the Police Control Centre on (01234) 841212, and quote crime reference, J,D,/,1,7,2,6,8,/2011.

Alternatively text your message to (07786) 200011 or email your message to For more information on reducing burglary related crime visit

Or call crime stoppers in confidence on (0800) 555111.

Thank you for your support.

Source: Ringmaster Bedfordshire

Cricket: Strong performance in league warm up

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

CricketIn the last Saturday fixture before the league season kicks off in earnest, the Bray top six all got in some valuable batting practice. It wasn't chanceless by any means but strong knocks by Hoskins, Flecknell and Norris saw a total of 333 posted that proved too much for a stubborn Wing who closed around 100 runs behind.


  • Result: Eaton Bray CC - Friendly XI Won by 124 runs
  • Date: Sat 23rd Apr 2011
  • Start Time: 14:00
  • Ground: The Rye Gardens
  • Type: Friendly
  • Scoring: Standard
  • Toss: Wing CC - 1st XI won the toss and decided to bowl

Source: Eaton Bray Cricket Club

Cricket: Sunshine in April

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

CricketAfter winning the toss and electing to bat it didn't take The Bray long to regret the decision. 39-6 with star bat Flecknell out for a golden duck meant that it was down to long time servants MJ (30) and DK (35) to repair the damage with a partnership of 83, a Club record for the 7th wicket at The Rye Gardens. 
Jones (15) and Osborne (26*) then took the final total to 164 with some lusty blows and steady running between the wickets. For Tottenhoe Burch was the pick of the bowlers with 5-26.

In reply Tottenhoe were always in the hunt despite an economical spell from Pearson and it was only the introduction of Flecknell (4-19) that applied sufficient pressure to secure the win. Osborne followed up his batting exploits with an aggressive 8 over spell (1-21) and Barker bowled an exhausting (for everyone!) 5 over spell mixing some serious spray with enough good balls to suggest he will cause batsmen problems, once he finds his rhythm!   
All in all an excellent warm up for all who played!

-- Josh Peacock


  • Result: Eaton Bray CC - Friendly XI Won by 16 runs
  • Date: Sun 17th Apr 2011
  • Start Time: 14:00
  • Ground: The Rye Gardens
  • Type: Friendly
  • Scoring: Standard
  • Toss: Friendly XI won the toss and decided to bat
  • Highlights: Eaton Bray won by 16 runs in a very close game that could have gone either way right up to the last few overs. Totternhoe's star was N Burch with the ball, taking 5 for 29 off his 8 overs,and with the bat G Simpson top scored with 38.

Source: Eaton Bray Cricket Club

Cricket: Highlights

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

CricketFor Reed opener McKechnie scored 50, Greoves 37 and Jackson 37 totalling 236-5 with Holbrook taking 2-25. In reply Hosking scored 47, Norris 69* and Flecknell 50 as The Bray finished 12 runs short. A great effort for the first game of the season.

-- Paul Harris


  • Result: Reed CC - 1st XI Won by 12 runs
  • Date: Sat 16th Apr 2011
  • Start Time: 13:30
  • Ground: The Rye Gardens
  • Type: Friendly
  • Scoring: Standard
  • Toss: Reed CC - 1st XI won the toss and decided to bat

Source: Eaton Bray Cricket Club

Parish Council Minutes - April 2011

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Minutes of Parish Council Meeting: Monday 4th April 2011

The next Parish Council meetings will be:

  • Annual Parish Meeting: Monday 9th May 2011, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.
  • Annual Parish Council Meeting: Wednesday 11th May 2011, 7.30pm, in the Coffee Tavern.

Bedfordshire Police: Making Contact eNewsletter: April 2011

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Bedfordshire Police Authority: Making Contact
Issue 10 - April 2011

At our recent meeting, the new Chief Constable Alf Hitchcock gave members a brief overview of his first few weeks in the Force. He has certainly been busy, meeting with many local organisations to look at future policing needs across Bedfordshire. In a run down of the some higher profile policing issues that have occurred since he joined us, he praised the professionalism of the officers and staff who policed the recent EDL demonstration so successfully alongside partners, community mediators, cadets and external Forces.

Peter F Conniff, Chair, Bedfordshire Police Authority
Stephanie McMenamy, Chief Executive, Bedfordshire Police Authority

Police Part of Council Tax Frozen for 2011-12

At its meeting held on February 18th, 2011, members of Bedfordshire Police Authority unanimously agreed to freeze the proportion of council tax local people pay towards policing next year.

The decision was in recognition of the financial hardship many households in the county face in the current economic climate. As a result, the Authority now qualifies for a Government grant, equivalent to a council tax increase of 2.5% to make up for any lost revenue generated from council tax.

Residents will therefore pay £144.77 per annum (which works out at 40p a day) in 2011-12 for a Band D property, which is the same rate as last year.

The Budget for Policing Bedfordshire in 2011-12

Next year’s budget for policing Bedfordshire was approved at a figure of £103.115million, which takes into account the funding shortfall from the Government of £3.970million.

During the next four years, the Authority’s funding from the Government will reduce by approximately £19million and two-thirds of these savings must be made over the next two years, which means the Authority needs to save £6.2million in 2011/12 and a further £5.6million in 2012/13.

Fortunately we have plans to handle this situation as a result of our previous efficiency programmes and contingency planning.

Both the Force and the Police Authority have spent many months considering internal processes and structures to seek out less expensive and more effective ways of working. We have set out to introduce new ways of working that will not damage performance or threaten the services that matter most to our communities, reorganising several key aspects of our service so that we can still deliver a quality policing service.

Local Policing Plan Fights Crime and Protects Public

The budget approved by the Authority has been developed to ensure that all resources are used to maximum effect where they are most needed. The way in which resources are deployed is agreed with the Authority and the Chief Constable, which results in the production of the Local Policing Plan.

The Police Authority has approved an overarching four year plan which incorporates more specific information for the coming year. The plan clearly states that Bedfordshire Police will focus on Fighting Crime and Protecting the Public, which is the primary purpose of the Force.

The plan aims to deliver four key outcomes:

  1. Protection of Life
  2. Protection from Violence
  3. Protection of Property
  4. Protection from Disorder

As we explained in the last newsletter, we are introducing new ways of working that will remove managerial layers and make the force more efficient by providing a highly localised service. A new centralised structure will provide local policing teams assessing local requirements before calling for support from experts in areas such as crime investigation.

Naturally, resources must be allocated to meet demand but we are clear that every area will have its own local policing team.

Both the Authority and the Force are clear that the focus in terms of performance should be targeted on those areas that cause the most harm to our communities and require improvements. Therefore the Police Authority will concentrate its scrutiny on key areas for improvement over the next twelve months.

The full plan can be found here.

What Local People Said

To ensure that the way we use our resources reflects the views of local people, once again we asked people what they thought. Our online survey asking how people would like to see our resources used was completed by 1,445 people, including 76 businesses.

We were pleased to learn that two thirds think that the Police provide good value for money, which verifies the views of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary and the Audit Commission.

We also asked people to prioritise the use of police resources. People felt that it was more important to have a higher focus on the protection of life and protection from violence than disorder issues, although 83% felt that resources should be targeted on areas where crime and anti social behaviour are higher. The vast majority (87%) confirmed that they would be happy to see different a workforce mix as long as their policing needs were still met.

Several people also told us that in their view the role of the police has become too broad, suggesting that a "back to basics" would be more effective.

Looking Ahead

While it is likely that directly elected Police and Crime Commissioners will replace Police Authorities by May 2012 there remains a lot to be achieved before then.

The ongoing funding cuts will mean that we will need to make some difficult decisions to ensure that we can balance the budget for 2012-13, while ensuring that the quality of policing does not suffer. We are planning to focus our efforts on scrutinising areas that have had recent investment to ensure that performance improves while costs are cut.

Our forward planning and preparation for the new landscape mean we are well placed to meet the challenges ahead and ensure a smooth transition to the new governance processes.

Over the next few months we will gain greater clarity on these issues and will keep you informed.

Go ahead for joint road policing unit

Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Police Authorities have approved a new joint unit to deal with all road policing issues (including traffic patrols, the deployment and development of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) technology, investigations into serious road collisions and road deaths, traffic management and vehicle recovery) across the two counties.

The move will provide increased resilience and greater resources at peak times, as well as efficiency savings. In its first full year, the joint function will save both forces around £654,000 and this is expected to increase in subsequent years to almost £700,000 per annum.

The move follows the establishment of a number of successful collaborative initiatives for the two forces over recent years, including a joint Dog Unit, Scientific Services Unit and Major Crime Unit, which are currently delivering savings of £3million per year.

In addition, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire are moving towards establishing a Strategic Policing Partnership with Cambridgeshire which will enable the three forces and police authorities to work together to establish further collaborative units in due course, including a three-force road policing function.

Our collaboration projects are designed to help us protect the local policing service that our residents have told us is very important to them. We will continue to work with our local partners to ensure that local people receive the type of service that matters most to them.

And finally...

If you have any questions about any of the articles in this newsletter, or indeed any other area of our responsibilities, then please get in touch.

For further information or to contact us:

Bedfordshire Police Authority
Bridgebury House, Woburn Road, Kempston, Bedford, MK43 9AX.
Tel: 01234 842066

Bedfordshire Police Authority

Source: Bedfordshire Police Authority

Carnival Queen selected for Village Carnival

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Rebecca Baldwin has been chosen to reign as Carnival Queen for the St Marys Village Carnival on Edlesborough Green on Saturday 3 July.

Supporting her will be princess [removed] assisted by Chloe Tough and Melanie Tate.

The Carnival will be a celebration of Rural England at its Best and organisers hope to beat last year's sum of £12,800 for local charities.

Source: St Mary's Village Carnival

Chief Gives Backing to 'Street Watch' Project

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Bedfordshire Police AuthorityBedfordshire's new Chief Constable has publically thrown his weight behind an initiative that enables residents to organise high visibility civilian patrols in their own neighbourhoods.

Alf Hitchcock, who joined the force at the beginning of this year, has written an internet article that describes Street Watch as having "huge potential" nationally.

In a front page comment on Mr Hitchcock says: "It is a great way for the community to work with the police and make Bedfordshire even safer.

"Street Watch is community empowerment in action and its benefits are clear – crime and anti-social behaviour prevention, reassurance and increased community cohesion.

"Street Watch has huge potential nationally and I am proud that the citizens of Bedfordshire have been so keen to form local schemes and lead the way on this."

Mr Hitchcock spoke out as the wheels were put in motion to launch the tenth Street Watch scheme in Bedfordshire since April last year – making it one of the most successful projects in the country.
A public meeting to rally support was held at Shillington Village Hall at 7.30pm on Thursday (March 31), just a week after another successful scheme was launched in Clifton.

Street Watch, which was originally launched in Hampshire and Surrey, involves local people taking it in turns to patrol communities in high visibility vests to provide reassurance and talk to residents.
It is emphasised they are not doing the job of police officers or PCSOs and have no more power than ordinary citizens. Instead the purpose of Street Watch is to prevent crime by increasing visibility, maintaining effective communication and reporting to police and increasing feelings of safety and community spirit.

Each scheme relies on Street Watch finding coordinators and volunteers prepared to give two hours each month and keep the national web site up to date with what they are doing and where. They also have to be vetted at the same level as police volunteers.

Safer Neighbourhood Sergeant Lisa Johnson, who has helped oversee the Bedfordshire project, said: "Street Watch is a classic example of the community and police working in partnership to reduce crime and increase feelings of safety.

"In Marston Moretaine – our first scheme – we saw a 12 per cent decrease in anti-social behaviour and a six per cent decrease in overall crime between May and November 2010. While we cannot positively attribute all this to Street Watch, it is plain the scheme has had an extremely positive impact on the village.

"We would urge anyone interested in setting up a similar scheme in their area to get in touch."
Anyone interested can contact Sgt Johnson direct on 01582 473333, through the main switchboard on 01234 841212 or email

Source: Ringmaster Bedfordshire

Salvation Sound - April 2011

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Salvation ArmyLent is almost over, and Eastertime is come once more. What does it mean to you? Is it a time of restoration for you? A time to reanimate your life? To infuse with courage and hope? On Easter day Christ rose from the grave after His crucifixion. He resumed His life.

Sometimes we find these things hard to believe - the Resurrection is perhaps easier to believe when we call to mind those lesser facts which have recalled us to life from the depths of self pity or depression. Maybe a certain piece of music “speaks” to you, or the songs of birds at dawn, a new love or friendship, or even just the reading of a well loved book, or having to move yourself because of someone’s urgent needs.

These things can give rise to an awakened sense of gratitude. Jesus was always saying thank-you to His Father; He took the cup and gave thanks. He took two fish and five loaves and gave thanks - just two examples - for throughout the gospels runs a stream of unspoken gratitude.

At this time of year it seems impossible not to feel grateful to God - especially in nature when we can see the new crops growing in the fields around us, shining from the touch of spring rains. Or see the green mist on the willow trees which precedes the first leaves, the colour of spring flowers, sunshine after clouds, new life on farms, simple things. “Consider the lilies” Jesus said, the ear of corn, the vine, the sparrows, the child. Seeds were I think one of His favourite symbols of rebirth and one that we as ‘country folk’ will understand. Easter day is the feast of happiness, joy and gratitude.

On it we should think of the kindness of Christ, for He forgave the appalling things done to Him by man whilst on this beautiful earth. Just a day or two before, in a haze of pain the dying Christ said “forgive them!” He turned to a criminal and told him that they would be together in paradise - such a hard thing for us to understand, let alone accept this reality. But we believe that Christ’s death invalidates death for us, for we too will see paradise! He lives and so we live -

I was there at the foot of the cross,
For it’s with my mind that I can see.
I know that when He died, it was for me.
That far away day, is yet very near.
I’m filled with wonder, and yes, sometimes fear
For my faith is weak, ‘though it is sincere.
Today it is to me that He calls,
He lifts me when I stumble or fall.
His presence is always by my side,
And it’s in His love that I abide.
Yes, I am here at the foot of the cross,
But I am not filled with a sense of loss,
For I now that He will come again,
And when He does there will be no pain.
It is here, the foot of the cross,
Wherever we meet, the foot of the cross,
the mercy seat.
The thought of His love, it’s undying ember;
I can’t forget----
       Do you remember?

Source: Focus, April 2011

Eaton Bray Academy

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Eaton Bray Lower School is now officially an Academy.

Below is a slide show from their "Special Celebration Day" in pictorial form.

Source: Eaton Bray Academy Blog

School Lane Eaton Bray - Burglary

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

RingmasterBedfordshire Police are asking residents in Eaton Bray with UPVC front doors to keep them double locked at all times, after a burglary took place in School Lane.

The offence took place between 11:00 a.m. on the 1st and 5:20 p.m. on the 3rd of April 2011.

The offender has forced open the UPVC front door, and the house has been searched.

Jewellery has been taken.

Many Burglaries can be prevented:-

  • Keep doors and windows locked at all times.
  • Remove all keys from the locks and keep them in a safe place and out of view.
  • Avoid leaving property like Handbags, Keys, or laptops in hallways, or where they can be seen from outside the house.
  • Keep garden furniture, ladders, and Wheelie bins in a secure garage or shed, or locked up away from the house, where they might be used to climb onto a roof or access a first floor window.
  • Be a good Neighbour.
  • Be aware of sounds like breaking glass.
  • Report any suspicious activity, or vehicles, in the area.

If you have any information about this crime or other suspicious incidents, please call the Police Control Centre on (01234) 841212, and quote crime reference, J,D,/,1,4,0,9,9,/2011.

Alternatively text your message to (07786) 200011 or email your message to Or call crime stoppers in confidence on (0800) 555111.

Thank you for your support.

Source: Ringmaster Bedfordshire

St Mary's Village Carnival 2011

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

St Mary's Village Carnival 2011The Carnival will soon be upon us once again; 2nd July 2011. Here are a few bullet points to make sure you don’t miss out!

  • The Carnival theme for this year is – "PIRATES" – Why are we going to be Pirates this year? Well, because we AAAAARGH HAHAHAAARGH. All parrots welcome.
  • Decorate your house as a Galleon, fly the Skull and Crossbones from your chimney and brighten the route as the procession makes its way through the villages.
  • Can you provide any help to the carnival?
    For example:
    • Prizes, of any sort, for the various raffle and tombola stalls.
    • Items for the silent auction.
    • Can you assist with transport or provide the use of a lorry or van?
    • Can YOU provide help on the day of the carnival at any of the many charity stalls, even for a few hours?
    • Contact Gordon Gray
  • Charity Stalls - If you want to book a charity stall at the Carnival, contact Chris Banks.
  • Classic Cars - If you have a Classic Car you would like to show off for all our pleasure, contact Roger Wilkinson.
  • Advertising in the Carnival Programme means you become part of these gorgeous villages. For advice on the benefits of advertising contact Pauline Glen; she is available!

The Village Hall Update

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

As usual at the beginning of each month I sit here and think what can I say that may be of interest to you all? Well......

Firstly a timely reminder of our next Super Quiz that is being help on Saturday 30th April in the hall. We have also kept the price at £8 per person which as you know, also includes the best ploughman’s this side of Edlesborough!

As usual we have the master Quizmaster Mr Keith Blackburn, who offers up amazing questions to tickle the old brain. I personally will be memorising the names of all the attendants/bridesmaids at the Royal Wedding and hope he asks us to list them in alphabetical order!

If you require tickets please let me know and as usual I will be offering two free tickets to the first person to ring me with the correct page our advert appears on in Focus.

I will probably be away at the time (4th – 7th April) but be assured the answer machine records all messages in time order. Just so you don’t think Shelagh and I are off on holiday I can assure you this trip is mostly business!

On the more mundane side of things we are planning the new car park and hope to go ahead with this project as soon as possible, maybe with following wind, even this year, although we do not want to make any promises we cannot keep.

Our next big event, to help pay for this, is the 8th yes 8th Eaton Bray Beer Festival, to be held on Friday June 3rd and Saturday June 4th. We will have the usual entertainment and food along with an even greater variety of beer, perry and cider. We look forward to seeing you all there.

To buy tickets for the quiz or just for more information please contact Ross.

Eaton Bray WI

This article was published in April 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Women's InstituteThe meeting held on Monday 7th March was held at the new venue, Eaton Bray Methodist Hall, where members and one visitor were welcomed by Deirdrea.

The members were thanked for giving back the questionnaire and sharing ideas for future meetings, speakers and outings. Suggestions were invited to select a charity for the year.

The guest speaker and demonstrator was Keith Lilley, a florist and owner of Greycourt Florists in Kempston. Keith creates many floral and plant displays in various venues and events in and around London, as well as advising clients, brides for wedding flowers, plus funeral tributes, Mother's Day posies and Easter flowers, plus working in the shop on the practical side.

Four beautiful arrangements were demonstrated making the most of colour, design and texture. Keith's easy going manner and friendly chat whilst demonstrating, contributed to a very relaxed and most enjoyable evening.

Two of the arrangements were raffled and were won by Sheila Beal and Anne Salmon.

Details of the annual outing to Sulgrave Manor in August were given out.

The next meeting is on Monday 4th April at 7.30pm, when the speaker will be Jean Yates, speaking about the Albanian Royal Family's exile in WW2 in the Chilterns.

There will be a Bring and Buy and raffle.


Source: Focus, April 2011