THE FIVE SENSES. Sight; Hearing; Smell; Taste; Touch; but there is a sixth sense - intuition; the power....
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Salvation Sound - October 2010

Posted on October 6, 2010

This article was published in October 2010. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Salvation ArmyTHE FIVE SENSES.

Sight; Hearing; Smell; Taste; Touch; but there is a sixth sense - intuition; the power of apprehension without reasoning; that special insight' which most of us seem to have.

Let us take each one and put a valuation upon it. What pleasure is there in sight? To be able to see colours, fl owers, trees, grass, sun, moon, stars, sky, clouds, the wonderful scenery in the places we visit and where we live, to be able to read books, Oh, the list could go on and on.

Hearing, well, there is bird song in the early morning, church bells, peoples voices, music, the radio, a clock ticking.

Smell, - perfume, the scent of old fashioned roses, lavender, mint, pine needles, wet earth after rain, freshly baked bread.

Taste, - roast beef with horseradish, the first English strawberries, chocolate, crackling from roast pork, in fact, food in general, for eating is a favourite pasttime of mine.

Touch - the feel of a cat's fur, silk, velvet, pussy willow buds, someones hand, real leather, the rough bark of a tree.

We can derive such pleasure from all of these simple things; things that perhaps we take for granted, not realising their worth until we lose one or two of our senses. How fortunate then are we to have that sixth sense, the insight, the imagination with which to conjure up any of these wonderful experiences.

Yes; we have the mental faculty which apprehends that although we cannot by using any of the five major senses know God, we do know that He is with us at all times, that we can trust Him implicitly.

“Many things about tomorrow
I don't seem to understand;
But I know who holds tomorrow
And I know who holds my hand.”

Benjamin Franklin said, “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” James 4: 14, states “You do not know what will happen tomorrow.”

None of us know when we will die, but we can all hope for a place in heaven; Jesus paid for our sins on Calvary's cross and rose again to provide eternal life for us.

Let that sixth sense take you to a better place, one where hunger, brutality and pain, cruelty and evil just don't exist any more; the place of supreme happiness: God's heaven.

Patience Strong wrote: “When sorrow knocks upon the door companioned by dread fears - and we are blinded by our doubts, our agonies and tears...

What is this faint dim light that fl ickers in a darkened place - Can this be God ? - we know we cannot see Him face to face - Yet through lifes calamities, with feeble hands we grope - Something divine is breathed into our hearts - and this is Hope.”


Source: Focus, October 2010

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