It was a case of lights, camera, action at Eaton Bray Lower School when Anglia TV visited to show pupils....
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Behind-the-screens view of television

Posted on November 17, 2005

This article was published in November 2005. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

It was a case of lights, camera, action at Eaton Bray Lower School when Anglia TV visited to show pupils the glamorous world of television.

Thanks to one of the dads, Steve Corkett, the children had the opportunity to check out the technology in action and see how broadcasts are made.

Mr Corkett, also took along sports reporter Linda O'Brien to show them how a real presenter works.

The children were videod making broadcasts and they could then see themselves in action when it was played back.

The school was sent a video of the final pieces for the pupils to watch in class.

School secretary Liz Constable said: "The children had a wonderful time, they loved watching themselves back on the tape. I'm not sure if we will have any future presenters in our midst though!"

Source: Dunstable Gazette, 16 November 2005

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