Refuse & Recycling Collection
Eaton Bray has three of Bedfordshire's recycling scheme's available to it currently with Glass Recycling, Orange Bag Recycling and Green Waste Collection.
Full details of what can be recycled can be seen on the Reduce, reuse and recycle services page.
Black Refuse Bins
Refuse collection around Eaton Bray takes place every other Monday (including Bank Holidays; some changes for Christmas/New Year).
The next Black Bin collection will be on Monday 31 March 2025.
Black Glass Box
Black glass boxes are collected every other Monday (including Bank Holidays; some changes for Christmas/New Year), usually along with the Black Refuse Bins.
The next Glass collection will be on Monday 31 March 2025.
Orange Lidded Bin Recycling
Orange lidded recycling bins are collected every other Monday (including Bank Holidays; some changes for Christmas/New Year) in between the black bin collections.
Note: Orange Bags will only be collected if you do not have an Orange Lidded Bin.
The next Orange Lidded Bin collection will be on Monday 7 April 2025.
Green Garden Waste Bins
Green Bins are collected with the orange bins/bags every other Monday (including Bank Holidays; some changes for Winter).
The next Green Bin collection will be on Monday 7 April 2025.