Archived News - Roads
Proposed Temporary Road Closure - High Street, Moor End & The Orchards, Eaton Bray
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Central Bedfordshire Council intend not less than seven days from the date of this Notice to make an Order the effect of which will be to prohibit any vehicle, except a vehicle being used for fire, police or ambulance purposes in an emergency or any vehicle engaged in the event, from proceeding along the lengths of The Orchards, High Street and Moor End, Eaton Bray which extends for their entire length.
This temporary closure is required to facilitate the holding of the St Mary's Village Carnival and shall apply to such extent as may from time to time be indicated by the appropriate traffic signs.
The event will take place on Saturday 2nd July 2016 between 11.30 am and 1.30pm
There is no alternative route.
The proposed Order will come into operation on 2nd July 2016 for a period of three day.
For further information please contact Eaton Bray Parish Council, tel. 01525 221464.
DATED 15 June 2016
Director of Community Services
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Shefford SG17 5TQ
Source: Central Bedfordshire Council
Proposed Temporary Road Closure - Bower Lane, Eaton Bray (21-22 July 2015)
I have a request for a Temporary Road Closure at the above location to enable Patching works to be carried out in safety. Details are listed in the schedule below and having assessed the application I am satisfied the request is justified.
The alternative route for this closure is as in the details below and will be signed accordingly. The restrictions are to be in operation only when the necessary signs are erected on site. The Legal Order will be made to cover a twelve month period. Access may be allowed from time to time according to local signing.
If you have any observations you wish to make I would be grateful if you could let me know as soon as possible.
Gareth Hughes. Network Co-ordinator
Road: | Bower Lane, Eaton Bray |
Application from: | Amey for CBC – Charlotte Dunham - 03003008049 |
Reason: | Patching Works |
Length affected: | From Moor End to Dunstable Rd |
Date: | The closure is expected to take place for 2 days from Tuesday 21st July to Wednesday 22nd July 2015 from 0800-1800. |
Alternative Route: | Head northwest on Harling Rd toward Dunstable Rd, Turn right onto Dunstable Rd, Continue onto Church Rd, Turn left onto Castle Hill Rd, Turn left onto Eaton Bray Rd, Continue onto Totternhoe Rd, Continue to site and vice versa. |
NB. The applicant will be responsible for taking down all Central Bedfordshire Council public notices immediately after the works requiring the Order have been completed.
Proposed Temporary Road Closure - High Street, Moor End & The Orchards, Eaton Bray
I have a request for a Temporary Road Closure at the above location to enable the carnival procession to go ahead in safety. Details are listed in the schedule below and having assessed the application I am satisfied the request is justified.
The alternative route for this closure (Moor End & High Street) is as in the details below and will be signed accordingly. There is no alternative route for The Orchards.
The restrictions are to be in operation only when the necessary signs are erected on site. The Legal Order will be made to cover a 3 day period. Access may be allowed from time to time according to local signing.
If you have any observations you wish to make I would be grateful if you could let me know as soon as possible.
Gareth Hughes. Network Co-ordinator
Road: | High Street, Moor End & The Orchards, Eaton Bray |
Application from: | Eaton Bray Parish Council – 01525 221464 |
Reason: | Carnival Procession |
Length affected: | For the full length of High Street, Moor End & The Orchards |
Date: | The closure is expected to take place on Saturday 4th July 2015 between the hours of 1130-1330hrs. |
Alternative Route | (High Street & Moor End, no route available for The Orchards): Continue along Dunstable Road leading to Church End, turn left onto Castle Hill Road proceeding onto Stanbridge Road turning left onto Totternhoe Road and continuing until the High Street and then visa versa. |
NB. The applicant will be responsible for taking down all Central Bedfordshire Council public notices immediately after the works requiring the Order have been completed.
Source: Central Bedfordshire Council, Streetworks
Proposal to Introduce 7.5 Tonnes HGV Weight Restriction on Various local Roads
Please see note from Parish Council below.
Public Notice
Reason for proposal: The proposed Order is considered necessary on the grounds of promoting road safety and improving the environment of the area. The proposed restriction would prohibit HGVs over 7.5 tonnes from using roads in the zone identified below as through routes. The proposal is primarily intended to protect Totternhoe from extraneous lorry traffic.
Effect of the Order:
To introduce a 7.5 tonnes HGV Weight Restriction on roads in Totternhoe, Dunstable and Eaton Bray, as follows:-
The weight restriction zone covers Castle Hill Road, Dunstable Road, Church Road and other roads in Totternhoe. The restricted zone also extends into roads in Dunstable and Eaton Bray. The entry points to the weight restriction zone are at:-
- Totternhoe Road, Dunstable at its junction with B489 Tring Road
- Well Head Road, Totternhoe at its junction with B489 Icknield Way
- Doolittle Lane, Eaton Bray at its junction with Harling Road
- Dunstable Road, Eaton Bray at its junction with Bower Lane
- Eaton Bray Road, Totternhoe at its junction with Totternhoe Road and Honeywick Lane
- Castle Hill Road, Totternhoe immediately south of its junction with Knolls View
Download full (1.4MB) PDF version of drawing
Exemptions: The proposed Order will include exemptions to allow heavy goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes to enter the restricted zone for access and delivery requirements. There will also be exemptions for emergency vehicles and for certain other building and maintenance purposes.
Further Details may be examined during normal office hours at the address shown below, viewed online at or tel. 0845 3656116.
Comments should be sent in writing to the Transportation Manager, Central Bedfordshire Highways, Woodlands Annexe, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NU or e-mail by 21 November 2014. Any objections must state the grounds on which they are made.
Order Title: If made will be "Central Bedfordshire Council (Various Roads in Totternhoe, Dunstable and Eaton Bray) (Weight Restriction) Order 201*"
Marcel Coiffait
Director of Community Services
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Shefford SG1917 5TQ
23 October 2014
Highways and Transport survey for our area
Central Bedfordshire Council is one of 78 local authorities to sign up to a standardised survey that will ask members of the public exactly the same questions, whether they live in Central Bedfordshire, Cornwall or Cheshire.
The survey, which is being run for the seventh year, enables local councils to compare results, share in best practice and identify opportunities to work together in the future.
The questionnaire will be sent to a minimum random sample of 3,300 Central Bedfordshire residentsthis month, followed by a reminder, with local and national results to be published in early October. Since the survey is based on a sample, residents that receive a copy are being urged to take part.
Residents that receive the questionnaire can complete the survey on line if they prefer, a short URL link will be printed on the front of the questionnaire and they will be required to enter a code before completing the questionnaire.
The results will enable us to find out what people in this area think about these important services. This will provide one of several ways the council can assess how it is performing and which services to prioritise, and to improve.
Cllr Budge Wells, Deputy Executive Member for Sustainable Communities, Services, said: "Our roads are among the best in the country according to latest government figures which show that the proportion of roads needing repair in our area are among the lowest nationally.
"But we don't want to stop gathering evidence that could help us improve further. There are clear benefits to conducting a public survey in this way. As well as providing excellent value for money, it also enables everyone involved to identify areas of best practice and spot national, regional and local trends. It is about understanding customer views better and working together to deliver the most satisfactory yet efficient outcomes for local residents."
Proposed introduction of 50mph speed limit on B489 Tring Road and Icknield Way
Public Notice
Reason for proposal: The proposed Order is considered necessary for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road and for preventing the likelihood of any such danger arising. The proposed 50mph speed limit is intended to cover that length of the B489 Tring Road and Icknield Way that is partially built-up and where there are local concerns about excessive vehicle speeds.
Effect of the Order:
To introduce a 50mph Speed Limit on the following length of road in Dunstable, Totternhoe and Eaton Bray:-
B489 Tring Road and Icknield Way, from a point approximately 203 metres south-west of its junction with The Avenue, Dunstable extending in a south-westerly direction to a point approximately 100 metres north-east of its junction with B4506 Dagnall Road, Eaton Bray.
Further Details may be examined during normal opening hours at Dunstable Library, Vernon Place, Dunstable LU5 4HA or online at These details will be placed on deposit until 6 weeks after the Order is made or until it is decided not to continue with the proposal.
Objections should be sent in writing to Transportation Manager, Central Bedfordshire Highways, Woodlands Annex, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NU or e-mail stating the grounds on which they are made by 4 April 2014.
Order Title If made will be "Central Bedfordshire Council (50mph Speed Limit) (B489 Tring Road and Icknield Way, Dunstable, Totternhoe and Eaton Bray) Order 201*"
Marcel Coiffait
Director of Community Services
Priory House
Monks Walk
Shefford SG17 5TQ
13 March 2014
Proposed Raised Cusions - High Street, Eaton Bray
Public Notice
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL, in exercise of its powers under Section 90 A-I of the Highways Act 1980 and all other enabling powers, proposes to construct raised cushions under Section 90 A-I of the Highways Act 1980 and all other enabling powers in High Street, Eaton Bray. The proposed measures are designed to reduce vehicle speeds and create a safer environment for all road users, including pedestrians travelling to and from Eaton Bray Academy.
Raised Cushions at a nominal height of 75mm, each cushion approximately 1.9 metres wide and 3 metres long, installed in sets of two cushions, are proposed to be sited at the following locations in Eaton Bray:-
- High Street, at a point approximately 35 metres west of its junction with School Lane.
- High Street, at a point approximately 58 metres east of its junction with School Lane.
Further Details a drawing may be examined during normal opening hours at Dunstable Library, Vernon Place, Dunstable LU5 4HA or online at
Comments should be sent in writing to the Transportation Manager, Central Bedfordshire Highways, Woodlands Annexe, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NU or e-mail by 14 March 2014.
Marcel Coiffait
Director of Community Services
Priory House
Monks Walk
Shefford SG1917 5TQ
20 February 2014
See Also
Proposal to Introduce No Waiting At Any Time on High Street and School Lane, Eaton Bray
Proposal to Introduce No Waiting At Any Time on High Street and School Lane, Eaton Bray
Public Notice
Reason for proposal: The proposed Order is considered necessary for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road and for preserving or improving the amenities of the area through which the road runs. The restrictions are intended to keep the junction of High Street and School Lane clear of parked vehicles, particularly at the start and end of the school day. The proposals are part of a safer routes to school scheme, which is intended to improve road safety near to the school and encourage more pupils to walk to school.
Effect of the Order:
To introduce No Waiting at any time on the following lengths of road in Eaton Bray:-
- High Street, both sides, from a point in line with the boundary of nos.98 and 100 High Street extending in an easterly direction to a point in line with the boundary of no.100b and 102 High Street
- School Lane, both sides, from its junction with High Street to a point in line with the boundary of no.83 High Street and no.1 School Lane
Further Details may be examined during normal opening hours at Dunstable Library, Vernon Place, Dunstable LU5 4HA or online at These details will be placed on deposit until 6 weeks after the Order is made or until it is decided not to continue with the proposal.
Objections: should be sent in writing to Transportation Manager, Central Bedfordshire Highways, Woodlands Annexe, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NU or e-mail stating the grounds on which they are made by 14 March 2014.
Order Title: If made will be "Central Bedfordshire Council (Bedfordshire County Council (District of South Bedfordshire) (Civil Enforcement Area and Special Enforcement Area) (Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places) (Consolidation) Order 2008) (Variation No.*) Order 201*"
Marcel Coiffait
Director of Community Services
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Shefford SG1917 5TQ
20 February 2014
See Also
Proposed Prohibition of Parking on Verges and Footways in Central Bedfordshire
Public Notice
Reason for proposal: The proposed Order is considered necessary for avoiding danger to persons or other traffic using the road, preventing damage to the road and for facilitating the passage of traffic, including pedestrians. Parking on verges and footways is a hazard and an inconvenience to other road users and causes damage to the highway and underground services. The prohibition covers all of Central Bedfordshire, but is only enforceable when the necessary traffic signs have been installed. Residents and businesses would be consulted before any restrictions are made enforceable in their street.
Effect of the Order:
To introduce No Waiting and No Loading at any time on verges and footways in all roads in Central Bedfordshire, except for the M1 motorway, A1, A5 and A421 trunk roads.
Further Details of the proposal may be examined during normal opening hours at Ampthill, Arlesey, Barton, Biggleswade, Dunstable, Flitwick, Houghton Regis, Leighton Buzzard, Potton, Sandy, Shefford, Stotfold and Toddington Libraries or online at These details will be placed on deposit until 6 weeks after the Order is made or until it is decided not to continue with the proposal.
Objections: should be sent in writing to the Transportation Manager, Bedfordshire Highways, Woodlands Annex, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NU or e-mail stating the grounds on which they are made by 24 December 2013.
Order Title: If made will be "Central Bedfordshire Council (Prohibition of Waiting and Loading on Verges and Footways) Order 201*"
For full details about the proposals, please see the following PDF file:
Marcel Coiffait
Director of Community Services
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Shefford SG1917 5TQ
25 November 2013