Archived News
October 2014
Steam in Beds 2014
The Bedfordshire Area Group of the Association of 16mm Narrow Gauge Modellers Presents
Steam in Beds "2014" - The show just got bigger and better
Large Scale Narrow Gauge, Model Railway Show
Featuring Narrow Gauge Layouts running, 16mm Live Steam Locomotives, Trade Support from Specialist Suppliers
Saturday 29 November, 10.00am to 4.30pm
Adults £5.00, Accompanied Children under 16 Free
Venue: Eaton Bray Village Hall Church Lane, Eaton Bray Nr. Dunstable, LU6 2DJ
Refreshments available all Day
Visiting Association Members are welcome to run either SM32 or 45mm
For full details see our web site
Ensure That You Have a Great Halloween
With Halloween just around the corner, Bedfordshire Police has launched a series of posters to remind parents, guardians and youngsters to stay safe during the festivities.
The four posters – which can be downloaded from the Bedfordshire Police website - offer hints and tips to 'Trick or Treaters' as well reminding people that not everyone enjoys Halloween as much as others. There are also posters for shop owners to place in their windows advising that eggs and flour will be sold at their discretion as well as a poster for residents who may not want callers at their door.
Officers have already been to schools around Bedfordshire to hand out posters and it is hoped that the campaign will ensure that all residents enjoy October 31 without causing distress to those who do not want to participate.
During this time of year, the police take many extra complaints about Halloween-related activities. Some of these are about noise or general "high spirits" – but often the fun has degenerated into serious inconvenience and outright criminal activity.
Activities such as throwing eggs, flour and water bombs at other people or their property are, at the least, frightening for those who are subjected to it and at worst can mean the police investigating crimes such as assault.
Coupled with the onset of Bonfire night, Halloween can also mean extra problems with fireworks being thrown or used irresponsibly. It's worth bearing in mind that letting off fireworks near the road is actually a criminal offence.
To help reduce these types of incidents Bedfordshire Police will have a number of extra patrols in operation across the county to make sure that everyone has a good time whilst staying safe.
For more advice about Halloween please visit
Proposal to Introduce 7.5 Tonnes HGV Weight Restriction on Various local Roads
Please see note from Parish Council below.
Public Notice
Reason for proposal: The proposed Order is considered necessary on the grounds of promoting road safety and improving the environment of the area. The proposed restriction would prohibit HGVs over 7.5 tonnes from using roads in the zone identified below as through routes. The proposal is primarily intended to protect Totternhoe from extraneous lorry traffic.
Effect of the Order:
To introduce a 7.5 tonnes HGV Weight Restriction on roads in Totternhoe, Dunstable and Eaton Bray, as follows:-
The weight restriction zone covers Castle Hill Road, Dunstable Road, Church Road and other roads in Totternhoe. The restricted zone also extends into roads in Dunstable and Eaton Bray. The entry points to the weight restriction zone are at:-
- Totternhoe Road, Dunstable at its junction with B489 Tring Road
- Well Head Road, Totternhoe at its junction with B489 Icknield Way
- Doolittle Lane, Eaton Bray at its junction with Harling Road
- Dunstable Road, Eaton Bray at its junction with Bower Lane
- Eaton Bray Road, Totternhoe at its junction with Totternhoe Road and Honeywick Lane
- Castle Hill Road, Totternhoe immediately south of its junction with Knolls View
Download full (1.4MB) PDF version of drawing
Exemptions: The proposed Order will include exemptions to allow heavy goods vehicles over 7.5 tonnes to enter the restricted zone for access and delivery requirements. There will also be exemptions for emergency vehicles and for certain other building and maintenance purposes.
Further Details may be examined during normal office hours at the address shown below, viewed online at or tel. 0845 3656116.
Comments should be sent in writing to the Transportation Manager, Central Bedfordshire Highways, Woodlands Annexe, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NU or e-mail by 21 November 2014. Any objections must state the grounds on which they are made.
Order Title: If made will be "Central Bedfordshire Council (Various Roads in Totternhoe, Dunstable and Eaton Bray) (Weight Restriction) Order 201*"
Marcel Coiffait
Director of Community Services
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Shefford SG1917 5TQ
23 October 2014
Bower Lane Eaton Bray - Burglary
Location: Bower Lane, Eaton Bray.
Date and Time: Friday the 17th of October, between 10:30 a.m. and, 3:55 p.m.
Incident Details: The offenders gained access via a kitchen window. A messy search was made. Various items have been taken.
Crime Reference: J D / 4 0 1 5 9 / 2014.
Crime Reduction Advice
- Make your boundaries difficult or impossible to climb over.
- Keep doors and windows locked at all times.
- Remove all keys from the locks and keep them in a safe place out of view.
- Keep hallways clear of valuables like keys, handbags and laptop where they may be seen.
- Check that side gates are locked.
- Keep bins, ladders and garden furniture locked away.
- Fit Window Restrictors to fan light windows.