Eaton Bray Parish Council Christmas Market
Posted on September 7, 2017
Eaton Bray Parish Council
Christmas Market
We are looking for market stall holders from the Eaton Bray Parish to come forward if interested in having a stall on the Market Square this Christmas.
Please contact the Parish Clerk on
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October 18, 2017
,emma says:Confusing.The picture above shows that it is on 8th December but the post on the right hand side of this page says it is on 22nd December. Which date is correct please?
October 19, 2017
,Eaton Bray Parish Council says:The poster displaying the Christmas tree (old picture), is as it states, a call for craft market stall holders to come forward if interested in having a stall at the Council's Christmas Market - the date is yet to be agreed.
The other poster is to advertise this year's Christmas Carols & Brass Ensemble, being held on Friday 22nd December.
They are two separate events. Apologies for any confusion caused and hope this clarifies the matter for you. We will remove the date on the Christmas Market poster to avoid confusion, thank you for bringing this matter to our attention.
Kind Regards,
Eaton Bray Parish Council