Hi from the Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. Work on our Neighbourhood Plan (NP) has....
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Neighbourhood Development Plan - August 2017

Posted on August 31, 2017

This article was published in August 2017. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Hi from the Parish Council Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

Work on our Neighbourhood Plan (NP) has continued this summer, we held our first village "drop in" meeting on Monday evening 14th August 2017 and second is planned for Saturday 16th September 2017. We chose an evening and weekend about a month apart to give as many people as possible an opportunity to attend.

An advertising flyer was delivered to every home in the village along with a short questionnaire. Response so far has been very good with over 130 attending our first drop in meeting and 206 questionnaires completed so far. The Steering Group would like to say a big thank you for your support. We are now busy preparing for the second drop in meeting and analysing the questionnaires, plenty for our little steering group to do.

Central Bedfordshire issued the Draft Local Plan and we responded to their consultation in August. The most notable proposal in the Draft Local Plan is that CBC do not propose to revise the Green Belt in and around Eaton Bray.

To conclude we have had a successful summer with good attendance at our meeting and plenty of comments to help form and direct our policies in our NP. The next steps are to analyse this new information and start writing the NP. As always we will do our best to keep everybody informed through the Parish Web site and in Focus.

Keep your eyes on the Parish Council web site and Facebook page for more information. If you feel you can offer any support please come along to our meetings. However support doesn't need to be attending monthly meetings, perhaps you have the time to help with data collection/research. Contact the Parish Clerk at www.ebpc.co.uk

Please feel free to attend the next Steering Group meeting which is planned for the last Monday of the month, 19.30 at the Coffee Tavern, Eaton Bray. Please contact us on glennwigley@hotmail.com if you would like to come along.

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