Central Bedfordshire Council operates No Cold Calling Zones. These are designed to give a clear message....
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No Cold Calling Zones (NCCZs) Request for Community Champions

Posted on July 25, 2013

This article was published in July 2013. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Central BedfordshireCentral Bedfordshire Council operates No Cold Calling Zones. These are designed to give a clear message to traders and other business callers that residents in the area do not wish to receive unsolicited calls.

Whilst it is not illegal for a trader to cold call, No Cold Calling Signs - which are visible throughout Central Bedfordshire - act as a deterrent to unwanted callers and help to cut doorstep crime.

There is currently a hot line which can be used to report traders and businesses who are cold calling and we would like to extend the service we provide by asking residents to act as "Community Champions" who would report instances of cold calling. They could also offer advice and support to other residents and particularly to those who are vulnerable.

We will provide training and information packs for volunteers and it is anticipated that the training will take place in September 2013. The scheme will be re-launched once the training has been completed.

If you would like to know more about becoming a NCCZ's Community Champion please contact: Jake Ramphal: Email jake.ramphal@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk Tel: 0300 300 4780

To coincide with the re-launch of the scheme we are offering signage at discounted prices and door stickers for residents within the zone to display at their premises. If you would like to order signs or stickers please contact: Trading.standards@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or call 0300 300 8136.

Reader Comments

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March 1, 2019, Mr Philip Rose says:

You mention above that there is a Hot Line to report Cold Callers but do not say what the number is. How stupid is that. I have just had someone knock on my door after dark saying they were from the RSPCA trying to get me to sign up for a lottery. There are a lot of elderly people in Blunham who would well be frightened by this but I cannot report it as you do not publish the number.

March 2, 2019, Eaton Bray says:

For details of how to record scams, please see Central Bedfordshire's Be Scam Aware pages. This section of Central Bedfordshire's website covers the up-to-date phone numbers and other contact details you need.

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