Eaton Bray WI
Posted on December 5, 2011
The 90th Birthday buffet was held in the Methodist Chapel hall,which was decorated for the occasion and a beautiful array of food greeted the members. Only one member was unable to attend as she was on holiday, but sent a lovely card. Deirdrea welcomed everyone and past members and their valuable contributions were remembered. Various 90th Birthday cards were read out.
Gladys Deamer was given a card and good wishes for her birthday and good wishes were expressed to Helen Wilkinson, for the occasion of her daughter's forthcoming wedding.
Sheila's son Jeff prepared an excellent music quiz, which kept everyone trying to hum the tunes and guess the names of the singers. He really had chosen some very different and difficult tunes for us. Then the buffet began with everyone tasting a little of everything and pronouncing it excellent. Susan's quiz really challenged the brains and it was quite difficult to have all the answers when the alloted time was up. It was much harder than Mastermind. The quiz winners were given prizes and Susan and Jeff given a thank you gift.
A Birthday raffle was drawn with some very special prizes for the lucky recipients. The cake was cut and teas and coffees served. To continue the 90th Birthday celebrations, a meal will be enjoyed at the White Horse.
Two large boxes full of gifts for children, which would be delivered to, and distributed by the Dunstable Salvation Army, were collected.
The next meeting will be on Monday 5th December, when members of the Group WI's will be guests, for a Christmas celebration. The speaker will be Jenny, the Captain of the Salvation Army, who will speak about the Canal Path Patrol. Envelopes will be given out at that meeting in preparation for payment of the 2012 subscriptions, in January 2012. Visitors are always welcome.
Source: Focus, December 2011
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