Central Bedfordshire Council is asking dog owners to show consideration for other residents by using....
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Don't Fall Foul of the Law

Posted on October 1, 2010

This article was published in October 2010. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Central BedfordshireCentral Bedfordshire Council is asking dog owners to show consideration for other residents by using poop-scoops and dog waste bins when they are out walking their pets after receiving 268 complaints in the last year.

The council's dog wardens have the power to hand out fixed penalties of £75 to any dog owners caught failing to clear up after their pet when it's in a public place.

Cllr David McVicar, Portfolio Holder for Safer Communities and Healthier Lifestyles at Central Bedfordshire Council said: “With over 620 dog bins installed across Central Bedfordshire, there is no excuse for not doing the right thing. People take pride in their community but public areas are becoming blighted by dog mess.

“I would urge all dog owners to act responsibly or face receiving a fixed penalty if they fail to clear up after their pets. Dog mess is the public's most hated type of litter and it is dangerous.

“People may not realise that Toxocariasis - an infection of the round worm - is spread via dog faeces and young children are particularly at risk due to their weaker immune systems.

“The Council has already successfully prosecuted a resident for not cleaning up after his pet and I hope that all dog owners do their bit in keeping our pavements and parks mess-free.”

Dog walkers must scoop their dog's mess up from all designated land to which the public have access. Designated land includes:

  • Footways and paths, including public footpaths
  • Play areas, picnic sites and outdoor eating places
  • Sport playing pitches including 5 metre border
  • Formal parks and land where the grass is cut
  • Land outside schools and hospitals
  • Car parks, public transport bays and surrounds
  • Cycle ways and surfaced areas near to houses
  • Shopping areas, markets and public circulation areas
  • Cemeteries and war memorials
  • Land surrounding toilets, recycling sites and public buildings

If you want to report a problem with dog mess, please call 0300 300 8631 (North)/ 8632 (South) or email customer.services@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

If you are a dog owner, here are some things you can do to help;

  1. If you walk your dog always carry the means to clear up after them. A simple plastic bag will do the trick or buy a poop scoop from a local pet shop
  2. You can also buy biodegradable plastic “Doggy Bags” from the a number of pet supply retailers
  3. Every time your dog fouls, bag it and bin it. Take the poop scoop home and dispose of it there or use one of the bins if available. Remember rain does not wash the problem away.
  4. Never let your dog out alone to “go to the loo”.

Source: Focus, October 2010

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