Our Survey Said... Thank you to those who sent in responses to our survey earlier in the year. You told....
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St Mary's Village Carnival 2007 - Favourite Adverts

Posted on April 7, 2007

This article was published in April 2007. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Our Survey Said...

Thank you to those who sent in responses to our survey earlier in the year. You told us quite clearly that you love our carnival just as it is. There were some suggestions for things we already do... so make sure when you come to the carnival that you don't miss a thing, whether it's the cake stall, BBQ or the entertainment in the arena. Your carnival programme will give you full details. The carnival format will stay the same but we do like to introduce some new things to entertain you all.

Booking a Stall is so easy...

To book a pitch for your group or organisation, contact Chris Banks and you could be raking in the profits. And remember to give your stall the edge by dressing up for our theme... Favourite Adverts.

The carnival programme is widely distributed and read by several thousand households and many local businesses advertise regularly in this publication. You can book adverts at a competitive price to reach your customers.

Contact our website or chairman Peter Bennett for details.

Wanted...Helpers and... a 20 foot shipping container!

We would love to hear from people who would like to help with the carnival. The great community spirit of our villagers is the reason we have such a wonderful event each summer. If you've never experienced it, come and get involved, because that way you'll get even more out of it.

Contact us on: www.stmarysvillagecarnival.com

New for 2007

Climbing Wall

Especially for those who like a little adventure.

Scaling Mount Everest it's not, but we expect this one to be a big hit. Can you make it to the top?

Silent Auction

Shhhh... It's a great way to choose the price you want to pay for that special item,...but prepare for some fierce competition. We are expecting some very interesting lots for bidding, but you'll need to keep an eye on your favourites.

Source: St Mary's Village Carnival

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