Second World War
May 25, 2023 by Mimosa Clemente in forum General Chat
#3703 Mimosa Clemente, 25 May 2023, 10:50
I am the daughter of an Italian Prisoner of war.
My father Clemente Emilio, was prisoner in England from 1942 to 1946. In particular, from November 1944 to May 1945 and other four months in 1946 he was in a camp In Eaton Bray. He worked on a farm, like the other prisoners. He was well treated and often talked about Mr Jarvis, the farm owner, but I do not know if referred to this area, cause he also was in Buckinghamshire. So I am wondering if someone remembers or has ever heard of that period when there were many Italian prisoners. Thank you!
#3713 Malcolm Griffiths, 8 February 2024, 08:55
I found this mention:
There are though no formal POW camps In EB listed here:
Also no farmer's called Jarvis locally in the 1939 Register in EB or surrounding villages.
#3714 Mimosa Clemente, 19 February 2024, 12:12
I am very grateful Mr Grifftihs for your information! I will visit the links you posted and read them very carefully. Any information is important to me to add a piece of the puzzle of my dad's period in England. If the name Jarvis is not in the local or nearby villages Register, (and thank you for checking..) it means that probably it was a farm located in Oxfordshire or Bedfordshire where my dad was also detained as a Pow. Thank you again, greetings , Mimosa
#3715 Malcolm Griffiths, 19 February 2024, 15:12
No problem. i did identify some people called Jarvis who who farmed at two locations near Amersham (Buckinghamshire)
#3716 Mimosa Clemente, 20 February 2024, 22:54
Oh, I see. Amersham Is near to Aylesbury where the Camp was..What are the names of the two location.. do you know? Would It be possibile to reach by mail of course the people called Jarvis..can you give me some suggestion? Thank you
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