The Coffee Tavern in Eaton Bray is available as a venue for meetings and other gatherings
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The Coffee Tavern


The Coffee Tavern is used as a meeting place for various groups including Eaton Bray Parish Council.

The building was refurbished by Eaton Bray Parish Council in the late 1990s.

It is available for hire, with the main hall suitable for approximately 50 people with kitchen facilities available. Also two smaller rooms available are ideal for committee meetings.

For bookings, please phone, message or WhatsApp Julie Mahoney on 07836 240467

Coffee Tavern pricing and facilities

Location Map

MapA location map showing The Coffee Tavern is available here.

Using this map you can move around, zoom out and find the best route for yourself.

History of the Coffee Tavern

In 1890, a Reverend Edwin Sutton came to the village of Eaton Bray with the task of restoring the Church.

Mr Wallace, a local business man, suggested to the Reverend that they needed to get the men of the village out of the pubs, as the only work available at the time was casual, seasonal labour such as fruit picking, which meant the men had time on their hands to spend in one of the sixteen pubs around the village.

Mr Wallace was a very generous benefactor of the village, and he gave £1,000 to build somewhere for the men.

The Coffee Tavern - picture from early 20th century

A local builder by the name of Mr Geoffrey Sharrat won the contract, but when the work was nearing completion, it was found that no stairs had been included on the plans for reaching the upstairs rooms; and so an outside staircase was hastily added.

The grand opening took place in April 1901. Upstairs consisted of a billiard table and comfortable chairs, with a coke-burning stove for heating. Downstairs provided reading rooms, with coffee available over a stable door in the kitchen.