Muddy field in Harling Road
October 15, 2013 by Jackie Hays in forum Eaton Bray Parish Council
#1887 Jackie Hays, 15 October 2013, 20:02
what on earth is going on in that muddy field in Harling Road? It looks to me like one of those "secure" airport parking sites. Does anybody have any ideas? It makes the approach to the village look very shabby.
#1888 Bernie, 16 October 2013, 09:51
There is a planning application on Central Beds CB/13/03222/FULL
Editor's note:
For more information, please enter the application number on the Planning application quick search page of Central Beds website.
#1889 Eaton Bray Parish Council, 16 October 2013, 16:16
The Parish Council are aware of this matter and it has been brought to the attention of Central Bedfordshire Council, Planning Enforcement.
A retrospective planning application has been submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council; CB/13/03222/FULL - change of use to car sales and storage area to include 2 sales offices.
#1891 James, 23 October 2013, 18:26
Help - planning experts do we persuade Central Bedfordshire Council to reject this application, not only does it look unsightly, the location and site are completely unsuitable for this type of activity. This evening, the road outside the site was partially blocked by an articulated car transporter and a couple of cars parked up on the verge. Its now causing a traffic/safety hazard as well !
#1900 Bernie, 13 November 2013, 13:16
According to Central Beds web site the application has been refused.
Wonder how long it will take to clear the field!!!
#1901 Francis, 13 November 2013, 20:43
Interesting to see the name and address of Mr Shah on the application. Wonder how he would feel if his road was blocked by badly parked cars dotted about the place.
Frankly I am appalled that it has taken over two months for this correct and inevitable result to occur whilst consultation costs have been incurred.
Almost every time I have driven down Harling road I have had to negotiate badly parked cars on the verges without proper illumination. All the while Mr Shah has been laughing at us all, the council and treating the countryside and safety with complete contempt.
An immediate cease and desist order should have been issued back in September and saved us law abiding tax payers some money.
#1903 Simon, 17 November 2013, 17:02
Section 148 of the Highways Act 1980 makes it an offence to deposit mud etc. on the highway that would interrupt other users of the highway.
Section 149 of the Highways Act 1980 gives the highways authority the power to clean the road and recover its expenses from the person causing the obstruction.
Section 161 Highways Act 1980 “If a person, without lawful authority or excuse, deposits anything whatsoever on a highway in consequence of which a user of the highway is injured or endangered, that person is guilty of an offence”. Contravention of sections 148 and 162 can lead to a Level 3 fine of £1000 in the magistrate’s court. Furthermore if mud on the road leads to personal injury, damage to property, or any loss or inconvenience then the person responsible may be liable for damages. A conviction in the criminal court may be relied on in a claim for damages.
#1907 Nicole Jayne, 17 November 2013, 22:49
I agree it is hoerific not only what has happened to the road and cars being abandoned in rediculas places in the middle of the road with no lights on. But also the state of the field. With old run down rubbish, burnt out and frankly eye saw of cars left to rust in it. Is this really what we want visitors yo see. Their first impression of our Lovely little village. A car dump.
I have only lived here for 3 years with my parnter in the nurserys but we love this village. Everyone is so polite and friendly its a shame this one atrocity is the first view of our village.
Do we know what happens now planning has been denined?
#1909 Simon, 18 November 2013, 08:17
Nicole, yes the planning application has been refused but as to when Mr Shah will be moving out is anyones guess.
I came past at lunchtime on Sunday and there were cars parked on the road plus people standing in the road....traffic caos but Mr Shah just ignores the fact.
#1913 Francis, 21 November 2013, 21:00
Still there today, the nearby verges looking wrecked after the recent rainfall has softened them and road quite treacherous (or very treacherous if on a bycyle or motorcycle).
Well done Central Bedfordshire Council, Planning Enforcement team, you're making me proud while you shuffle pointless pieces of enforcement paper...
Utterly toothless, the lot of you.
#1914 Bernie, 22 November 2013, 08:10
Sent an email to Central Beds on the 18th asking what happens next but as yet have had no reply apart from the usual thank you.
Seems to me that Mr Shah will continue to take the P and Central Beds will do what they do best.
#1915 Simon, 22 November 2013, 10:15
I emailed the council too with a regard to how dangerous the 'muddy road' is to all road users especially motorcyclists - i will update if anything comes of it...
Dear Mr ******
Thank you for your email below.Your report has been logged to reference number 211382 and passed to the Bedfordshire Highways Area Team for their attention.If you would like an update on this report please call us on 0300 300 8049, or [email protected]. quoting the reference number.If I can be of any further assistance please contact me. Thank you for contacting Central Bedfordshire Highways Helpdesk
Mark Joiner
Customer Service Advisor
Highways Helpdesk
#1916 Francis, 22 November 2013, 18:45
Drove past today on daylight and all the cars are gone! Finally, now just the two static vans to go and many years for the countryside to heal itself....
#1917 Bernie, 23 November 2013, 11:01
Not been past for a while but if the cars are gone as Francis says then I should like to apologise to Central Beds Council.
In this case they seem to have acted very quickly.
#1918 Simon, 23 November 2013, 15:20
People Power wins in the end...
#1919 Francis, 24 November 2013, 17:10
Reading your post Bernie I thought that maybe I'd been quite harsh with my previous ones but thinking about it, no I haven't.
This has taken over a quarter of a year to resolve whilst in the meantime the countryside has been effectively vandalised, road safety in that location diminished and the poor houseowners just around the corner have clearly had a lot of people use their driveway as a place to turn around in to get back to the scrapyard, sorry, car lot.
It is crazy to me that people can setup shop and delay the inevitable whilst a retrospective planning application is processed, wasting our tax dollars which could be much better spent elsewhere.
I believe that this could and should have been resolved weeks and weeks ago. We must be thankful that no one was hurt along that stretch of road as a result in the meantime.
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