Land at the corner of The Rye and Totternhoe Rd
April 8, 2014 by unknown in forum Eaton Bray Parish Council
#2005 unknown, 8 April 2014, 13:09
I have heard that the new owners of Old Ley Farm are planning on putting in for planning permission on the above land and other land that is attached to the house, What are your views in this? In my opinion it is way to dangerous to have any access of the rye or totternhoe rd to accomadate any building planning permission. Also we have lost to much green bely land in the village already to houses.
#2051 Bernie, 28 May 2014, 11:54
Thought there was a 99 year uplift agreement with the council on this land (Council take a percentage of profit on future development).
I wouldn't be happy to see any houses there and I can see problems for the Rye.
#2188 Bernie, 11 November 2014, 09:00
There is an archaeological survey going on at Ley Farm as I post.
#2208 Bernie, 11 December 2014, 09:24
Application Number:
CB/14/04055/OUT (click for more details)
Application registered Consultation period Awaiting decision Decided Appeal Appeal decided
Registration Date:
08 / 12 / 2014
Parish Name:
Eaton Bray
Land off Totternhoe Road, Eaton Bray, Dunstable Beds LU6 2BD
Statutory Class:
Small Scale Major Dwellings 10-199
Outline planning permission is sought for residential development of up to 150 dwellings and associated works on land off Totternhoe Road, Eaton Bray.
Case Officer:
Vicki Davies
This case has not yet been decided
Obligation Status:
Not available
Appeal Received Date:
This case has no appeals against it
#2210 Bernie, 11 December 2014, 15:43
No planning notice on view in Totternhoe Rd or the Rye.
#2211 Bernie, 12 December 2014, 17:24
Working on the principal of 150 average family homes with parents and 2.4 children (knock the .4 off) that would come to 300 adults 300 kids.
Not sure the school could take it.
#2212 Ruth , 13 December 2014, 13:38
The applicant is Amberville Property Ltd and the owners of the land are cited as Matthew and Eleanor Pym of Great Green Farm and Sandra and Heather Foster of Old Leys Farm.
#2213 Bernie, 14 December 2014, 08:47
Plan shows a car park at the bottom of my garden.
Taking the p really as there is nowhere to park out the front.
#2215 Ruth , 14 December 2014, 12:00
I don't know what you are worried about. According to the Planning Statement there will be 'minimal impact on the wider landscape, including the openness of the Green Belt'. So 150 houses and two new roads will hardly be noticed! Also I never realised that the A41 runs through the centre of the village!
(Planning Statement).
#2216 Roy , 14 December 2014, 19:11
Bernie, maybe you could some maths along the same lines as your calculation for the number of school children but for sewage effluent to give it a polite name. As the sewers don't cope now, what chance with an extra 150 houses?
#2217 Bernie, 15 December 2014, 05:25
Not knowing the habits of others as I do my own it would not be possible to calculate even with my math skills.
More interested at the moment with the sewage effluent being created by Amberville Propertys.
#2218 Roy , 15 December 2014, 18:56
Amusing myself studying the proposed layout..... There are 5 private entrances onto Totternhoe Rd and The Rye between the two main access roads. Are they serious? On that corner!
#2219 Bernie, 16 December 2014, 07:51
Planning Statement.
Lies Lies and more Lies
#2220 Mark Costello, 16 December 2014, 09:25
The parish council have drafted a template objection letter, i have shared it on google drive and i think everyone should be able to access it at the link below, all you need to do is fill in the red sections with your details, print, sign and post.
#2221 Nigel, 16 December 2014, 10:35
We applied to build a house up dyers lane but were turned down because it was a dangerous corner. But it will be ok for the minimum of 150 cars to come out on the other side won!t it ?.
#2225 Bernie, 16 December 2014, 16:40
Email reply from Andrew Selous stating that he is absolutely against buildind 150 houses in Eaton Bray and has written to CBC to pass on his views.
#2226 Bernie, 18 December 2014, 14:52
If anybody is around the village on Saturday it may be worth taking a camera.
As its Christmas black bins are being collected on Saturday instead of Monday.
Send all photos to CBC. Could help with stopping development with a traffic jam or two.
#2227 Neil, 22 December 2014, 19:59
Thanks for the letter Mark. Link worked and letter has been completed, signed and will be ready for sending.
#2228 Nigel, 25 December 2014, 17:41
Sent my letter off yesterday I hope everyone does the same or else we. Can say goodbye to eaton bray the village .
#2229 Liz , 25 December 2014, 18:16
Lets not worry. Enjoy Christmas and Happy New Year x????
#2231 Bernie, 29 December 2014, 10:34
Dont know if the planning sign is up yet but have been informed by CBC Planning Office that the notification was in the LUTON NEWS just before Christmas.
Not too many of them floating about the village.
#2232 Eaton Bray Parish Council, 31 December 2014, 17:02
If you wish to comment on Planning Application CB/14/04055/OUT - outline planning permission for residential development of up to 150 dwellings and associated works on land off Totternhoe Road, Eaton Bray; please forward your comments to:
Ms. Victoria Davies
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory Hose
Monks Walk
Shefford SG17 5TQ
#2233 unknown, 1 January 2015, 15:32
Still no signs up as off yet.
#2234 unknown, 1 January 2015, 15:34
Is there a petition being circulated?
#2235 Eaton Bray Parish Council, 2 January 2015, 12:57
Comments/responses in relation to a Planning Application: it is important to note that in the recording of the number of planning application responses received by the principal authority (in this case Central Bedfordshire Council), the number of each individual letter of support/objection received will be taken into account. A petition, despite the number of names/signatures, will only count as one objection/support.
#2238 Eaton Bray Parish Council, 6 January 2015, 13:47
Confirmation received from Central Bedfordshire Council that site notices are to be displayed from today,6th January 2015, therefore the consultation date has been extended to 27th January 2015.
Please forward responses to this application by the 27th January to:
Ms. Victoria Davies, Planning Officer
Central Bedfordshire Council Priory House
Monks Walk
Shefford SG17 5TQ
Email: [email protected]
#2240 Bernie, 8 January 2015, 10:46
Just seen a larger version of the map and can see at least 3 driveways leading into Totternhoe Rd as well as a new access road.
#2241 Stu, 9 January 2015, 09:43
My objection letter was sent off Monday morning.
We moved to Eaton Bray because it's a small lovely village... The thought of them doing mass developments around here is very concerning.
#2243 Eaton Bray Parish Council, 11 January 2015, 15:08
Eaton Bray Parish Council have sent the following to Central Beds Council regarding Planning Application CB/14/04055/OUT - land off Totternhoe Rd, Eaton Bray/outline planning 150 dwellings.
We urge that if residents of Eaton Bray wish to object to the proposed development they write to the case officer, details below, providing your reasons for objection. It is important that you send a physical letter or email as it is not enough to just make a comment on the CBC website.
Write your letter of objection to:
Vicki Davies, Planning Officer
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House, Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ
Using the reference: Planning application CB/14/04055/OUT, Land off Totternhoe Road, Eaton Bray, Dunstable Beds LU6 2BD
Email: [email protected]
#2248 Eaton Bray Parish Council, 16 January 2015, 16:58
Planning Application CB/14/04055/OUT - land off Totternhoe Rd, Eaton Bray/outline planning 150 dwellings.
Deadline for responses - 27th January 2015.
#2250 Ally, 19 January 2015, 16:13
Any comments canbe left on this page
#2260 Bernie, 10 March 2015, 06:05
Application has been refused according to CBC Website.
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