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5 bells planning application

January 14, 2010 by Harry in forum Eaton Bray Parish Council

#142 Harry, 14 January 2010, 17:29

According to the Central Beds website this application was withdrawn on the 4th Jan. Should a similar development plan be submitted, there are further grounds of objection the Parish Council could pursue,

1) The 5 bells is situated within a conservation area and any proposed development would be out of keeping of said area.

2) The porch of the five bells and the small patch of land immediately in front of it is common land and must be accessible to all people at all times.

Source: Central Beds website: Environment and Planning section.

Good job EBPC, rubbish job Cllr Janes.

#349 Bernie, 1 May 2010, 10:13

New application for 5 Bells....

Demolition of store and yard and conversion of Public House into a dwelling with garage.(revised application CB/09/06434/FULL)

#352 Bernie, 3 May 2010, 12:08

Although the council have written to objectors of the last 5 Bells planning proposal as above, they have omitted three other planning proposals for same. CB/10/01467/FULL erection of a single dwelling and garage. CB/10/01470/FULL conversion and extension to existing barn to form a dwelling (plot 3) and erection of two additional dwellings (plots 4 and 5) CB/10/01479/CA demolition of store and yard in connection with the conversion of public house into a dwelling with garage. All applications were submitted 26/04/2010. Case  officer Mr A.D Robertson. There is at the moment nothing publicly posted around the pub...  is this the same as before?

#424 Man with the hump, 8 July 2010, 10:15

Central beds have approved building on the 5 Bells but its still not too late to stop it.The application is going to committee on 21/07/10 at Chicksands.One option still open to us is to write, email or telephone our local MP Andrew Selous.The more people who contact him to object the better.This building will affect the whole village in some way or another.There are only 2 parking spaces on each 4 bedroom property which means there is more chance of Totternhoe Road having cars parked in it.If you travel by public transport could be even more delays and what will taking away soft standing land from the garden of the 5 Bells do to the flooding at the bottom of The Comp which is in a flooding area.It will just take a few minutes to write or email....selousa
6c Princess Street Dunstable BedsLU6 3AX....Tel 01582 662821...This is not about keeping the pub open its about the way we are loosing land with no regard to the rest of the villagers...

#425 Man with the hump, 8 July 2010, 10:18

Sorry..some people may agree with the building in which case they can also contact Mr Selous

#426 Man with the hump, 8 July 2010, 10:37

Sorry again...Have just spoken to a planning officer who tells me that application HAS NOT been approved.Apologies to Cental Beds...
Also told application has been withdraw from the Committee meeting for the 3 houses on the garden but will probably go to Committee at a later date.

#465 Bernie, 21 July 2010, 19:36

Just returned from the committee meeting at Chicksands.Not a good result(depending on your point of view).New house on the car park passed and change of use passed.Both were recommended by planning department.Our man Ward Councillor Ken Janes voted for on change of use and abstained on building of 4 bedroom dwelling but only after stating he had no objections.Felt like we were peeing against the wind.

#466 Bernie, 22 July 2010, 10:37

Thought Councillor Janes had abstained on 4 bedder on the car park but Central Beds say it was passed unanimously.I just never saw his hand go up.

#655 Andy Parrott, 18 November 2010, 15:50

Shame that Eaton Bray/ Edlesborough is losing another pub - and now we have just 2. Couldn't the villagers club together and buy the pub? Not as wacky as some people may think. It would turn it into a real community focal point for everybody. However, mute point now as the pub has been sold.

#657 Raymond, 19 November 2010, 19:13

If more people had supported the Five Bells whilst it was open then it would still be there as a public house. It seems that the majority of the villagers want the pubs and shops in the village for a "real community focal point" but never seem to actually use them.

It is hypocritical for certain villagers to complain about closures of the village pubs and shops, If they were profitable businesses then they would not be closing down this will only happen if people use them!

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