Power cuts
June 23, 2014 by Jonathan Dyson in forum General Chat
#2084 Jonathan Dyson, 23 June 2014, 16:55
Can someone enlighten me as to why we have so many mini power cuts in the village????
#2101 Sarah, 18 July 2014, 10:27
We have the same problem. We only notice it's happened because the central heating programmer (which has battery back up) resets itself to factory settings and our hot water and heating comes on at all hours. It's getting to be a real problem, happening numerous times a week.
I've just raised it with Eastern Power Networks (electricity distributor) 0845 601 4516 and they will be investigating in next few days...
#2102 Sarah, 18 July 2014, 10:30
Note that Eastern Power Network is the general electricity distributor for the area. It's not to be confused with your provider who you choose who bills you for your electricity
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