April 15, 2009 by Alex in forum General Chat
#45 Alex, 15 April 2009, 12:19
hello, I'm trying to find out how to get an allotment, I presume there is a waiting list, if so, how do I find it and sign up?
thanks for your time.
#46 Eaton Bray Parish Council, 16 April 2009, 10:49
TO Alex: The allotments at The Meads, Eaton Bray are all currently let out, however the Parish Council do hold a waiting list for the allotments. Please write to the Parish Clerk direct (email [email protected]) with your details.
#117 Harry, 7 January 2010, 14:08
TO Eaton Bray Parish Council:
The Meads allotment may be full but there is still plenty of ground designated as allotment land in the village, up bower lane, school lane and down the rye for example?
If there is a demand for allotments and one site is full, then provision should be made by opening up another site.
There should not be a waiting list for an allotment plot in the village with so much laying empty.
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