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Rollings, Sharratt, Sear, Tavener, and related families

November 20, 2019 by Charlotte Easter in forum Genealogy / History

#3608 Charlotte Easter, 20 November 2019, 09:44

I have decided to add my E-Mail as I never seem to get E-Mail addresses for submitters from whomever is answering questions here now.

Got DNA proof that George Rollings 1785 Eaton Bray is a son of John Rollings 1759 Eaton Bray, but do not believe his mother is John's wife, Mary Upton (misspelled Hopton in marriage.) Have done research on Mary and have generations of her ancestors and their children.

Also DNA proof that Elizabeth Turrill who married Richard Gadsden in 1757 was the daughter of Thomas Tearle and Mary Sibley. I apologize to those I may have mislead by my note here years ago.

I have done a lot on the descendants of the families in the line above. I am currently working on Tearle and Gadsden families. .

There have been a lot of intermarriages with other families in Eaton Bray and surrounding parishes.

I'd love to hear from relatives looking for info.

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