News and Local Information about Eaton Bray in Bedfordshire.
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September 30, 2010 by Jacky Wise in forum Genealogy / History

#575 Jacky Wise, 30 September 2010, 08:28

#574 Jacky Wise, 29 September 2010, 18:37
My 3rd Greatgrandfather was William Lugsden born in Eaton Bray. His wife's name was Martha (nee Smith) who was born in 1802. I am researching the Lugsden line and would be most grateful for any information you might have concerning this name. William Lugsden had a son Jabez(my 2nd greatgrandfather) born in 1827 - 1905. He in turn had a son David Lugsden b. 1864. regards Jacky Wise

#576 Tom n Harry, 30 September 2010, 08:38

Hi Jacky...
Started this new thread so that you might get more replies.The Lugsden family at one time were a major topic in the village as in WW1 they lost 4 members of the family.Albert,Amos,Arthur and Frederick.If you go to the roll of honour site Eaton Bray there is a short history.They are also on the Wesleyan memorial.Are you looking for census info or anything else.

#580 Jacky Wise, 1 October 2010, 11:05

Hi. Thank you so much for replying so quickly.  As I am just starting out on this I would be very grateful for any information you might have with regard to the Lugsden family - i.e. cencus, family history etc, addresses.  Would you also be able to tell me if there are any members of the family still living in Eaton Bray or nearby. Thanking you. Jacky

#581 Tom n Harry, 1 October 2010, 20:45

Hi Jacky...Going through the census at the moment.Do you know who you are connected to after David?

#583 Jacky Wise, 3 October 2010, 00:37

Hi again. David Lugsden was my great grandfather (dob 1864), his father Jabez (dob 1827) and his father was William (dob 1801).

David Lugsden was the father to my grandmother Rose Lugsden(dob 1893) who married David Hill (dob 1895).Rose was mother of my father Robert Frederick Hill (dob 1920) and had a sister I knew as Mavis, but I'm not sure if that was her birth name. Obviously I would love to know as much as possible about this side of the family.
Thank you again for all your help. Jacky

#584 Tom n Harry, 4 October 2010, 12:27

Hi Jacky....Don't have anything on Lugsdens from parish records 1559-1812.I think they came from a place called Colmworth in Bedfordshire as we can see on later census.Will start postings with William.

#585 Tom n Harry, 4 October 2010, 12:32

1841 census living Westcot Sq Eaton Bray....Wlliam ag lab 40...Martha 35...John 15...Jabez 14...James 11...Elizabeth 8...Ann 5 ...William 3...George 1...All are born in the county except John.1841 census rounded up the ages of adults to the 5 year mark.

#586 Tom n Harry, 4 October 2010, 12:39

1851 census living Westcote Gate Eaton Bray...William,head,ag lab,54,EB...Martha,wife,plaiter,49,EB...Elizabeth,daughter,plaiter,19,EB...Ann,daughter,16,plaiter,EB...William,son,15,plaiter,EB...Robert,son,9,scholar,EB...Emma Abraham,visitor,14,EB...

#587 Tom n Harry, 4 October 2010, 12:43

1861 census living Westernside Eaton Bray...William,head,62,ag lab,Comauth...Martha,wife,60,plaiter,EB...Ann Brandam,daughter,26,plaiter,EB...Robert,son,19,ag lab,EB...Frederick Bird,visitor,14,farmers son,EB...

#588 Tom n Harry, 4 October 2010, 15:38

1871 census living Westernside Eaton Bray...William,head,73,Colmworth...Martha,wife,70,EB....Found a possible death for William age 78 reg Leighton Buzzard December 1876 vol 3b page 260.Will post Jabez census later.

#589 Tom n Harry, 4 October 2010, 17:52

1851 census living Westcote Gate EB...Jabez,head,23,straw plaiter,EB...Deborah,wife,24,EB...Martha,daughter,4,EB...Mary Ann,daughter,2,EB...Deborah's maiden name was Gadsden.They were married 31st May 1846 at EB.

#590 Tom n Harry, 4 October 2010, 17:58

1861 census EB...Jabez,head,33,straw plaiter,EB...Deborah,wife,34,EB...Mary Ann,daughter,13,EB...Jabez,son,6,EB...John,son,1,EB...There is a death for Martha in June of 1851 reg Leighton Buzzard vol 6 page 49.

#591 Tom n Harry, 5 October 2010, 08:50

1871 census Bedford Sq Eaton Bray...Jabez,head,43,ag lab,EB...Deborah,wife,44,EB...Jabez,son,16,EB...John,son,11,EB...Alfred,son,8,EB...David,son,7,EB...Jesse,son,4,EB...Elizabeth,daughter,7 months,EB

#592 Tom n Harry, 5 October 2010, 08:54

1881 census Bedford Sq Eaton Bray...Jabez,head,54,ag lab & straw cutter,EB...Deborah,wife,55,EB...Martha,mother,79,pauper on outdoor relief,EB...David,son,17,EB...Jesse,son,14,EB...Lizzie,daughter,10,EB...

#593 Tom n Harry, 5 October 2010, 09:36

Marriage for David to Sarah Ann Rollings 2nd August 1884 at Eaton Bray...Possible death's...Martha Lugsden age 85 reg Leighton Buzzard March 1885 vol 3b page 298...Deborah Lugsden age 61 reg Leighton Buzzard September 1887 vol 3b page 231...Can't find Jabez or David on 1891 census as yet but have found Jabez in 1901 at Leighton Buzzard Union Workhouse...Possible death...Jabez Lugsden age 79 reg Leighton Buzzard June 1905 vol 3b page 219.

#594 Tom n Harry, 5 October 2010, 10:04

1901 census Victoria Terrace Bower Lane Eaton Bray (still standing)...David,head,37,groom,EB...SarahA,wife,39,EB...Albert,son,14,EB...Lizzie,daughter,11,EB...Jesse,son,10,EB...Rose,daughter,8,EB...Fred,son,6,EB...Amos,son,4,EB...Arthur,son,2,EB...Not sure but I think that the Lugsden's on the war memorial were all David's son's.

#595 Tom n Harry, 5 October 2010, 11:01

Marriage for Rose Lugsden to David J Hill reg Luton September 1916 vol 3b page 930...Births to Hill with mothers name Lugsden...Robert F reg Lambeth December 1920 vol 1d page 684 and Norah M reg Wandsworth December 1922 vol 1d page 1025.

#596 Tom n Harry, 5 October 2010, 11:08

Sorry...Forgot about 1911...Name Lugsden has been transcribed as LEYSDEN..David,47...Albert,24...Lizzie,22...Jesse,19...Rose,18...Fred,16 are all living in the Leighton Buzzard district so that is still probabley Eaton Bray.Arthur,12 is also living in the district but not with the rest of the family and Amos,14 is living in the Luton District....Possible death...Sarah Ann Lugsden age 45 reg Leighton Buzzard March 1907 vol 3b page 282.

#597 Tom n Harry, 5 October 2010, 13:15

Posted on Genes Reunited for details of 1911 and got this reply...
LEYSDEN, David  Head  Widower  M  47  1864   Horsekeeper On Farm  Beds Eaton Bray  
LEYSDEN, Albert  Son  Single  M  24  1887   Nurserymans Labourer  Beds Eaton Bray  
LEYSDEN, Lizzie  Daughter   F  22  1889   Domestic Duties  Beds Eaton Bray  
LEYSDEN, Jesse  Son   M  19  1892   Yard Man Labourer(Railway company)  Beds Eaton Bray  
LEYSDEN, Rose  Daughter   F  18  1893   Printers Assistant  Beds Eaton Bray  
LEYSDEN, Fred  Son   M  16  1895   Nurseryman Labourer  Beds Eaton Bray  
LEYSDEN, Arthur  Son   M  12  1899   School  

Registration District:
Leighton Buzzard  Sub District:
Edledsborough  Enumeration District:
1  Parish:
Eaton Bray

High St Eaton Bray Dunstable  County:

#599 Marilyn Browne, 9 October 2010, 18:53


Jabez's daughter Mary Ann born 1850 (sister to David)
married William Irons in 1869( William  b 1848 in Northall).

#660 graham ryder, 21 November 2010, 15:55

My grandmothers maiden name was Ada Lugsden and she was born in Eaton Bray. her fathers name was David and her mothers name was Deborah.Have I any relations out there and where is or was Bedford square?
Graham Ryder

#661 graham ryder, 21 November 2010, 16:01

I said that my great grandmothers name was Deborah but it wasn't it was Sarah, wife of David.....Sorry.
Graham Ryder

#662 Marilyn Browne, 21 November 2010, 18:17

Do you mean Sarah A Rollings ?Marrying 2 8 1884 in Eaton Bray ??

#666 graham ryder, 22 November 2010, 09:54

Marilyn Brown, My grandmother was Ada Lugsden daughter of David and grand daughter of Jabez snr. I am pretty sure that her mums name and wife of David was Sarah. David and Sarah had other children as well, Do you know of any of these?
Graham Ryder

#671 graham ryder, 23 November 2010, 08:29

Can someone tell me when Jabez Lugsden born 1828 died at what age and where?
Many thanks
Graham Ryder

#672 Tom n Harry, 23 November 2010, 16:20

Graham....There is a death on Free BMD reg Leighton Buzzard June 1905 age 79. The name is transcribed as "JABES" but it looks like Jabez on the original record.

#673 Tom n Harry, 23 November 2010, 16:30

Graham...Jabez should have been on the list of burials in Bower Lane...
Sorry if he wasn't....In the 1901 census he is resident Leighton Buzzard Union Workhouse.Looks like he may have died there.If you see his death cert and it has the address 1 Grovebury Road as residence that is the workhouse.

#690 graham ryder, 3 December 2010, 13:31

David Lugsden was my great grandfather by way of his daughter Ada (My grandmother) Have I any relations out there?

Graham Ryder (Bromley Kent)

#744 Freya, 27 December 2010, 10:25

Hi from Australia!
I'm currently attempting to research my partner's family. His grandfather and great grandfather were both called George E Lugsden. Thank you so much for the information here so far! Now I have to see if these Lugsdens fit into his picture somehow.

#745 Tom n Harry, 28 December 2010, 10:21

Hi Freya....Do you have any dates for George?

#804 fred ldavid lugsden, 27 February 2011, 19:27


#805 Tom n Harry, 28 February 2011, 13:41

Hi Fred...What were the names of your grandparents? There is a marriage in June 1918 of a David Lugsden to Kate Clark.If this is the same David who was father to the 4 brothers he would be about 54 and about 57 when your father was born.

#806 fred ldavid lugsden, 28 February 2011, 20:00

HI, i have found my fathers original marriage certificate, and written is his dads name . DAVID LUGSDEN. retired farm labourer. my dads address at the time was ,24, northall road ,EATON BRAY, BEDS. DAD did mention many times that his mum died when he was very young and that he spent alot of time staying with the RAISY FAMILY,who ran the local post office. dad was in the navy where he met my mother,they married on the 28 august 1943 and m,oved to my mums home place of HULL, EAST YORKS . any further info would be appreciated.    fred david lugsden.  

#807 Tom n Harry, 1 March 2011, 06:21

Hi Fred....Have found on Free BMD.... Death for Kate Lugsden reg Leighton Buzzard December 1926 vol 3b page 404 age 39........
Birth's for Lugsden with mother's maiden name Clark all registered Leighton Buzzard...Dorothy R June 1919 3b 437...Eileen B June 1920 3b 743...Frederick A September 1921 3b 598...Maisie J June 1924 3b 525...Rose December 1925 3b 486.

#808 Tom n Harry, 1 March 2011, 07:07

Possible deaths....Dorothy R reg Leighton Buzzard September 1919 3b 327 age 0...Rose reg Leighton Buzzard December 1925 3b 409 age 0...Eileen B reg Luton December 1940 3b 998 age 20.

#809 Tom n Harry, 1 March 2011, 08:20

Possible death for David reg Luton 3rd quarter 1946 vol 4a page 88 age 82.

#810 Tom n Harry, 1 March 2011, 11:43

Hi Fred...Your father's family lived next door to the Raisey's in Northall Road and he was a half brother to the boys on the war memorial.Before going into the Navy he worked at Costin's Farm and at Wallace's Farm who as well as having The Nurseries had a large concern in the poultry trade which your father looked after.

#818 Freya, 7 March 2011, 01:54

After more research and assistance from people from all over the world, have found that George E Lugsden was actually born and christened as George Edward Lugsden Cox. Have received his birth certificate. With help from David11000 in France, have found the links back to William Lugsden 1698 (and wife Ann Peppercorn).
David has loads of people in the tree he's prepared.
I'm still trying to flesh it all out.

#819 David11000, 10 March 2011, 15:25

I've been working on the Eaton Bray branch of the Lugsdens for the past few days, and have been putting it all on an Ancestry tree called LUGSDIN/Lugsden. If you can't get into it just let me know and I'll send an invitation.

Rose (Lugsden)Hill and and her sister Ada (Lugsden) Ryder seem to have been living at the same address in June 1919 - 1 Cottage Avenue, Bromley per a paper in their brother Amos' service record.

The Eaton Bray branch came from Colmworth/Lt Staughton, Beds. Don't know why William should have moved from one end of the county to the other!

#903 Jacky Wise, 18 April 2011, 18:14

My Great Grandmother was also Sarah who was married to David Lugsden.  Their daughter Rose was my grandmother - married David Hill and their son Robert was my father.  I have a photo of my grandmother with possibly her mother and/or sister.

#980 Gavyn Lugsden, 28 September 2011, 12:00

I live in Eaton Bray and I am a Lugsden...! If anybody needs some help building a family tree or require local info, please drop me a line.

#981 Marilyn Browne, 28 September 2011, 19:28

Hello Gavyn,

I am interested in finding out more about Mary Ann Lugsden born  abt 1850 who married in to my Irons family (William Irons)in 1869 .
Are you able to help?

Marilyn Browne

#998 Martin, 28 September 2011, 22:27

I note the RAISY FAMILY ran the local post office. Is that me? In that,  rumour has it that the Northall Inn, then known as the Village Green Inn had a Post office and shop in the outbuildings. If so that conflicts with my understanding?
Does the Post Office story ring true with any of you? There's evidence of a butchers too. See my Northall Inn thread.

#1008 Charlotte Easter, 2 October 2011, 01:44


Sarah was Sarah Ann Rollings born abt 1862 EB to Henry Rollings and Christiana Gadsden. Henry was born 27 Sep 1825 and baptized 8 Jan 1826 EB and Christiana was born 22 Apr 1830 EB and baptized in the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel there 6 Apr 1834.  They married 14 May 1848 EB.  Her parents were Richard Gadsden and Hannah Hodgins married 26 Oct 1829 Leighton Buzzard. I have not extended their lines.

Henry was the son of Samuel Rollings and Ann Spring (born abt 1799 Westoning) married 1 Nov 1824 Toddington.  Ann's parents were John Spring and Ann, no info known, names from Wesleyan Methodist records.  Samuel's parents were John Rollings and Mary Upton, recorded as Hopton, married 17 Apr 1786 EB.  A relative has made that connection and now we can go back on the Upton side.  John bap as John Rawlins 7 Oct 1759 EB. son of James Rollings and Betty/Betsy/ Elizabeth Fowler married Totternhoe 16 Apr 1851.  Mary Upton bap Houghton Regis 15 Apr 1764 to Richard Upton and Martha Swain who married HR 18 Oct 1762.

Then we are stuck on James. The closest I can come is a non-conformist couple who have some babies buried in Edlesborough, living in Ringshall who seem to be John Rawlins and Frances Okyens who married 8 Jan 1708/9 Edlesborough, but no proof, but only possible family can find around.  Of course, James may have moved into the area from elsewhere.  Betty/Betsey/Elizabeth chr 7 Mar 1734/1735 Edlesborough to Henry and Elizabeth Fowler, no marriage found.  

Henry Fowler bap 16 Feb 1693/94, Edlesborough to John Fowler and Jane Ware married 16 Nov 1690 Ivinghoe.  I think she was Jane Hill widow of John Ware who married Buckland, Bucks. 22 Jul 1671 (he died 1685) and lived in Ivinghoe, having four children, but I can't prove it.  John would also be a widower as two children baptized before 1690.

Back to Upton. Richard Upton son of Robert Upton (and Victoria) bap 29 Apr 1670 to Richard Upton and Ann Evans, married 2 Oct 1694 Ampthill. Richard Upton bap 29 Apr 1670 Ampthill to John Upton and Mary. Ann Evans 3 Mar 1672/3 to Richard Evans and Rebecca.

Hope some of this is new to you,


#1009 Charlotte Easter, 2 October 2011, 02:55


Rollings-Fowler marriage in 1751 not 1851.

Re: children of William Lugsden and Martha Smith.

Ann Lugsden born abt 1836 was second wife of Charles Rollings (bro of my second great-grandfather) married (I have a different date, but can't find where I got it.) 2 Jan 1868 in Leighton Buzzard District. In 1861 I think her first husband might have been in an military hospital in Portsea, Hampshire.


#1053 Gary Wayne Lugsden, 2 November 2011, 23:52

I'm a Lugsden!
Wow, how small the Internet makes the planet...
I'm Gary, 41, married, 2nd time, & have 2 sons.
My mum, dad ( who has already commented above - Frederick David Lugsden ) 2 brothers, 1 with a son, 1 with a son & 2 daughters, all live in North Lincs. My dads sister, lives only a few miles away.
I saw a reference to the Eaton Bray memorial above.
The Lugsdens were my granddads half brothers as I remember. Grandad was Frederick Aurthur. I found, & have somewhere, images of his brothers wartime recognition awards / medal certificates. My dad visited the memorial with grandad in the early eighties. I must do the same 1 day! I also recognised Gavyn above. We exchanged email briefly, some years ago. I also contacted Keith Lugsden in Australia. Was anyone else naive enough to think they were the only Lugsdens? I was until Google ! I have only sped read the articles, but will return real soon. In the meantime, feel free to reply to this post, or my email if it is visible. Gaz.

#1125 Freya, 13 December 2011, 23:41

Hi Gary,
I just returned to this site as I'm revisiting the Lugsden tree again. Still fleshing out multiple branches down from William Lugsden (1698-1767) and Ann Peppercorn, as well as going up from Keith Lugsden's Australian family (or, more accurately, his brother Graham). It seems to me so far that any Lugsden discovered can probably be traced back in to the family.
As you say, its infinitely simpler with the internet now!

#1134 june rymer (nee Lugsden), 13 January 2012, 12:43

I am June Ann Lugsden - Frederick Arthur Lugsden's (born 1921 died 1996) daughter. (sister of Frederick David Lugsden and auntie of Gary Lugsden who have commented on this site) I have also been very interested recently in tracing our family Lugsden tree. My grandfather David Lugsden(horsekeeper in Eaton Bray) had four sons to his first wife who died young and these sons got themselves killed in the 1914/1918 war(on the Eaton Bray war memorial) SO David remarried my grandmother and had 5 children, two daughters who died young and Maisy, Peggy and Frederick Arther my father. my aunt Peggy remarried in the 1970's and emigrated to Australia. I am not aware of any other blood link to Australia other than Peggy. Her daughter Catherine is roughly the same age as me (born approx. 1945/46 in Eaton Bray) and I would love to hear from her as we used to visit Uncle Stuart and Auntie Peggy and Catherine quite often when I was young. Any more information I can help with pleas contact me on this link. june.

#1553 Jackie Lugsden, 11 February 2013, 17:39

Lugsden family tree (Hazel Grove, Stockport contingent).  Just started on looking for my husband's family tree.  Great grandfather of my husband was William born in Eton Bray, Bedfordshire but married Agnes and they lived in Durham, Gateshead area.  They had numerous children, one of which was Stanley, my husband's grandfather, he married Isabella Robertson and they lived in Hazel Grove near Stockport.  Any relatives out there I would love to hear from you to fill in the blanks.

#1554 Tom n Harry, 12 February 2013, 10:00

Hi Jackie

William was at least one of seven children born to Robert Lugsden born c1844 Eaton Bray and Sarah Ann Tompkins born c1846 Northall Bucks.
They were married in 1864.

#1555 Tom n Harry, 12 February 2013, 10:29

Could be your William.

Ancestry have a medal card for William Lugsden 2447 Private in the Durham Light Infantry enlisting on 27th June 1915.

#1557 Tom n Harry, 12 February 2013, 11:46

Entry above could be Stanley's brother.

Medal card for Stanley on Ancestry Private 3429 Durham Light Infantry.

Private 31473 Labour Corps.

Joined 30th October 1915.

#2271 Jamas Francis Lugsden, 6 April 2015, 20:59

My father was Jesse Lugsden, the only one of his brothers to survive the '14/'18 war.  I remember visiting my grandfather, David, in Northhall Road as a boy.  As I remember his house was next to the house which served as the Post Office.  David's death in 1946 was due to an accident when he was run over by a bicycle.  I remember my ants Maisey and Peggy.

#2431 Jacky Wise, 1 July 2016, 14:54

To James Francis Lugsden. As my grandmother was Rose Lugsden born 1893  who had three or four brothers who died during the 1914/18 war I guess your father would have been my great uncle thus making us 2nd or 3rd cousins? Hi. Jacky

#3463 Frederick David Lugsden, 17 November 2016, 13:02

I am just approaching 70 years of age now and am amazed at the information I have read of the very large family of the Lugsdens all seem to originate from the Eaton Bray area.Cannot help going back over this site many times to bring back old memories of my father and mother and to where my life strated from. WONDERFULL.

#3481 Craig Albiston, 21 March 2017, 11:25

I'm looking for information on George Lugsden, b. 1850 in Eaton Bray to John Lugsden and Rebecca Proctor. He married Ruth Smith 20 August 1869 at Eaton Bray. Hoping to find more about Ruth's parents and grandparents.  

#3489 Charlotte Easteer, 16 April 2017, 01:33

Hi Craig,

Ruth Smith was the daughter of David Smith and Eliza Tale/Tearle married 18 Mar 1850 Edlesborough. There is an Ancestry tree Day/Pipkin that extends the families.

#3531 Elaine Walker, 21 May 2018, 22:47

I'm trying to trace my mum's side of the family which is linked to Marjorie Lillie Lugsden (born 24/4/1923) from Eaton Bray who was married to Stewart Ramsay in Dec 1941. Does anyone have any info about her side of the family? Was wondering if any relatives of hers are still around in the area?

#3639 Frederick David Lugsden, 29 July 2020, 10:32

So,it is woderfull to have read the input of so many people showing interest in Lugsden family of old can only hope that many have now understood where our past lies.What an amazing contribution by all, it has certainly opened my eyes. Thank you.

#3729 Jackie Lugsden, 16 January 2025, 15:06

I have just  re-started with Ancestry to carry on tracing the Hazel Grove, Stockport and Gateshead branches of the Lugsden family.
Great grandfather of my husband was William born in Eton Bray but somehow he moved to Gateshead and then his son Stanley after serving in WW1 moved to Hazel Grove near Stockport and became a barber.  Any new information regarding why William would move so far away from his roots to Gateshead would be appreciated.

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