Archived News - Taverners
Eaton Bray Taverners Bridge Club
Bridge Players
Why not bring a partner and play duplicate bridge on Friday evenings from 7.30pm. to 10.30pm. If you need a partner, please phone the club secretary on 01525 221779. Lesson and practise duplicate play 2.00pm. to 5.00pm until June 8th, restarting Friday 21st September.
Bridge Curio
These are the hands of all the players:
- 7 6
- 9 8 3 2
- A K Q J 3
- K Q
- 5 4 2
- Q J
- 10 9 5
- J 9 8 7 6
- J 10 3
- 10 5 4
- 8 7 6
- 5 4 3 2
- A K Q 9 8
- A K 7 6
- 4 2
- A 10
Through a bidding misunderstanding, South became the declarer in a contract of 6 clubs (12 tricks with clubs as trumps). It is most unusual to play in a trump contract when the opposition have got a nine-card fit in your trump suit, especially when you are at the small slam level. West leads the J. You can see all four hands, can the contract be made? Answer on the website [see below for details].
Bridge courses
Courses for absolute beginners, improvers and advanced players are scheduled to start in September 2007.
Please phone 01525 221779 for more information.
Eaton Bray Taverners Bridge Club meets in the Coffee Tavern.
For full contact details, please see their website:
Source: Focus, June 2007
Eaton Bray Taverners Bridge Club
Bridge Players
Why not bring a partner and play duplicate bridge on Friday evenings from 7.30pm. to 10.30pm. If you need a partner, please phone the club secretary. Lesson and practise duplicate play 2.00pm. to 5.00pm. restarts on Friday 22nd September (no partner required).
Bridge Problem
Here is a bridge problem for you to solve:
- 6 4
- Q 6 3
- A Q 10 5
- A 9 7 6
- A J 3
- A K 4
- J 7 4 3
- K 8 2
You are South, the dealer, arriving in the game contract of 3NT. West leads 5 on which you play 6
from dummy with Q
from East. Which card do you play? If you swapped the diamond holdings between North and South would it make any difference to your choice? Answer on website [see below for details].
Bridge news and courses
In January 2007, the club will celebrate its 10th year. Starting Sept 21st there are courses scheduled for beginners, improvers and advanced players and also two fast-track courses for bridge on the Internet using SAYC and computer-assisted learning. Please phone the club secretary for details or visit the website.
Eaton Bray Taverners Bridge Club meets in the Coffee Tavern.
For full contact details, please see their website:
Source: Focus, October 2006