Archives of Eaton Bray News for the Category/Tag Playgroup.
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Archived News - Playgroup

Eaton Bray Pre-School Playgroup

This article was published in December 2006. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

We are currently getting ready for Christmas and this term our theme is celebrations, numbers and colours. We are also planning a Christmas concert on Tuesday 19th December and our party day is Wednesday 20th December. Please give Cindy a ring if you want to come and join in. We come back on January 4th 2007.

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

More information is available about Playgroup in Eaton Bray.

Source: Focus, December/January 2007

Eaton Bray Pre School Playgroup

This article was published in June 2006. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

The Playgroup welcomed the Ofsted Inspection by Margaret Coyne on 29th March and we are happy to confirm that Ms Coyne has provided a glowing report.

The purpose of inspection is to assure government, parent and the public of the quality of childcare and this is done by measuring against five criteria. These are Helping children to be healthy, Protecting children from harm or neglect and helping them to stay safe, Helping children achieve well and enjoy what they do, Helping children make a positive contribution, and finally Organisation.

Ms Coyle found all aspects of the provision were strong, and rated each section as good, and that overall the quality and standards of the care are good.

The topic for this half-term is 'Health and Hygiene', and with the summer approaching we shall be encouraging the children to 'slip slap slop' (t-shirt, hat and sun cream!). Healthy foods and drinks will be enjoyed, and we shall have fun playing with water safely.

If you would like to visit the playgroup, or discuss the Ofsted inspection, please contact Playgroup leader Cindy.

Source: Focus, June 2006