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Archived News - Countryside

Consultation registration form

This article was published in January 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Central BedfordshireCentral Bedfordshire Council is compiling a Consultation Register. If you are interested in particular areas of CBC's work ie; Parks and Open Spaces, Public Transport, Transport Strategy, Countryside etc., you can register to receive information/consultation on your chosen areas as and when they arise.

The online registration form is available via the link below. Please click to sign up and list your interests.

The online Consultation Registration form:

Best wishes,

Stephen Halton
Senior Project Officer (Ecology & Community)
Countryside Access Team
Central Bedfordshire Council

Traditional Orchards survey

This article was published in January 2011. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Central BedfordshireCan you help us find out more about Bedfordshire's traditional orchards?

Traditional orchards are a much loved part of our British heritage and countryside. Once they were a common sight, however, over the last 50 years they have declined by almost 60% due to neglect, intensification of agriculture and pressure from land development.

The orchards that remain are home to a host of local varieties of fruit and are also havens for wildlife - bees and other insects pollinating the flowers in spring, lichens flourishing on the bark and birds and insects finding shelter in the decaying wood of old trees.

The People's Trust for Endangered Species is carrying out a nationwide project to compile an inventory of the traditional orchards that still exist. Roughly 240 probable traditional orchards have been identified from aerial photos of Bedfordshire and PTES is now hoping that local volunteers and orchard owners will help them verify these findings by a conducting a simple field survey.

The Bedfordshire & Luton Orchard Group is helping to co-ordinate the survey so if you would like to get involved, please contact Sue Raven on

Please help us find out what is left of Bedfordshire's traditional orchards before it's too late!

Many thanks,
Stephen Halton
Senior Project Officer
(Ecology & Community)
Countryside Access Team
Central Bedfordshire Council
Technology House
Ampthill Road
MK42 9QQ

Council encourages us all to get walking

This article was published in May 2007. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

County council spokesman, John Pilgrim, said: "We all know that exercise is good for us but there's so much conflicting advice around about how best to keep fit that it can be confusing. But nothing could be simpler than joining a few friends on a good walk through the Bedfordshire countryside.

"Research shows that taking a walk is good for you and taking that walk along with a group of friends through pleasant surroundings is a real bonus."

To find out about walks in your area, visit the website at, or telephone healthy walks manager, Liz Millbank, on 01234 762605.

Mr Pilgrim said the council's countryside access team has also produced a number of leaflets which contain information on some stunning walks in the county.

County council cabinet member for community services, Cllr Bob King, said: "The great thing about keeping fit through walking is that you can do it at your own pace and so those 30 minutes a day that we should all spend walking can also be split up into short 10 minute pieces while you build up your fitness.

"There are also ways that people can keep fit and help the community at the same time. Why not offer your services to one of the teams who work throughout the county on conservation projects? They will be pleased to hear from you".

Source: Leighton Buzzard Observer, 8 May 2007