Archives of Eaton Bray News for the Category/Tag Coronavirus.
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Archived News - Coronavirus

Bower Lane Cemetery

This article was published in April 2020. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Coronovirus - Bower Lane Cemetery

Losing a loved one is a sad and distressing experience, and funerals are important and personal. During this very difficult time for the country, the Government's aim is to protect the most vulnerable from the spread of Coronavirus.
Public Health England (PHE) have stipulated that funerals must be conducted in a manner consistent with social distancing principles to avoid the further spread of Covid-19.
We are very mindful of such a sensitive matter, however we also have to consider guidance from the Government – the key outcome is that funerals should continue, as normally as possible for now, but take into account the guidelines issue for minimising the risk of transmission. To help reduce the risk of spreading the infection, advice is for a restriction on the number of mourners who attend funerals, so a safe distance of at least 2 metres can be maintained between individuals. Only members of the deceased person's household or close family members should attend funerals. During the service, all mourners should remain two metres apart from anyone not living in their household at all times. Refrain from making physical contact with anyone outside of your household. Any individual displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should not attend. Also, we would discourage those in the vulnerable group, over 70 or with health conditions from attending. Those who do attend will need to adhere to social distancing at all times, including when travelling to and from the funeral.
The cemetery, at this time, will remain open for visitors, but only if this forms part of their daily exercise. We ask visitors to observe social distancing guidelines, by keeping two metres apart.
Eaton Bray Parish Council will continue to review the situation in line with government advice. We appreciate your understanding in this matter and thank you for working with us in such challenging times.

Eaton Bray Play Parks Temporary Closure

This article was published in March 2020. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

Coronovirus: Eaton Bray Play Parks temporary closure

Eaton Bray play parks temporary closure
Following Government advice, the Eaton Bray play parks in School Lan Recreation Ground and The Rye Recreation Ground are closed.
Whilst the open space remains open for public exercise in line with the Government's guidance, please ensure your children do not use the swings, slides and other play equipment during this time of isolation. This is to aid in the stopping of the spread of COVID-19 and we urge all parishioners to abide by this guidance.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Eaton Bray Parish Council meetings

This article was published in March 2020. Please see Latest News for more recent information.


In light of the recent Government announcements relating to limiting gatherings and encouraging social distancing to reduce the spread of Coronavirus, members of Eaton Bray Parish Council have concluded that the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 6th April 2020 should be cancelled and the Annual Parish Meeting & Annual Meeting of Eaton Bray Parish Council be moved back to Monday 25th May 2020. However, we are continually monitoring developments related to Coronavirus very closely in line with guidance from the Government and may have to make the decision to re-schedule future Parish Council meeting dates.
The Parish Council are disappointed to come to this decision, but these are unprecedented times and are working hard to protect ourselves and others. We are aware that those who attend meetings (members of public/Parish Councillors) may be elderly and some have underlying health conditions - putting them in the high risk category if they contract Coronavirus.
The Parish Council will still be actively acting on your behalf and should you have any concerns/issues you can contact The Parish Clerk or Chairman of the Parish Council, Cllr Marie Brewer.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.


This article was published in March 2020. Please see Latest News for more recent information.

The Parish Council urge all parishioners to check the Government's official Coronavirus web page for advice, updates and information if you are concerned.

Coronovirus poster - EBPC (13-Mar-2020)

In light of the current Coronavirus situation the Pastoral Care Team at St. Mary's, Eaton Bray welcomes your assistance in identifying any of our parishioners who might be sick or otherwise benefit from their support during this challenging time.
Please contact Gaye Soule or send an email to in this regard.
The Eaton Bray Good Neighbours scheme will continue to operate and the details of what they can do can be seen in Focus.
Call them if you need assistance and they may be able to help. The line is manned from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. At other times you can leave a message.